How to Use Sliders

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Use a JSlider [133] to let the user easily enter a numeric value bounded by a minimum and maximum value. If the ability to specify precise numbers is important, a slider can be coupled with a formatted text field. If space is limited, a spinner is a possible alternative to a slider.

[133] JSlider API documentation:

Try This:

  1. graphics/cd_icon.gif

    Run SliderDemo using Java Web Start or compile and run the example yourself. [134]

    [134] To run SliderDemo using Java Web Start, click the SliderDemo link on the RunExamples/ components .html page on the CD. You can find the source files here: JavaTutorial/uiswing/components/example-1dot4/index.html#SliderDemo .

  2. Use the slider to adjust the animation speed.

  3. Push the slider to 0 to stop the animation.

The following code from creates the slider in Figure 61.

 static final int FPS_MIN = 0; static final int FPS_MAX = 30; static final int FPS_INIT = 15;    //initial frames per second . . . JSlider framesPerSecond = new JSlider(JSlider.HORIZONTAL,                                       FPS_MIN, FPS_MAX, FPS_INIT); framesPerSecond.addChangeListener(this); //Turn on labels at major tick marks. framesPerSecond.setMajorTickSpacing(10); framesPerSecond.setMinorTickSpacing(1); framesPerSecond.setPaintTicks(true); framesPerSecond.setPaintLabels(true); 
Figure 61. A picture of an application that uses a slider to control animation speed.


By default, spacing for major and minor tick marks is zero. To see tick marks, you must explicitly set the spacing for either major or minor tick marks (or both) to a nonzero value and call setPaintTicks(true) . Just calling setPaintTicks(true) is not enough. To display standard, numeric labels at major tick mark locations, set the major tick spacing, then call setPaintLabels(true) . The example program provides labels for its slider this way. But you don't have to settle for these labels. The next section, Customizing Labels on a Slider, shows you how to customize slider labels.

When you move the slider's knob, the stateChanged method of the slider's ChangeListener is called. For information about change listeners, refer to How to Write a Change Listener (page 652). Here's the change listener code that reacts to slider value changes:

 public void stateChanged(ChangeEvent e) {     JSlider source = (JSlider)e.getSource();     if (!source.getValueIsAdjusting()) {         int fps = (int)source.getValue();         if (fps == 0) {             if (!frozen) stopAnimation();         } else {             delay = 1000 / fps;             timer.setDelay(delay);             timer.setInitialDelay(delay * 10);             if (frozen) startAnimation();         }     } } 

Notice that our stateChanged method changes the animation speed only if getValueIs-Adjusting returns false. Many change events are fired as the user moves the slider knob. This program is interested only in the final result of the user's action.

Customizing Labels on a Slider

Figure 62 shows a modified version of the previous program that uses a slider with custom labels.

Figure 62. The SliderDemo2 example, which uses three custom labels: Fast, Slow , and Stop .



You can run SliderDemo2 using Java Web Start or compile and run the example yourself. [135] The following code creates the slider and customizes its labels:

[135] To run SliderDemo2 using Java Web Start, click the SliderDemo2 link on the RunExamples/components.html page on the CD. You can find the source files here: JavaTutorial/uiswing/components/example-1dot4/index.html#SliderDemo2 .

 //Create the slider JSlider framesPerSecond = new JSlider(JSlider.VERTICAL,                                       FPS_MIN, FPS_MAX, FPS_INIT); framesPerSecond.addChangeListener(this); framesPerSecond.setMajorTickSpacing(10); framesPerSecond.setPaintTicks(true); //Create the label table Hashtable labelTable = new Hashtable(); labelTable.put( new Integer( 0 ), new JLabel("Stop") ); labelTable.put( new Integer( FPS_MAX/10 ), new JLabel("Slow") ); labelTable.put( new Integer( FPS_MAX ), new JLabel("Fast") ); framesPerSecond.setLabelTable( labelTable ); framesPerSecond.setPaintLabels(true); 

Each key-value pair in the hashtable specified with setLabelTable gives the position and the value of one label. The hashtable key must be an Integer and a value within the slider's range at which to place the label. The hashtable value associated with each key must be a Component . This program uses JLabel instances with text only. An interesting variation would be to use JLabel instances with icons, or perhaps buttons that move the knob to the label's position.

If you want a set of numeric labels positioned at a specific interval, you can use JSlider 's createStandardLabels method to create the Hashtable for you. You can also modify the table returned by createStandardLabels to then customize it.

Using a Formatted Text Field with a Slider


Often, a slider is paired with a text field so that the user can enter a precise value. SliderDemo3 (see Figure 63) adds a formatted text field to SliderDemo , tying the text field's value to that of the slider.

Figure 63. A screenshot of SliderDemo3 , which uses a formatted text field that lets the user enter the number of frames per second.



You can run SliderDemo3 using Java Web Start or compile and run the example yourself. [136]

[136] To run SliderDemo3 using Java Web Start, click the SliderDemo3 link on the RunExamples/components.html page on the CD. You can find the source files here: JavaTutorial/uiswing/components/example-1dot4/index.html#SliderDemo3 .

The next few code snippets show the code in that supports the formatted text field. If you find it hard to understand, you might want to refer to How to Use Formatted Text Fields (page 221).

The following snippet creates the text field and its formatter. The formatter is created using an integer NumberFormat , and the number formatter's minimum and maximum are set to the same values used for the slider.

 JFormattedTextField textField; ...  //Where the components are created:  java.text.NumberFormat numberFormat =     java.text.NumberFormat.getIntegerInstance(); NumberFormatter formatter = new NumberFormatter(numberFormat); formatter.setMinimum(new Integer(FPS_MIN)); formatter.setMaximum(new Integer(FPS_MAX)); textField = new JFormattedTextField(formatter); textField.setValue(new Integer(FPS_INIT)); textField.setColumns(5); //get some space 

The rest of the code we'll show you sets up the event handling for the text field. But first you need to know that changing a formatted text field's text property (which always holds data of type String ) doesn't directly change the formatted text field's value property (which, in this example, is a Number ). The value property is set only after a method called commitEdit is invoked on the text field, which typically happens when the text field contains valid text and either the user presses Enter or the text field loses focus.

The following code creates a key binding for the Enter key so that whenever the user puts valid text in the text field and presses Enter, the text field's value (a Number ) is set accordingly . (If the text is invalid, the system beeps and selects all the text.) The key binding is created by adding entries to the text field's input and action maps. More information on input and action maps is in How to Use Key Bindings (page 623).

 textField.getInputMap().put(KeyStroke.getKeyStroke(                                 KeyEvent.VK_ENTER, 0),                                 "check"); textField.getActionMap().put("check", anAction); ...  //Where anAction is implemented (as a subclass of AbstractAction):  public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) {     if (!textField.isEditValid()) { //The text is invalid.         Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit().beep();         textField.selectAll();     } else try {                    //The text is valid,         textField.commitEdit();     //so use it.     } catch (java.text.ParseException exc) { } } 

The next snippet shows how we make the slider's value change whenever the text field's value changes. Recall that framesPerSecond is the variable that refers to the JSlider .

 textField.addPropertyChangeListener(this); ... public void propertyChange(PropertyChangeEvent e) {     if ("value".equals(e.getPropertyName())) {         Number value = (Number)e.getNewValue();         if (framesPerSecond != null && value != null) {             framesPerSecond.setValue(value.intValue());         }     } } 

Finally, adding bit of code to the slider's change listener updates the formatted text field whenever the slider's value changes. While the user is dragging the slider, we update the text field's text not its value to prevent the text field's property-change listener from trying to update the slider (which might then try to update the text field, which would try to update the slider, and so on, in an unnecessary and perhaps unending cycle). Once the user has finished dragging the slider, we update the text field's value .

 public void stateChanged(ChangeEvent e) {     JSlider source = (JSlider)e.getSource();     int fps = (int)source.getValue();     if (!source.getValueIsAdjusting()) { //done adjusting         textField.setValue(new Integer(fps)); //update ftf value         ...     } else { //value is adjusting; just set the text         textField.setText(String.valueOf(fps));     } } 

You have seen one possible way of implementing a text field tied to a slider. Other ways are possible, but keep the following rules in mind:

  • Only one component (or, more precisely, only one data model) should have the final say on the value. In SliderDemo3 , only the slider controls how fast the animation goes. The text field just displays the slider's value and allows the user a second way of setting the slider's value.

  • The value and text properties of a formatted text field can have different types, and the value property generally lags behind the text property (until commitEdit is invoked).

  • You can detect when the text field's value property changes (so you can update the slider's value, for example) by registering a property-change listener on the text field.

  • You can display the slider's current value in a text field (or other component, such as a label) by adding a line to the slider's change-event handler that invokes setText on the text field. Once the slider's value has settled, you should update the formatted text field's value using setValue .

For more information, see How to Use Formatted Text Fields (page 221).

The Slider API

Tables 72 through 75 list the commonly used JSlider constructors and methods. See The JComponent Class (page 53) for tables of commonly used inherited methods . Also refer to the JSlider API documentation at:

Table 72. Creating the Slider




Create a horizontal slider with the range 0 to 100 and an initial value of 50.

 JSlider(int min,         int max) JSlider(int min,         int max,         int value) 

Create a horizontal slider with the specified minimum and maximum values. The third int argument, when present, specifies the slider's initial value.

 JSlider(int orientation) JSlider(int orientation,         int min,         int max,         int value) 

Create a slider with the specified orientation, which must be either SwingConstants.HORIZONTAL or SwingConstants.VERTICAL . The last three int arguments, when present, specify the slider's minimum, maximum, and initial values, respectively.


Create a horizontal slider with the specified model, which manages the slider's minimum, maximum, and current values and their relationship.

Table 73. Fine-Tuning the Slider's Appearance



 void setValue(int) int getValue() 

Set or get the slider's current value. This method also positions the slider's knob.

 void setOrientation(int) int getOrientation() 

Set or get the orientation of the slider. Possible values are SwingConstants.HORIZONTAL or SwingConstants. VERTICAL .

 void setInverted(boolean) boolean getInverted() 

Set or get whether the maximum is shown at the left of a horizontal slider or at the bottom of a vertical one, thereby inverting the slider's range.

 void setMinimum(int) void getMinimum() void setMaximum(int) void getMaximum() 

Set or get the minimum or maximum values of the slider. Together, these methods set or get the slider's range.

 void setMajorTickSpacing(int) int getMajorTickSpacing() void setMinorTickSpacing(int) int getMinorTickSpacing() 

Set or get the range between major and minor ticks . You must call setPaintTicks(true) for the tick marks to appear.

 void setPaintTicks(boolean) boolean getPaintTicks() 

Set or get whether tick marks are painted on the slider.

 void setPaintLabels(boolean) boolean getPaintLabels() 

Set or get whether labels are painted on the slider. You can provide custom labels with setLabelTable or get automatic labels by setting the major tick spacing to a nonzero value.

 void setLabelTable(Dictionary) Dictionary getLabelTable() 

Set or get the labels for the slider. You must call setPaintLabels(true) for the labels to appear.

 Hashtable createStandardLabels(int) Hashtable createStandardLabels(int,                                int) 

Create a standard set of numeric labels. The first int argument specifies the increment; the second int argument specifies the starting point. When left unspecified, the slider's minimum is used as the starting point.

Table 74. Watching the Slider Operate



 void addChangeListener(ChangeListener) 

Register a change listener with the slider.

boolean getValueIsAdjusting()

Determine whether the user gesture to move the slider's knob is complete.

Table 75. Working Directly with the Data Model

Class, Interface, or Method



The interface required for the slider's data model.


An implementation of the BoundedRangeModel interface.

 boolean setModel() boolean getModel() (  in  JSlider) 

Set or get the data model used by the slider. You can also set the model using the constructor that takes a single argument of type BoundedRangeModel .

Examples That Use Sliders

This table shows examples that use JSlider and where those examples are described.


Where Described



This section

Shows a slider with labels at major tick marks.


Customizing Labels on a Slider (page 350)

Shows a vertical slider with custom labels.


Using a Formatted Text Field with a Slider (page 351)

Demonstrates using a formatted text field with a slider to set and display a single value.


Using Models (page 50) and How to Use Panels (page 292)

A measurement conversion application featuring two sliders that share data and have custom BoundedRangeModel s.

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JFC Swing Tutorial, The. A Guide to Constructing GUIs
The JFC Swing Tutorial: A Guide to Constructing GUIs (2nd Edition)
ISBN: 0201914670
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2004
Pages: 171 © 2008-2017.
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