

Sales, as a business requirement, 19
Sales order processing, 115, 140
Samples in this book, using, 311-319
Scalability, 229
Screen scrapers, 27
Serializing and deserializing of data, 109, 111, 126
Service Cache pattern, 274, 277
Service component (Service Factory pattern), 266
Service component (service-oriented architecture), 40
Service directories, 9
in the case study, 95
explosion of listings in, 82
Service directory class diagram, 77
Service Directory pattern, 53, 75-98
collaborations, 79-81
components , 78-79
in practice, 76
preparing to implement, 81-82
Service Factory pattern and, 264-265
Service-oriented Architecture pattern and, 55, 97
structure, 77-81
Service factory
building, 270
execution sequence diagram, 272
flow of, 271-273
implementation, 271
using, 273-274
variations of, 274
Service Factory pattern, 12, 15, 261-277
as a Singleton pattern, 270
and Business Process pattern, 151
business requirements fulfilled by, 275
caching information in, 269
in the case study, 274-276
collaborations, 267-268
components, 266-267
hard-coded information in, 269
implementing, 270-274
in practice, 262-265
preparing to implement, 268-270
related patterns, 277
Service Directory pattern and, 264-265
structure, 265-268
Service implementation
avoiding bloat in, 227-229
deploying, 107-109
details, 124-126
lifecycle, 47
lifecycle options, 228
Service information structures (UDDI), 83-93
Service interface, 266
Service location sequence diagram, 268
Service-Oriented Architecture pattern, 35-56
Architecture Adapter pattern and, 74
collaborations, 41-42
components, 40
explained, 9
intent of, 36
metadata in, 9
preparing to implement, 42-43
related patterns, 55-56
scenarios, 38
and service directory, 97
structure, 39
using, 37-38
Web Services and, 44-53
ServiceFactory component, 266-267
ServiceImplementation component, 77-78, 231-232
ServiceInformation class, 77-81
ServiceInformation component, 77-79
ServicePublisher component, 78
avoiding bloat in, 227-229
binding to tModels, 91-93
defined, 36-37
deploying, 46-50, 107-109
deploying using Apache Axis, 46-47
deploying using WSDL, 48-50
details of, 124-126
finding, 75
implementation of in Web Services, 40
lifecycle of, 47
lifecycle options, 228
registering, 53
searching for and listing, 76
in service-oriented architecture, 40
technical specifications for, 89-90
Servlets, 31
Session scope (Apache Axis lifecycle), 228
Seti@Home project, ad-hoc federations, 206
Ship Order process (case study), 22
Shipping, as a business requirement, 19
Shipping process (case study), 133
SIC (Standard Industrial Classification) system, 83
Simplicity, faux implementation for, 245-246
Singleton pattern, service factory as, 270
Small footprint, faux implementation for, 245
SMTP (Simple Mail Transfer Protocol), 51
Snapshots, 172, 175, 181-182
SOAP (Simple Object Access Protocol), 44, 50, 106
as XML-based communication protocol, 50
building Java adapters to, 109
communicating using, 50-53
flexibility of, 52
minimizing number of transformations through, 279
SOAP body, 51
SOAP documents, 51
SOAP envelope, 51, 254
SOAP header, 51
SOAP-ignorance, and using Apache Axis tools, 65
SOAP message content, 51-52
SOAP messages, 49-52, 67, 106, 122
between client and Web Service, 110
between subscribers and event service, 254
deserializing back to JavaBeans, 111
listening for, 256-257
originating as JavaBeans, 111
received by a subscriber, 254-255
root node, 51
structure of, 51, 110-111
from a subscriber, 255
SOAP over HTTP, 30
SOAP processor (Apache), 257
SOAP request documents, 47, 51
delivering, 53
listing of, 52
SOAP response documents, 51-52
SOAP response message listing, 52
Software architectures. See Architectures
Software cycle, 7-8
Software patterns, 5-6
applying, 7-8
publishing, 7
Software phone emulator, 248
Software required to install examples, 312-313
Source code, downloading, 318
SourceForge open -source Web site, 13, 311, 318-319
SQL (Structured Query Language), 93, 121, 297-298, 303
SSh (Secure Shell), 318-319
Standardization, event monitors for, 171
Standardized interfaces
for the case study, 274-275
enforcing, 264
future of, 263-264
innovation and, 264
for Web Services, 83
Status (business process), 160
Status change monitoring, 180-182
Status equality tests, 178
Storefront, 154
Structured data, benefits of using, 298
Structures with data instances, containment of, 92
Stub generation, application-side, 237
Subscriber component (Publish/Subscribe), 211
Subscriber registration
with event service, 217-218
with RMI Naming service, 240
Subscriber service, 214
in action, 239-241
implementation listing, 238
implementing, 236, 256-257
WSDL interface, 253
SubscriberImpl component (Publish/Subscribe), 212
Subscribers to Web Service events, 11
Subscription lists, persistent, 214
Sun ONE Studio CVS client, 319
Supplier variability (case study), 261
Surrogate architecture (Jini), 37
Synchronization programs, 5
System state, publishing an event related to, 206

Web Service Patterns
Web Services Patterns: Java Edition
ISBN: 1590590848
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2003
Pages: 190 © 2008-2017.
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