DocBook: The Definitive Guide

docbook: the definitive guide
By Norman Walsh & Leonard Muellner
1st Edition October 1999
1-56592-580-7, Order Number: 5807
652 pages, $36.95 , Includes CD-ROM

DocBook: The Definitive Guide


Seg -- An element of a list item in a segmented list


Mixed Content Model

Seg ::= ((#PCDATA|FootnoteRef|XRef|Abbrev|Acronym|Citation|CiteRefEntry|   CiteTitle|Emphasis|FirstTerm|ForeignPhrase|GlossTerm|Footnote|   Phrase|Quote|Trademark|WordAsWord|Link|OLink|ULink|Action|   Application|ClassName|Command|ComputerOutput|Database|Email|   EnVar|ErrorCode|ErrorName|ErrorType|Filename|Function|GUIButton|   GUIIcon|GUILabel|GUIMenu|GUIMenuItem|GUISubmenu|Hardware|   Interface|InterfaceDefinition|KeyCap|KeyCode|KeyCombo|KeySym|   Literal|Constant|Markup|MediaLabel|MenuChoice|MouseButton|   MsgText|Option|Optional|Parameter|Prompt|Property|Replaceable|   ReturnValue|SGMLTag|StructField|StructName|Symbol|SystemItem|   Token|Type|UserInput|VarName|Anchor|Author|AuthorInitials|   CorpAuthor|ModeSpec|OtherCredit|ProductName|ProductNumber|   RevHistory|Comment|Subscript|Superscript|InlineGraphic|   InlineMediaObject|InlineEquation|Synopsis|CmdSynopsis|   FuncSynopsis|IndexTerm)+)


Common attributes

Tag Minimization

The start-tag is required for this element. The end-tag is optional, if your SGML declaration allows minimization.


A SegmentedList consists of a set of headings (SegTitles) and a list of parallel sets of elements. Every SegListItem contains a set of elements that have a one-to-one correspondence with the headings. Each of these elements is contained in a Seg.

Processing expectations

Segmented lists can be formatted in a number of ways. Two popular formats are tabular and as a list of repeated headings and elements. In a tabular presentation, each Seg is a cell in the body of the table. In the list presentation, each Seg occurs next to the appropriate heading.

DocBook cannot detect errors caused by too many or too few Segs in a SegListItem. You will have to rely on external processes to find those errors.

(4.0) Future Changes

The InterfaceDefinition element will be discarded in DocBook V4.0. It will no longer be available in the content model of this element.


These elements contain Seg: SegListItem.


The following elements occur in Seg: Abbrev, Acronym, Action, Anchor, Application, Author, AuthorInitials, Citation, CiteRefEntry, CiteTitle, ClassName, CmdSynopsis, Command, Comment, ComputerOutput, Constant, CorpAuthor, Database, Email, Emphasis, EnVar, ErrorCode, ErrorName, ErrorType, Filename, FirstTerm, Footnote, FootnoteRef, ForeignPhrase, FuncSynopsis, Function, GlossTerm, GUIButton, GUIIcon, GUILabel, GUIMenu, GUIMenuItem, GUISubmenu, Hardware, IndexTerm, InlineEquation, InlineGraphic, InlineMediaObject, Interface, InterfaceDefinition, KeyCap, KeyCode, KeyCombo, KeySym, Link, Literal, Markup, MediaLabel, MenuChoice, ModeSpec, MouseButton, MsgText, OLink, Option, Optional, OtherCredit, Parameter, Phrase, ProductName, ProductNumber, Prompt, Property, Quote, Replaceable, ReturnValue, RevHistory, SGMLTag, StructField, StructName, Subscript, Superscript, Symbol, Synopsis, SystemItem, Token, Trademark, Type, ULink, UserInput, VarName, WordAsWord, XRef.

In some contexts, the following elements are allowed anywhere: BeginPage, IndexTerm.

In some contexts, the following elements are excluded: Acronym, Footnote, IndexTerm.


For examples, see SegmentedList.


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© 1999, O'Reilly & Associates, Inc.

DocBook. The Definitive Guide
DocBook 5: The Definitive Guide
ISBN: 0596805020
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 1999
Pages: 412
Authors: Walsh Norman, Richard L. Hamilton
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