3.4 Nonlinear Group-Blind Multiuser Detection for Synchronous CDMA

3.4 Nonlinear Group -Blind Multiuser Detection for Synchronous CDMA

In Section 3.2 we developed linear receivers for detecting a group of graphics/ktilde.gif users' data bits in the presence of unknown interfering users. In this section we develop nonlinear methods for joint detection of the desired users' data. The basic idea is to construct a likelihood function for these users' data and then to perform a local search over such a likelihood surface, starting from the estimate closest to the unconstrained maximizer of the likelihood function, and along mutually orthogonal directions where the likelihood function drops at the slowest rate. The techniques described in this section were developed in [456].

Consider the signal model (3.2). Since the transmitted symbols b {+1, “1} K graphics/rk.gif , for the convenience of the development in this section, we write (3.2) in terms of real-valued signals. Specifically, denote (recall that S is real valued)

Equation 3.99


where u [ i ] ~ N ( , ( s 2 /2) I 2 N ) is a real-valued noise vector. Then (3.2) can be written as

Equation 3.100


For notational simplicity in what follows , we drop the symbol index i . In this case the maximum-likelihood estimate of the transmitted symbols (of all users) is given by

Equation 3.101


where q is the stationary point of l ( b ):

Equation 3.102


In (3.101) the Hessian matrix of the log-likelihood function is given by

Equation 3.103


It is well known that the combinatorial optimization problem (3.101) is computationally hard (i.e., it is NP-complete) [519]. We next consider a local-search approach to approximating its solution. The basic idea is to search the optimal solution in a subset W of the discrete parameter set { “1, +1} K that is close to the stationary point q . More precisely, we approximate the solution to (3.101) by

Equation 3.104


In the slowest-descent method [453, 454], the candidate set W consists of the discrete parameters chosen such that they are in the neighborhood of Q ( Q K ) lines in graphics/rk.gif , which are defined by the stationary point q and the Q eigenvectors of graphics/135fig03.gif corresponding to the Q smallest eigenvalues. The basic idea of this method is explained next.

3.4.1 Slowest-Descent Search

The basic idea of the slowest-descent search method is to choose the candidate points in W such that they are closest to a line ( q + m g ) in graphics/rk.gif , originating from q and along a direction g , where the likelihood function p ( y b ) drops at the slowest rate. Given any line in graphics/rk.gif , there are at most K points where the line intersects the coordinate hyperplanes (e.g., q 1 and q 2 in Fig. 3.10 for K = 2). The set of intersection points corresponding to a line defined by q and g can be expressed as

Equation 3.105


where q i and g i denote the i th elements of the respective vectors q and g . Each intersection point q i has only its i th component equal to zero (i.e., graphics/133fig02.gif = 0). For simplicity we do not consider lines that simultaneously intersect more than one coordinate hyperplane since this event occurs with probability zero.

Figure 3.10. One-to-one mapping from { q , q 1 , . . ., q K } to graphics/133fig01.gif for K = 2. Each intersection point q i is of equal distance from its two neighboring candidate points. b i is chosen to be one of these two candidate points that is on the opposite side of the i th coordinate hyperplane with respect to b* .


Any point on the line except for an intersection point has a unique closest candidate point in {+1, “1} K . An intersection point is of equal distance from its two neighboring candidate points [e.g., q 1 is equidistant to b 1 and b 2 in Fig. 3.10(a)].

Two neighboring intersection points share a unique closest candidate point [e.g., q 1 and q 2 share the nearest candidate point b 2 in Fig. 3.10(a)]. Define

Equation 3.106


as the candidate point closest to q , which is also the decision given by the decorrelating multiuser detector in a coherent channel. By carefully selecting one of the two candidate points closest to each intersection point to avoid choosing the same point twice, one can specify K distinct candidate points in {+1, “1} K that are closest to the line ( q + m g ). To that end, consider the following set:

Equation 3.107


It is seen that (3.107) assigns to each intersection point q i a closest candidate point b i that is on the opposite side of the i th coordinate hyperplane from b * [cf. Fig. 3.10(a) and (b)]. We next show that the K points in (3.107) are distinct. To see this, we use proof by contradiction. Suppose that otherwise the set in (3.107) contains two identical candidate points, say b 1 = b 2 . It then follows from the definitions in (3.105) and (3.107) that

Equation 3.108


Equation 3.109


Consider the case q 1 > 0 and q 2 > 0. By (3.108) and (3.109) we have

Equation 3.110


Equation 3.111


Hence, (3.110) and (3.111) contradict each other. The same contradiction arises for the other three choices of polarities for q 1 and q 2 .

In general, the slowest-descent search method chooses the candidate set W in (3.104) as follows:

Equation 3.112


where q k and graphics/134fig01.gif denote the k th elements of the respective vectors q and g q . Hence, { b q, m } m contains the K closest neighbors of q in { “1, +1} K along the direction of g q . Note that graphics/135fig01.gif represents the Q mutually orthogonal directions where the likelihood function p ( y b ) drops most slowly from the peak point q . Intuitively, the maximum-likelihood solution graphics/135fig02.gif in (3.101) is probably in this neighborhood. The multiuser detection algorithm based on the slowest-descent-search method is summarized as follows ( assuming that the signature waveforms S and the complex amplitudes A of all users are known).

Algorithm 3.3: [Slowest-descent-search multiuser detector]

  • Compute the Hessian matrix graphics/135fig03.gif given by (3.103) and its Q smallest eigen-vectors g 1 , . . . , g Q .

  • Compute the stationary point q given by (3.102).

  • Solve the discrete optimization problem defined by (3.104) and (3.112) by an exhaustive search [over ( KQ + 1) points].

The first step involves calculating the eigenvectors of a K x K symmetric matrix, the second step involves inverting a K x K matrix, and the third step involves evaluating the likelihood values at KQ + 1 points. Note that the first two steps need to be performed only once if a block of M data bits need to be demodulated. Hence the dominant computational complexity of the algorithm above is graphics/o.gif ( KQ ) per bit for K users.

Simulation Examples

For simulations, we assume a processing gain N = 15, the number of users K = 8, and equal amplitudes of user signals (i.e., A k =1, k =1, . . ., K ). The signature matrix S and the user phase offsets { A k } graphics/135fig04.gif are chosen at random and kept fixed throughout the simulations. Figure 3.11 demonstrates that the slowest-descent method with only one search direction ( Q = 1) offers a significant performance gain over the linear decorrelator. Searching one more direction ( Q = 2) results in some additional performance improvement. Further increase in the number of search directions only results in a diminishing improvement in performance.

Figure 3.11. Performance of a slowest-descent-based multiuser detector in a synchronous CDMA system. N = 15, K = 8. The spreading waveforms S and complex amplitudes A of all users are assumed known to the receiver. The bit-error-rate (BER) curves of a linear decorrelator and slowest-descent detector with Q = 1 and Q = 2 are shown.


3.4.2 Nonlinear Group-Blind Multiuser Detection

In group-blind multiuser detection, only the first graphics/ktilde.gif users' signals need to be demodulated. As before, denote as graphics/stilde.gif and graphics/sbar.gif matrices containing, respectively, the first graphics/ktilde.gif and the last K graphics/ktilde.gif columns of S . Similarly define the quantities graphics/atilde.gif , graphics/btilde.gif , and graphics/abar.gif , and graphics/bbar.gif . Then (3.2) can be rewritten as (again, we drop the symbol index i for convenience)

Equation 3.113


Equation 3.114


Let graphics/dtilde.gif denote the decorrelating detectors of the desired users, given by

Equation 3.115


where [ X ] :, n 1: n 2 denotes columns n 1 to n 2 of the matrix X . It is easily seen that graphics/dtilde.gif satisfies

Equation 3.116


In group-blind multiuser detection, the undesired users' signals are first nulled out from the received signal by the following projection operation:

Equation 3.117


where the second equality in (3.117) follows from (3.114) and (3.116). Denote


Then (3.117) can be written as

Equation 3.118


Note that the covariance matrix of v is given by

Equation 3.119



Equation 3.120


In what follows we consider nonlinear estimation of graphics/btilde.gif from (3.118) based on the slowest-descent search. We also discuss the problem of estimating graphics/dtilde.gif and graphics/atilde.gif from the received signals.

The maximum-likelihood estimate of graphics/btilde.gif based on y in (3.118) is given by

Equation 3.121


where the Hessian matrix is given by

Equation 3.122


and graphics/thtilde.gif is the stationary point of graphics/137fig01.gif :

Equation 3.123


As before, we approximate the solution to (3.121) by

Equation 3.124


where graphics/omtilde.gif contains graphics/ktilde.gif Q + 1 closest neighbors of graphics/138fig05.gif along the slowest-descent directions of the likelihood function p ( y graphics/btilde.gif ), given by

Equation 3.125


Equation 3.126


Estimation of graphics/dtilde.gif and graphics/atilde.gif

To implement the local-search-based group-blind multiuser detection algorithm above, we must first estimate the decorrelator matrix graphics/dtilde.gif and the complex amplitudes graphics/atilde.gif . Note that the decorrelating detectors graphics/dtilde.gif for the desired users are simply the group-blind linear decorrelating detectors discussed in Section 3.2. For example, based on the eigendecomposition (3.37) of the autocorrelation matrix of the received signal, graphics/dtilde.gif is given in terms of the signal subspace parameters by (3.38).

We next consider estimation of the complex amplitudes graphics/atilde.gif of the desired users. Consider the decorrelator output (3.117); we now have [recall that graphics/138fig01.gif )]

Equation 3.127


where graphics/138fig02.gif . Since b k {+1, “1}, it follows from (3.127) that the decorrelator outputs corresponding to the k th user form two clusters centered, respectively, at A k and “ A k . Let graphics/138fig03.gif ; a simple estimator of A k is given by graphics/138fig04.gif with

Equation 3.128


Equation 3.129


where { ·} denotes the sample average operation. Note that the foregoing estimate of the phase f k has an ambiguity of p , which necessitates differential encoding and decoding of data. Finally, we summarize the nonlinear group-blind multiuser detection algorithm for synchronous CDMA as follows.

Algorithm 3.4: [Nonlinear group-blind multiuser detector ”synchronous CDMA]

  • Compute the signal subspace:

    Equation 3.130


    Equation 3.131


  • Form the linear group-blind decorrelating detectors:

    Equation 3.132


    Equation 3.133


    where graphics/139fig01.gif is given by the mean of the N - K eigenvalues in graphics/lamcircn.gif .

  • Estimate the complex amplitudes graphics/atilde.gif :

    Equation 3.134


    Equation 3.135


    Equation 3.136


    Equation 3.137


    Equation 3.138


    Equation 3.139



    Equation 3.140


  • Compte the Hessian

    Equation 3.141


    and the Q smallest eigenvectors g 1 , . . . , g Q of graphics/dtric2.gif .

  • Detect each symbol by solving the following discrete optimization problem using an exhaustive search (over graphics/ktilde.gif Q + 1 points ):

    Equation 3.142


    Equation 3.143


    Equation 3.144


    Equation 3.145


  • Perform differential decoding:

    Equation 3.146


It is seen that compared with linear group-blind detectors discussed in Section 3.2, the additional computation incurred by the nonlinear detector involves a complex amplitude estimation step for all desired users and a likelihood search step, both of which have computational complexities linear in graphics/ktilde.gif .

Simulation Examples

In this simulation we assume a processing gain N = 15, number of users K = 8, number of desired users graphics/ktilde.gif = 4, and equal amplitudes of user signals. The signature matrix S and the user phase offsets are chosen at random and kept fixed throughout simulations. Figure 3.12 demonstrates the considerable performance gain offered by the nonlinear group-blind multiuser detector developed above over the group-blind linear detector. Again, it is seen that it suffices for the nonlinear group-blind detector to search along only one (i.e., the slowest-descent) direction ( Q = 1).

Figure 3.12. Performance of a slowest-descent-based group-blind multiuser detector in a synchronous CDMA system. N = 15, K = 8, graphics/ktilde.gif = 4. Only the spreading waveforms graphics/stilde.gif of the desired users are assumed known to the receiver. The BER curves of a linear group-blind detector and slowest-descent (nonlinear) group-blind detector with Q = 1 and Q = 2 are shown.


Wireless Communication Systems
Wireless Communication Systems: Advanced Techniques for Signal Reception (paperback)
ISBN: 0137020805
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2003
Pages: 91

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