create Calculation fields

Bond_Current Value. This Calculation field computes the current value of each savings bond by adding the accrued interest to its purchase price.

In the Define Database dialog box, enter Bond_Current Value in the Field Name box, select Calculation as the Type, and click Create. The Specify Calculation dialog box appears.

Create the formula by double-clicking the Bond_Price field in the field list, typing a plus sign (+), and double-clicking the Bond_Interest field.

Stk_Total Cost. This Calculation field computes the total cost of each stock purchase by multiplying the number of shares by the price per share and then adding in the commission.

In the Define Database dialog box, enter Stk_Total Cost in the Field Name box, select Calculation as the Type, and click Create.

In the Specify Calculation dialog box, create the following formula:

 (Stk_Number of Shares * Stk_Price Per Share) + Stk_Commission 

Type the parentheses and operators (* and +) or enter them by clicking buttons in the Operators section of the dialog box. Enter the three fields in the formula by double-clicking their names in the field list.

Select Number as the result type, and then click OK.

Creating a Database in FileMaker Pro 8. Visual QuickProject Guide
Creating a Database in FileMaker Pro 8: Visual QuickProject Guide
ISBN: 0321414837
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2005
Pages: 115 © 2008-2017.
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