Conventions and Features in This Book

Conventions and Features in This Book

This book presents information using conventions designed to make the information readable and easy to follow. Before you start the book, read the following list, which explains conventions you'll see throughout the book and points out helpful features in the book that you might want to use.


  • Each chapter includes a summary of objectives near the beginning.

  • Each exercise is a series of tasks. Each task is presented as a series of steps to be followed sequentially.

  • Notes labeled “Tip” provide additional information or alternative methods for completing a step successfully.

  • Text that you type appears in bold, like so:

    class foo {    System.Console.WriteLine("HelloWorld"); }

  • The directions often include alternate ways of accomplishing a single result. For example, adding a new item to a Visual Studio project may be done from either the main menu, or by right mouse clicking in the Solution Explorer.

  • Most of the examples in this book are written using C#. However a few chapters have examples in both C# and Visual Basic so you may see how the same programming idioms are expressed in different languages.

Other Features

  • Some text includes sidebars and notes to provide more in-depth information about the particular topic. The sidebars might contain background information, design tips, or features related to the information being discussed. They may also inform you about how a particular feature may differ in this version of ASP.NET.

  • Each chapter ends with a Conclusion and a Quick Reference section. The Quick Reference section contains concise reminders of how to perform the tasks you learned in the chapter.

Microsoft ASP. NET 2.0 Programming Step by Step
Microsoft ASP.NET 2.0 Step By Step (Step By Step (Microsoft))
Year: 2005
Pages: 177 © 2008-2017.
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