The Entry Widget


Practical Programming in Tcl & Tk, Third Edition
By Brent B. Welch

Table of Contents
Chapter 31.  The Entry Widget

Table 31-1 gives the bindings for entry widgets. When the table lists two sequences, they are equivalent. The table does not list all the right arrow key bindings; there are corresponding bindings for the left and right arrow keys.

Table 31-1. Entry bindings.
<Button-1>Sets the insert point and starts a selection.
<B1-Motion>Drags out a selection.
<Double-Button-1>Selects a word.
<Triple-Button-1>Selects all text in the entry.
<Shift-B1-Motion>Adjusts the ends of the selection.
<Control-Button-1>Sets insert point, leaving selection as is.
<Button-2>Pastes selection at the insert cursor.
<B2-Motion>Scrolls horizontally.
<Left> <Control-b>Moves insert cursor one character left and starts the selection.
<Shift-Left>Moves cursor left and extends the selection.
<Control-Left>Moves cursor left one word and starts the selection.
<Meta-b>Same as <Control-Left>.
<Control-Shift-Left>Moves cursor left one word and extends the selection.
<Right> <Control-f>Moves right one character.
<Meta-f> <Control-Right>Moves right one word.
<Home> <Control-a>Moves cursor to beginning of entry.
<Shift-Home>Moves cursor to beginning and extends the selection.
<End> <Control-e>Moves cursor to end of entry.
<Shift-End>Moves cursor to end and extends the selection.
<Select> <Control-Space>Anchors the selection at the insert cursor.
<Shift-Select> <Control-Shift-Space>Adjusts the selection to the insert cursor.
<Control-slash>Selects all the text in the entry.
<Control-backslash>Clears the selection in the entry.
<Delete>Deletes the selection or deletes next character.
<Backspace> <Control-h>Deletes the selection or deletes previous character.
<Control-d>Deletes next character.
<Meta-d>Deletes next word.
<Control-k>Deletes to the end of the entry.
<Control-w>Deletes previous word.
<Control-x>Deletes the section, if it exists.
<Control-t>Transposes characters.

Entry Attributes

Table 31-2 lists the entry widget attributes. The table lists the resource name, which has capitals at internal word boundaries. In Tcl commands these options are specified with a dash and are all lowercase.

Table 31-2. Entry attribute resource names.
backgroundBackground color (also bg).
borderWidthExtra space around the edge of the text (also bd).
cursorCursor to display when mouse is over the widget.
exportSelectionIf true, selected text is exported via the X selection mechanism.
fontFont for the text.
foregroundForeground color (also fg).
highlightBackgroundFocus highlight color when widget does not have focus.
highlightColorFocus highlight color when widget has focus.
highlightThicknessThickness of focus highlight rectangle.
insertBackgroundBackground for area covered by insert cursor.
insertBorderWidthWidth of cursor border. Non-zero for 3D effect.
insertOffTimeTime, in milliseconds the insert cursor blinks off.
insertOnTimeTime, in milliseconds the insert cursor blinks on.
insertWidthWidth of insert cursor. Default is 2.
justifyText justification: left, right, center.
reliefflat, sunken, raised, groove, solid or ridge.
selectBackgroundBackground color of selection.
selectForegroundForeground color of selection.
selectBorderWidthWidth of selection border. Nonzero for 3D effect.
showA character (e.g., *) to display instead of contents.
stateState: disabled (read-only) or normal.
takeFocusControls focus changes from keyboard traversal.
textVariableName of Tcl variable.
widthWidth, in characters.
xScrollCommandConnects entry to a scrollbar.

Programming Entry Widgets

The default bindings for entry widgets are fairly good. However, you can completely control the entry with a set of widget operations for inserting, deleting, selecting, and scrolling. The operations involve addressing character positions called indices. The indices count from zero. The entry defines some symbolic indices such as end. The index corresponding to an X coordinate is specified with @xcoord, such as @26. Table 31-3 lists the formats for indices.

Table 31-3. Entry indices.
0Index of the first character.
anchorThe index of the anchor point of the selection.
endIndex just after the last character.
numberIndex a character, counting from zero.
insertThe character right after the insertion cursor.
sel.firstThe first character in the selection.
sel.lastThe character just after the last character in the selection.
@xcoordThe character under the specified X coordinate.

Table 31-4 summarizes the operations on entry widgets. In the table, $w is an entry widget.

Table 31-4. Entry operations.
$w cget optionReturns the value of the configuration option.
$w configure ...Queries or modifies the widget configuration.
$w delete first ?last?Deletes the characters from first to last, not including the character at last. The character at first is deleted if last is not specified.
$w getReturns the string in the entry.
$w icursor indexMoves the insert cursor.
$w index indexReturns the numerical index corresponding to index.
$w insert index stringInserts the string at the given index.
$w scan mark xStarts a scroll operation. x is a screen coordinate.
$w scan dragto xScrolls from previous mark position.
$w select adjust indexMoves the boundary of an existing selection.
$w select clearClears the selection.
$w select from indexSets the anchor position for the selection.
$w select presentReturns 1 if there is a selection in the entry.
$w select range start endSelects the characters from start to the one just before end.
$w select to indexExtends the selection.
$w xviewReturns the offset and span of visible contents. These are both real numbers between 0 and 1.0.
$w xview indexShifts the display so the character at index is at the left edge of the display.
$w xview moveto fractionShifts the display so that fraction of the contents are off the left edge of the display.
$w xview scroll num whatScrolls the contents by the specified number of what, which can be units or pages.

For example, the binding for <Button-1> includes the following commands:

 %W icursor @%x %W select from @%x if {%W cget -state] == "normal"} {focus %W} 

Recall that the % triggers substitutions in binding commands, and that %W is replaced with the widget pathname and %x is replaced with the X coordinate of the mouse event. Chapter 26 describes bindings and these substitutions in detail. These commands set the insert point to the point of the mouse click by using the @%x index, which will be turned into something like @17 when the binding is invoked. The binding also starts a selection. If the entry is not in the disabled state, then keyboard focus is given to the entry so that it gets KeyPress events.


    Practical Programming in Tcl and Tk
    Practical Programming in Tcl and Tk (4th Edition)
    ISBN: 0130385603
    EAN: 2147483647
    Year: 1999
    Pages: 478 © 2008-2017.
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