object identifier (id) column, 45

object identifiers (OIDs), 105

object model, Common Type System, 332–333


OBJECT_ID function, 583

OBJECT_NAME function, 583

object-oriented Application Programming Interfaces (OO APIs), 12

object.owner dot notation qualifier style, 432

OBJECTPROPERTY function, 583



ownership of, 98–100

self-describing, 338

SQL Server, 546–548

OCX, 544

ODBC (Open Database Connectivity), 12, 306

OIDs (object identifiers), 105

OLAP (Online Analytical Processing) databases, 19, 137, 213

< old_outer_join > placeholder, 463

OLE DB Application Programming Interface, 68–69

OLE DB drivers, 291

OLTP (Online Transaction Processing) databases

and Analysis Services, 19

log shipping, 236

overview, 137

replication, 213

SQL Server table, 446

and TPC benchmarks, 50–51

ON {filegroup | DEFAULT} placeholder, 166–167

ON DELETE arguments, 169, 376

ON keywords, 146–147, 471

ON UPDATE arguments, 36, 169, 376

online, bringing standby servers, 234–235

Online Analytical Processing (OLAP) databases, 19, 137, 213

online page-level restore, 138

Online Transaction Processing databases. See OLTP (Online Transaction Processing) databases

on-the-fly result sets, 451

OO APIs (object-oriented Application Programming Interfaces), 12

Open Database Connectivity (ODBC), 12, 306

open files dilemma, 188

OPEN function, 583

OPEN MASTERKEY function, 583

OPEN statements, 506

OPENDATASOURCE function, 583

OPENQUERY function, 583

OPENROWSET (SWITCH) function, 584

Open-Shift sessions, 385–386

OpenXML, 520–521

OPENXML function, 583

operating system settings, 274

operational data, 423–444

and data integrity, 358

data manipulation language, integrity, and constraints, 441–442

DELETE statements, 439–441

overview, 423

parameterized queries, 442- 414

permissions, 442

UPDATE statements, 436–439

operations guides, Windows Server 2005, 538


join, 463

logical, 461–462

SQL Server Agent, 18, 76, 88–91

T-SQL, 295–309

arithmetic, 295

assignment, 296

bitwise, 296

collation precedence, 308

comparison, 297

data type precedence, 299–300

data type synonyms, 308–309

image, 304

logical, 297–298

overview, 295

precedence of, 298–299

string concatenation, 298

text, 304

unary, 298

optimistic concurrency control, 61

optimization, query, 66–70

OPTION function, 584

Options page, SQL Server Backup, 196–198

Options tab

database Properties, 186

Management Studio database restore, 198

OR (^) operator, Bitwise Exclusive, 296

OR function, 584

OR operator, 296, 298, 461

ORDER argument, 434

ORDER BY clause, 67, 465, 468–469

ORDER BY function, 584

Orders tables, 371

ORIGINAL_LOGIN function, 584

OS Performance Counters Reference, 538

os_file_name placeholder, 148, 155

outer joins, 463

OUTPUT function, 584

OUTPUT stored procedure keyword, 412

OVER function, 584

overwrite media, SQL Server Backup Options page, 196

overwrites, database, 198


CREATE TABLE statement, 165

database, 146, 432


object, 98–100

referencing, 407

Microsoft SQL Server 2005. The Complete Reference
Microsoft SQL Server 2005: The Complete Reference: Full Coverage of all New and Improved Features
ISBN: 0072261528
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2006
Pages: 239

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