
 < Day Day Up > 


LAN interconnects, 39–40

Large pool, 70

Latches, 179–82, 581

free, 625

library cache, 625–26


interconnect, 634, 638

STATSPACK values, 645, 646

Law of Diminishing Returns, 4

Least recently used (LRU) area, 70, 71, 72


RAC implementation, 681–97

watchdog daemon, 399–400

watchdog process, 687

Listener.ora file, 321

Listeners, 124

control utility, 324

load balancing, 432

List partitioning, 263–64

defined, 263

table use, 263

See also Partitioning

LMON trace analysis, 492

Load balancing, 31

starting, 329–30

system statistics information, 376

tuning, 455

verifying, 330

Instance tuning, 586–606, 639–44

defined, 587

log management, 598–602

memory management, 587–98

undo management, 602–6

See also Performance tuning

INSTANCE_TYPE parameter, 385

Intelligent agent, 322–23

Interconnect failure, 480–83

alert log, 481

manual intervention, 483

recovery and, 480

See also Failure(s)

Interconnects, 37–47, 46, 633–39

computer (CI), 38–39

configuration information, 635–36

defined, 37

Gigabit Ethernet, 41–44

identification, 708

illustrated, 38

InfiniBand, 44–46

LAN, 39–40

latencies, 634, 638

for polling, 47

public, 716

redundant private high-speed, 635

size limitation, 638

strengths, 37

VI, 46

See also Clusters

Internal locks, 179–82

Inter-operation parallelism, 213

Interprocess communication protocol (ICP), 124

Intra-operation parallelism, 212, 213


activity screen, 631


Log files

evaluation of, 452–53

mining, 510–12

redo, 78–79, 149–50

Log force at commit algorithm, 477


logical, 472

physical, 472

physiological, 472

write-ahead, 476–77

Logical I/O (LIO), 580

Logical logging, 472

Log management, 598–602




See also Instance tuning

LogMiner, 8, 508–13

archive redo log files, 509

components, 509–10

components illustration, 508

defined, 508

dictionary in flat file, 510

dynamic views, 509–10

implementation, 508

mining log files, 510–12

OEM create query interface, 512

OEM options interface, 513

online catalog, 510

online redo log files, 509

PL/SQL packages, 509

in RAC environment, 513

starting, 510

uses, 510

using, 510–13

LOG_PARALLELISM parameter, 381

Log writer (LGWR), 87–88

defined, 87–88

situations triggering, 88

client, 406–7

listener, 432

Load profile, 528

Local area networks (LANs)

Ethernet, 40

polling, 48

See also LAN interconnect

Local indexes, 241, 268

LOCAL_LISTENER parameter, 541

Locally managed tablespaces (LMT), 92–93, 238

benefits, 237–38

migrating to, 241


parameter, 380

Lock manager

identifiers, 351

server process, 89

Lock process (LCK), 128


blocked, 364

blocking, 364

categories, 178–82

conversions, 658

DDL, 178–79

descriptions, 367

DML, 178

enqueue state objects, 357

internal, 179–82

latches, 179–82, 581

management, 177–82

mode compatibility matrix, 181

modes, 181–82

PCM, 363

protecting multiple buffers, 364

RAC structure, 181

request statistics, 358

Lock structure, 136–37

LOG_BUFFER parameter, 380


See also Background processes

Loosely coupled configuration, 25–36

availability, 31–32

common system disk, 29

CPU processor composition, 30

defined, 26

disaster tolerance, 34

failover, 34–35

growth potential/scalability, 35–36

operating system/file system flexibility, 30–31

resource sharing, 28–29

resource utilization, 29

system management and security, 34

tightly coupled vs., 27

user environment, 31

 < Day Day Up > 

Oracle Real Application Clusters
Oracle Real Application Clusters
ISBN: 1555582885
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2004
Pages: 174 © 2008-2017.
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