Who Is the Book For?

It's probably for you. Almost everyone can benefit from a copy of Visio 2007. Beginners will find the facts presented in a straightforward style, yet advanced users will find detailed information to expand their knowledge of Visio 2007. Users pressed for time can quickly flip to the section that covers their current concern, while those with a good cup of coffee and some time on their hands will be able to browse the wealth of information at their leisure. We do assume that readers have a basic understanding of computer terms, such as click, choose, save, etc, and that they are familiar with their operating system, be it Microsoft Windows XP, Windows Vista, or Windows Server.

Microsoft Office Visio 2007 Inside Out
Microsoft Office Visio 2007 Inside Out
ISBN: 0735623295
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2007
Pages: 82

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