

con men, catching, 176
cyber-terrorists, 116
Internet Fraud Complaint Center, 238
FCC (Federal Communications Commission)
deregulating media, 137
Telecommunications Consumers Division ”TCPA Actions Web site, 59
Federal Trade Commission.See FTC
deleting, 200 “202
cookies, 228 “231
Disk Cleanup, 202
Disk Defragment, 203
EFS encryption, 203 “205
sharing, computers, 195 “196
Start menu, 198 “199
filing complaints (FTC), 73
filters, spam, 234 “236
installing, 213 “214
ZoneAlarm, 23, 210 “211, 213 “214 Web site, 59
flying (public zone), 248 “249
folders, private (administrator accounts), 188 “189
FoneFinder Web site, 179
formulaic advertising, 161 “163
Kurtz, George, 125 “126, 143 “144, 149
Macintosh security, 143 “144, 149
Prosise, Chris, 126
security, 125 “127
Web site, 123
auctions, 238 “242
con men
catching, 172 “180
reverse cell phone lookups, 175
credit cards, pornography, 242
FBI, 176
filing complaints (FTC), 73
free Web sites, 243
health care, 243
international modems, 242
investment, 243
police, 176 “179
private investigators , 175 “176
pyramic schemes, 243
Secret Service, 176 “177
telephone, 242
vacations , 243
Web spoofing, 238 “242
free Web site fraud, 243
FTC (Federal Trade Commission), 70
Consumer Sentinel, 73, 242 “243
do not call registry, enforcing, 70 “73, 226
telephone number, 73
TSR, 70 “73, 226
Web site, 73, 242 “243
full disclosure advocates, 121 “123
Microsoft security patches, 123 “124, 205 “207
Web sites, 122 “123

Invasion of Privacy. Big Brother and the Company Hackers
Invasion of Privacy! Big Brother and the Company Hackers
ISBN: 1592000436
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2004
Pages: 135
Authors: Michael Weber © 2008-2017.
If you may any questions please contact us: