Concurrency Control

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Let's quickly recap. Suppose you write this code:

 strSQL = "SELECT CustomerID, CompanyName, BalanceDue FROM Customers" With rsCustomers .CursorLocation = adUseClient .Open strSQL, cnDatabase, adOpenStatic, _ adLockOptimistic, adCmdText .Find "CustomerID = 7" .Fields("BalanceDue") = .Fields("BalanceDue") + 50 .Update End With 

The ADO Cursor Engine will then build the following action query to modify the data in your database:

 UPDATE Customers SET BalanceDue = 175 WHERE CustomerID = 7 AND BalanceDue = 125 

You now know where the table name, field names, and primary key data came from. There's only one piece of this action query that we haven't covered—the fact that the original value for the modified field appears in the WHERE clause along with the value of the primary key field. Why is that piece of information in the action query? The reason has to do with the difficulties involved in concurrent updates.

The Importance of Being Polite

It's relatively simple to develop database applications that will be used by only a single user at a time. But once you add a second user, things become much more complex.

Take our simple example as, well, an example. Say that the application is designed for telephone operators to take orders over the phone. When the customer calls and reaches an operator, that operator enters the customer's ID into your application and retrieves that customer's information. Toward the end of the call, the operator enters a $50 order for the customer, and your code increases the customer's balance due from $125 to $175 by modifying the appropriate Field object in the Recordset.

Now suppose that, unbeknownst to the operator, an employee in the billing department accesses the same database and processes a $100 check from that same customer between the time that your application retrieves the customer data for the operator and the time that the operator tries to enter the order. When the operator received the call, the customer's balance due was $125, but by the time the operator tries to submit the order, the customer's balance due has changed to $25.

How should your application handle this situation? That's open to discussion. Ultimately, I would want the system to accept the customer's order and set the balance due to $75. If you're building your own action queries and not relying on the features available through an updatable Recordset, you could simply issue a query such as the following:

 UPDATE Customers SET BalanceDue = BalanceDue + 50 WHERE CustomerID = 7 

However, the ADO Cursor Engine is a bit like a doctor: Its first imperative is to do no harm. It does not want to unintentionally overwrite changes made by another user. Therefore, the ADO Cursor Engine uses the original value for the modified fields in the WHERE clause of the action query.

Determining Whether an Update Succeeds

As I said earlier, this is the action query that the ADO Cursor Engine built to submit a change to the database:

 UPDATE Customers SET BalanceDue = 175 WHERE CustomerID = 7 AND BalanceDue = 125 

Since, in this particular case, the BalanceDue for the record was updated to 25 before this call was made, ADO would raise the following error:

 "The specified row could not be located for updating: Some values may have been changed since it was last read." 

Perfect! This is exactly what you need. If the update attempt had succeeded, the operator would've changed the balance due to $175, unknowingly overwriting the changes made by the employee in the billing department. But how did ADO know to generate this error?

If you took the previous action query and programmatically submitted it to the database, the query would not generate such an error. In fact, it would not generate an error at all. Instead, you'll see that the query modified no records, if you know where to look. For instance, if you submitted this action query by using the Execute method on the Connection or Command object, you could check the value returned in the RecordsAffected parameter to determine the number of records modified by the query.

The ADO Cursor Engine uses similar mechanisms to determine whether the attempt to update your database succeeded. If the action query modifies no records, the Cursor Engine returns the previous error message. If the action query modifies one record, the ADO Cursor Engine interprets this as a successful update.

Using the Primary Key

You should treat primary keys with the utmost respect, leaving them read-only if at all possible. If you allow users to modify the value of the primary key field, it's possible for the action query to modify one record, but that record might not be the one you intended to modify. Also, if you don't have a primary key or a unique index on your table, the action query that the ADO Cursor Engine generates might modify more than one record. In such a case, the ADO Cursor Engine will interpret this result as a failure and generate the following error:

 "Insufficient or incorrect key column information; too many rows affected by update." 

However, even though ADO raised an error, it's too late. The damage is done. ADO has already updated the database and can't undo it. Pressing Ctrl+Z or Ctrl+U won't save you now. You have only one method of recourse when you trap such an error: if you wrapped the changes in a transaction, you can roll them back.

But you won't run into such a problem. You'll have a primary key on your tables, and you'll include the fields that make up that primary key in your Recordset. Right?

Controlling the Criteria in the WHERE Clause

An updatable client-side Recordset has a dynamic property named Update Criteria that you can set to specify which fields, along with the key fields, are used in the WHERE clause for the action queries. You can set this property to any value in the ADCPROP_UPDATECRITERIA_ENUM enumerated data type, shown in the following table.

Constant Value Description
adCriteriaKey 0 Uses only the values of the key fields in the WHERE clause of the query-based update
adCriteriaAllCols 1 Uses the original values of the fields in the WHERE clause of the query-based update
adCriteriaUpdCols 2 Default; uses the original values of the modified fields as well as the values of the key fields in the WHERE clause of the query-based update
adCriteriaTimeStamp 3 Uses the value of the timestamp field as well as the values of the key fields in the WHERE clause of the query-based update

By default, this property is set to adCriteriaUpdCols. Since the key fields and the original values for modified fields are included in the WHERE clause, your update will fail if another user has modified one of the fields you were trying to update. If another user modifies a field in the Recordset that you did not modify and that is not considered a key field, your update will succeed.

You can set this property to adCriteriaAllCols if you want to specify the original value for all fields in the WHERE clause of the action query. This ensures that if another user modifies any field in your Recordset, your update attempt will fail.

If you have a timestamp field in your table and in the results of your query, you can set the Update Criteria property to adCriteriaTimeStamp. This setting instructs the ADO Cursor Engine to use the original values for key fields and the value in your timestamp field. When a user modifies a record that contains a timestamp field, the database updates that field with a new value. Therefore, if a user modifies the record you're trying to update, your update will now fail—even if that user modified a field that isn't included in the results of your query.

The last available value is adCriteriaKey. While this setting can come in handy, it can cause serious problems if used incorrectly. If you set the Update Criteria property to adCriteriaKey, the ADO Cursor Engine will use only the values of the key fields in the WHERE clause. Although you generally want to avoid overwriting other users' changes, in some cases, that's the desired result. If you're writing code for such a scenario, this is the setting for you.

Programming ADO
Programming MicrosoftВ® ADO.NET 2.0 Core Reference
Year: 2000
Pages: 131
Authors: David Sceppa © 2008-2017.
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