Why the Selected Node Is Not the Same as the Current Node

xslt for dummies
Chapter 18 - Ten Most Confusing Things About XSLT
XSLT For Dummies
by Richard Wagner
Hungry Minds 2002

The current node (or context node ) of a document tree is the node that the XSLT processor is on during its walk through the tree. However, dont confuse the current node with the selected node or nodes. The current node is the starting point for the XSLT processor for a given location step (an XPath expression used to retrieve nodes from a source tree), but it is the location step that actually determines what node or set of nodes is actually selected.

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XSLT For Dummies
XSLT for Dummies
ISBN: 0764536516
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2002
Pages: 148

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