Index E

data mining: opportunities and challenges
Data Mining: Opportunities and Challenges
by John Wang (ed) 
Idea Group Publishing 2003
Brought to you by Team-Fly


factor analysis 30

Fair Credit Reporting Act 408

farm skeleton 127

feature (attribute) partitioning 28

feature extraction 441

feature selection 81

feature subset selection 27, 36

feature vector 306

feedforward layer 315

financial benchmarking 323

financial competitor benchmarking 324

financial performance 383

flat-file mining 109

fraud detection 352

frequent sets 116

frequentist 263

fuzzy logic (FL) 234

Brought to you by Team-Fly

Data Mining(c) Opportunities and Challenges
Data Mining: Opportunities and Challenges
ISBN: 1591400511
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2003
Pages: 194
Authors: John Wang © 2008-2017.
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