23.6 A Program to Use Infinite Arrays

I l @ ve RuBoard

The infinite array structure is shown in Figure 23-1. The program uses a simple linked list to store the elements of the array. A linked list can grow longer as needed (until you run out of memory). Each list element, or bucket, can store 10 numbers . To find element 38, the program starts at the beginning, skips past the first three buckets, and extracts element 8 from the data in the current bucket.

Figure 23-1. Infinite array structure

Example 23-4 contains the code for module ia.cpp .

Example 23-4. ia/ia.cpp
 /********************************************************  * infinite-array -- routines to handle infinite arrays *  *                                                      *  * An infinite array is an array that grows as needed.  *  * There is no index too large for an infinite array    *  * (unless we run out of memory).                       *  ********************************************************/ #include <iostream> #include <cstdlib> #include <assert.h> #include "ia.h"                 // get common definitions  /********************************************************  * operator [] -- find an element of an infinite array  *  *                                                      *  * Parameters                                           *  *      index   -- index into the array                 *  *                                                      *  * Returns                                              *  *      Reference to the element in the array           *  ********************************************************/ int& infinite_array::operator [] (const unsigned int index) {     // pointer to the current bucket      class infinite_array *current_ptr;     unsigned int current_index; // Index we are working with     current_ptr = this;     current_index = index;     while (current_index >= BLOCK_SIZE) {         if (current_ptr->next == NULL) {             current_ptr->next = new infinite_array;             if (current_ptr->next == NULL) {                 std::cerr << "Error:Out of memory\n";                 exit(8);             }         }         current_ptr = current_ptr->next;         current_index -= BLOCK_SIZE;     }     assert(current_index >= 0);     assert(current_index <              sizeof(current_ptr->data)/sizeof(current_ptr->data[0]));     return (current_ptr->data[current_index]); } /********************************************************  * ~infinite_array -- Destroy the infinite array        *  ********************************************************/ infinite_array::~infinite_array(  ) {     /*      * Note: We use a cute trick here.      *      * Because each bucket in the infinite array is      * an infinite array itself, when we destroy      * next, it will destroy all that bucket's "next"s      * and so on recusively clearing the entire array.      */     if (next != NULL) {        delete next;        next = NULL;     } } 
I l @ ve RuBoard

Practical C++ Programming
Practical C Programming, 3rd Edition
ISBN: 1565923065
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2003
Pages: 364

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