The Cisco IOS architecture is based on the same basic principles employed by the architecture of any general-purpose operating system (OS). The main task of any OS is to control the hardware resources and provide a logical separation between hardware and software operational functionality, so that developers do not have to know much about hardware peculiarities and can use existing functions provided by the OS. However, the IOS architecture is designed particularly for efficient and fast packet processing and forwarding.

The resources of interest to those of us who are concerned with exploit writing and structure are memory and processor time. Because IOS is a multitasking operating system with a monolithic structure (a single large program), we can view it as an application that performs several independent tasks in parallel; together, these tasks form a single stream of executed processor instructions. These instructions are defined as thread , and the streams that use common memory and processor resources are called processes . Since IOS processes comprise a single stream, they are equivalent to threads in other operating systems. Every process has its own memory block ( stack ) and CPU context, such as registers. Since the processor can execute a set of commands of only a single program at a time, the OS has to plan which process will be executed now; this task is handled by the system's kernel.

One of the main tasks of the OS is communication with the CPU and controllers of external interfaces. The OS must process interrupts generated by these interfaces and triggered by external events, execute the operations induced by these interrupts, and then return the processor to the execution of instructions suspended by the interrupt received. Compared to its large desktop and server siblings, the Cisco IOS is quite simple. It lacks various protection mechanisms, such as the protection of separate processes' memory. This means that even though every process does have a separate memory block allocated for it, nothing can stop a process from intruding into a memory block of another process.

Because of this, Cisco has clearly sacrificed both stability and security features in the IOS architecture design to achieve higher productivity and reduce resource consumption.

Cisco IOS Memory Dissection

Let's look at the IOS internals and study in detail the resources of the system that can present interesting challenges for hackers. We are mainly interested in memory, since it serves as the main object of hacking attacks. All IOS memory is projected into a single continuous virtual address space that is divided into regions that usually correspond to different types of physical memory, such as static RAM (SRAM) and dynamic RAM (DRAM). Every memory region is divided into the categories shown in Table 8-1.

Table 8-1: Memory Region Categories




Temporary data structures and local heap


Input/output memory, common for the processor and controllers of network interfaces


A region for tasks for which speed is critical


A region for code currently executed by the IOS


Storage for the initialized variables


Storage for non-initialized variables


File system, the IOS images' binaries


Peripheral Component Interconnect memory accessible to all devices on a bus

The following shows the result of executing the show region command on a Cisco 2600 router:

 c2600#show region      Region Manager:            Start          End        Size(b)    Class     Media     Name       0x03C00000   0x03FFFFFF        4194304    Iomem     R/W       iomem       0x60000000   0x60FFFFFF       16777216    Flash     R/O       flash       0x80000000   0x83BFFFFF       62914560    Local     R/W       main       0x80008098   0x81A08B87       27265776    IText     R/O       main:text       0x81A08B88   0x8282465B       14793428    IData     R/W       main:data       0x827804E4   0x8282434B       671336      Local     R/W       data:firmware       0x8282465C   0x82AF4A9F       2950212     IBss      R/W       main:bss       0x82AF4AA0   0x83BFFFFF       17872224    Local     R/W       main:heap 

You can see that gaps exist between certain regions. Iomem ends at 0x03FFFFFF of Flash, which starts at 0x60000000. You can view this as an implementation of a basic defense; if the thread starts to write into a free unallocated memory region, it will be stopped .

The structure of a Local memory region (in the show regions output) is shown in Figure 8-1. As you can see, the Local region is divided into subregions that correspond to the parts of the OS (text, data, Block Storage Section [BSS]). The heap is the entire free Local memory after the OS image was loaded into it.

image from book
Figure 8-1: Local memory region

In IOS, the memory is organized in memory pools . Each pool is a memory region that can be freed or marked out from the heap. The following shows the result of running the show memory command:

 c2600#show memory                  Head          Total(b)     Used(b)     Free(b)     Lowest(b)     Largest(b)      Processor   82AF4AA0      18543560     5720628     12822932    12629896   12137796      I/O         3C00000       4194304      1764344     2429960     2425168 2429916 

Here you can see two marked-out memory pools. Initially, the pool contains one large memory block, but as the memory is handed to processes, the amount of free memory decreases. At the same time, the processes free the occupied memory blocks. Thus, in the process of OS work, memory blocks of different sizes are created (this is called memory fragmentation ), and freed blocks are returned to the pool and added to the list of free blocks of similar size. By default, in accordance with Cisco documentation, the following block sizes (in bytes) are supported: 24, 84, 144, 204, 264, 324, 384, 444, 1500, 2000, 3000, 5000, 10000, 20000, 32786, 65536, 131072, and 262144. When a process asks for memory allocation, the lists are reviewed to find a block of an appropriate size, and if such a block isn't found, memory from larger blocks is used. In that case, the large block is split and the unused memory from this block is added to the block list. Of course, the system tries to defragment memory by merging nearby blocks followed by moving the resulting ones onto the list of larger memory blocks available. All block management tasks in the IOS are done by the Pool Manager process.

To see the list of free blocks in the memory pools, execute the show memory free command:

 c2600#show memory free                   Head        Total(b)     Used(b)    Free(b)      Lowest(b)   Largest(b)      Processor    82AF4AA0    18543560     5721112    12822448     12629896    12137796           I/O     3C00000     4194304      1764344    2429960      2425168     2429916          Processor memory       Address     Bytes       Prev     Next Ref      PrevF   NextF Alloc PC     what                   24      Free list 1      82B19668 0000000056   82B19634 82B196CC 000  0        82FFD4FC 8065FF5C     (fragment)      82FFD4FC 0000000024   82FFD4BC 82FFD540 000  82B19668 8304165C 8039A9DC     (fragment)      8304165C 0000000056   8304161C 830416C0 000  82FFD4FC 0        8039A9DC     (fragment) 
  • Address is the starting address of a block.

  • Bytes are the block size.

  • Prev is an address of the previous block.

  • Next is the address of the next block.

  • Ref is the number of the block owners , which equals 000 if the block is free.

  • PrevF is the address of the previous free block (for free blocks only).

  • NextF is the address of the next free block (for free blocks only).

  • Alloc PC is the value of the command counter register at the moment of a block allocation.

  • what is a description of the block usage.

This information makes it apparent that the blocks are linked with each other, and means that the neighboring blocks point at each other, as illustrated in Figure 8-2.

image from book
Figure 8-2: Memory block linking

The only information we found in the official Cisco documentation regarding IOS memory blocks is that the management information about the block is stored in a 32-byte block header. The research of FX, a pioneer of Cisco exploitation and a well-known creator of working proof-of-concept IOS exploits related to memory allocation implementation errors (buffer overflows), comes in handy. In Figures 8-3 and 8-4, you can see FX's description of the memory blocks organization, drawn from his multiple presentations devoted to Cisco IOS exploitation.

image from book
Figure 8-3: Free memory block
image from book
Figure 8-4: Process memory block

As you can see in Figures 8-3 and 8-4, both memory block constructions start from the MAGIC value that marks the beginning of the block header. This is a static value that equals 0xDEADBEEF for a free block and 0xAB1234CD for a used one. Both free and used blocks have the same trailer REDZONE and a static value of 0xFD0110DF, which signifies the block end. In a used block, you can see the IOS process ID (PID)the very same PID that is seen in the show processes command output:

 c2600#show processes      CPU utilization for five seconds: 0%/0%; one minute: 1%; five minutes: 0%       PID QTy       PC Runtime (ms)      Invoked   uSecs    Stacks TTY Process         1 Cwe 80434F9C            0            2       0 5800/6000   0 Chunk Manager         2 Csp 80460574          16         66323       0 2628/3000   0 Load Meter         4 Mwe 805E17C4           4          2765       1 5784/6000   0 DHCPD Timer         5 Mwe 80E52090           4             1    400023540/24000  0 EDDRI_MAIN         6 Lst 80444AE8       238323        39289    6065 5768/6000   0 Check heaps         7 Cwe 8044A984            0            2       0 5712/6000   0 Pool Manager         8 Mst 803867F0            0            2       0 5592/6000   0 Timers         9 Mwe 8001492C            0            2       0 5596/6000   0 Serial                                                                        Background        10 Mwe 80359C3C            0            2       0 5588/6000   0 AAA high-                                                                        capacity 

Just after the PID comes the Alloc Check area, which allocates the process use for checks; the Alloc Name pointer to a string with the process name; and the Alloc PC-Code address that allocates this block. The information about these fields can be obtained by adding the allocating-process option to the show memory processor command:

 c2600#show memory processor allocating-process                Processor memory      Address   Bytes     Prev     Next Ref      Alloc Proc Alloc PC What      82AF4AA0 0000020000 00000000 82AF98EC 001 *Init*      80432EF4 Managed Chunk                                                                     Queue Elements      82AF98EC 0000010000 82AF4AA0 82AFC028 001 *Init*      804468B0 List Elements      82AFC028 0000005000 82AF98EC 82AFD3DC 001 *Init*      804468F0 List Headers      82AFD3DC 0000000044 82AFC028 82AFD434 001 *Init*      819FFFB8 *Init*      82AFD434 0000001500 82AFD3DC 82AFDA3C 001 *Init*      80451D50 messages      82AFDA3C 0000001500 82AFD434 82AFE044 001 *Init*      80451D7C Watched messages      82AFE044 0000005912 82AFDA3C 82AFF788 001 *Init*      80451DC8 Watched Boolean      82AFF788 0000000092 82AFE044 82AFF810 001 *Init*      8062411C Init      82AFF810 0000004256 82AFF788 82B008DC 001 *Init*      8038FF20 TTY data      82B008DC 0000002000 82AFF810 82B010D8 001 *Init*      80393678 TTY      Input                                                          Buf 

Looking further at the memory block in Figure 8-4, you can see two familiar entries used in a free block (Figure 8-3), namely NEXT BLOCK and PREV BLOCK. As in a free block, these entries represent the addresses of the next and previous memory blocks the difference being that in a free block, only the addresses of other free blocks are used. In a process memory block, these are the addresses of the literal next and previous blocks.

We mentioned that Cisco IOS memory blocks are double-linked (see Figure 8-2). The next 2-bytes long field of the block is SIZE+USAGE. It consists of the actual block size, and if the block is used the most significant bit is set to 1. The USAGE COUNT field follows the SIZE, and the actual value of this field is the Ref in the show memory processor allocating-process command output. The amount of processes using this block is usually 1 or 0. Then follows the LAST DEALLOC(ation) address field, at which the header ends and the data begins.

The header of a free block is, of course, simpler, and FX doesn't pay much attention to it. The padding field of a free block is padded with 0xFF bytes. The significance of the UNKNOWN field was not investigated by FX, and for our purposes, it is probably unimportant. It is interesting to note, though, that the memory blocks are somewhat similar to the network protocols' packets by their structure.

Hacking Exposed Cisco Networks
Hacking Exposed Cisco Networks: Cisco Security Secrets & Solutions
ISBN: 0072259175
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2005
Pages: 117 © 2008-2017.
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