

page caching, 125, 125
page gap option, 57
page layout
document properties for, 128, 128
setting preferences for, 122, 123
page layout applications, 19 “20, 74 “75
page layout documents.
See also preflighting
applications best suited for, 19 “20
avoiding font substitution and copyright problems, 35 “36
content preflight, 38, 39
font selection for, 32 “37
graphics applications for, 21
maintaining graphics links, 31, 32
master pages, 21, 22
matching font architecture to end use, 34 “35
presentation applications for, 19, 20 “21
selecting typefaces and styles, 37, 37
separating system and document construction fonts, 33, 33
style sheets, 22 “23, 23
technical preflight for, 38, 39 “40
types of applications for, 18 “23
web design applications for, 19, 20
word processors for, 18 “19, 20
page numbering
automatic, 22
for combined documents, 175
preferences for, 122, 123
renumbering pages, 183 “184, 184
page positioning, 6, 56, 57, 65
Page Properties dialog
Actions tab, 393 “394, 393 , 394
Tab Order tab, 344
Page Scaling menu, 358
page sequence, 53, 53
page size
changing output but not original, 56
previewing, 65
printing at 100 percent, 364
See also navigating PDFs;
page numbering
advantages of page-based documents, 174
changing output size but not original, 56
collating printed, 54
cropping, 179 “181, 180
deleting, 176 “177, 176 , 177
extracting, 177 “178, 178
inserting, 175 “176, 175
master, 21, 22 , 23
moving, 174 “175, 174
with keyboard, 154 “156, 155 , 156
by mouse, 151 “154, 152 “154
orientation of, 55 “56, 179
page flip, 60
page positioning, 6, 56, 57, 65
blank, 53
facing , 54
reordering , 154, 181 “182, 182
repeating page elements, 187 “192
adding in Acrobat, 188
headers and footers, 187 “189, 187 , 190
replacing, 178 “179, 178
rotating, 6, 181, 181
setting Acrobat page display preferences, 122 “123, 123
single- vs. separate-page summaries, 281
specifying sequence of printed, 53, 53
transitions in presentations, 223, 224 “226, 225
watermarks and background graphics, 189 “192, 190 , 191
modifying for PDF navigation, 148 “149, 148 , 149
navigating with Navigation Tool, 151, 152
turning menus into floating, 150, 150
Pan & Zoom tool, 159, 159
paper offset option, 57
paper size, width, and height, 56
passwords, 92 “93, 92 , 131 , 132
PDF (Portable Document Format) document.
See also Adobe Acrobat Distiller;
document management;
navigating PDFs;
pre-PDF documents;
about, 7 “8
advantages of page-based, 174
bookmarks in, 263 “264, 263 , 264
comparing, 184 “186, 185 , 186
compressing for Internet delivery, 280
construction of, 14, 16
converting web pages to, 301 “302, 301
customizing conversion settings, 302 “306, 302 , 306
scaling page layout for documents, 303, 303 , 304
creating, 99 “115
choosing method, 46, 47, 115
exporting PDFs, 104 “107, 104 106 , 110 “111, 110 , 111
one-button PDFs, 114 “115, 115
PostScript + Distiller method, 78 “82
from PostScript files, 45 “46, 47
Save As PDF method, 112 “114, 112 , 113
through PDF printer drivers, 112 “114, 112 , 113
designing master pages and style sheets for, 23
by e-mail, 296 “297
indexes of, 211
document properties for, 128 “129, 128 , 129
eBooks vs., 313
editing, 335 “353
adding alternate text to image, 346 “347, 346
adding text, 349, 349
in Illustrator, 351 “352, 351 , 352
manipulating vs., 5 “6, 16
moving and editing objects, 350
optimizing files, 336 “341, 337 , 338 , 339
reducing file size, 336, 336
reflowing contents of, 341 “346, 342 346
reformatting with PostScript, 341
steps for, 347 “349
third-party tools for, 353
tips on, 352
generic PostScript printer drivers with, 47
icon for, 4
linking, 6, 289 “291, 290 , 291
location of newly distilled, 81, 81
native documents vs., 4 “6, 5
orientation of pages, 55 “56, 179
placing pages on Photoshop images, 381 “382, 382
preferences for opening, 124 “125, 125
previewing onscreen, 356
printing, 112, 113 , 357 “359, 357 , 358
to PDF file, 359 “361, 359 , 360
protecting images in, 377
reformatting with PostScript, 341
reordering pages, 154
role of PostScript document language for, 10 “13
running batch sequences on, 386 “387, 386 , 387 , 392
scrolling through, 160
searching, 200 “204, 200 203
over Internet, 307 “308, 308
security for, 92 “94, 92
structured and tagged, 161 “163, 162 , 163
using, 16
workflows for, 13 “16, 15
PDF Image Import dialog, 383
PDF Optimizer dialog, 336 “341, 337 , 392
Clean Up tab, 339
Fonts tab, 339
Images tab, 337
PDF Options dialog, 377 “378, 378
PDF Options menu (Print dialog), 360 “361, 360
PDF/X (Portable Document Format Exchange) standard
about, 80, 82
preflighting, 330 “333, 330 333
removing PDF/X-specific contents from file, 333, 333
verifying standard compliance of PDFs as, 332, 332
.pdx file, 207
Pencil tool, 273
creating print styles for PostScript files, 74 “75
downloading converted web page background elements, 305
editing PDF files, 4 “5
embedding multimedia content and, 293, 304
fast Web viewing, 121
optimizing PDFs, 336 “341, 337 , 338 , 339
page caching, 125, 125
quick access to main menu controls, 149 “150, 150
separating system and document fonts, 33, 33
speeding up
printing, 120 , 121
screen redraw of text, 123, 123
using spot colors, 28, 29
phone number fields, 239 “240, 240
Photoshop. See Adobe Photoshop
PitStop, 333, 353, 364
plaintext metadata, enabling, 131 , 133
enabling only certified, 125, 125
function of, 9 “10
list of, 10
warning of uncertified plug-ins with e-Books launch, 309
Polygon tools, 273
Portable Document Format. See PDF documents
Portable Document Format Exchange standard. See PDF/X standard
positioning pages, 6, 56, 57, 65
PostScript, 10 “13.
See also PostScript files;
PostScript printer drivers
configuring levels for, 73, 73
as document language, 11
file creation in, 15 , 16
reformatting PDF documents in, 341
workflows for documents, 13 “16, 15
PostScript + Distiller method. See Adobe Acrobat Distiller;
PostScript files
PostScript files
capturing settings for, 75, 76
configuring settings for, 72 “74, 73
creating, 70 “72, 71
print styles for, 74 “75
defined, 11
distilling to watched folders, 95 “99, 96 , 97 , 98
following distilling process of, 80, 81
making PDF documents from, 45 “46, 47, 360
previewing output, 64 “65, 64
advanced options for, 366 “367, 366
color -separated proofs, 66 “67
commercial printing, 66
composite color proofs, 67 “68
composite grayscale proofs, 67
desktop color printing, 68 “69
from Mac OS X, 103 “104, 103 , 104
to, 359, 359
Web and e-books, 69 “70
saving, 76, 76
as PDF files, 360
data output for, 60 “61, 61
printer drivers, 46 “52
PostScript Printer Description files (PPDs), 55
PostScript printer drivers
assigning in Mac OS X, 48 “50, 48 , 49 , 50
color conversion with, 57
configuring fonts for, 74
constructing PDF documents with generic, 47
defined, 11 “13, 13
editing properties from Windows, 51
error handler for, 60
finding and installing, 47 “48
naming, 48, 51
page and output settings for, 52 “70
setting layout options for, 53 “54, 53
specifying setup options for, 54 “57, 55
types of document settings for, 53 “54, 53 , 54
Windows, 50 “52, 51 , 52
PostScript Type 1 fonts, 34, 35
PPDs (PostScript Printer Description files), 55
ppi (pixels per inch), 26, 27
pre-PDF documents
designing master page and style sheets, 21 “23
font selection, 32 “37
preflighting, 37 “43
selecting and preparing graphics, 23 “32
types of applications for, 18 “23
Preferences dialog (Acrobat)
Catalog, 208, 208
Commenting, 275
General, 120 “121, 120
Identity, 121 “122, 122
Page Display, 122 “123, 123
Smoothing, 123 “124, 124
Web Capture, 306, 307
Preferences dialog (Distiller), 95
preferences in Acrobat, 120 “127
about, 120 “121, 120
choosing startup and document opening, 124 “125, 125
comments, 275 “276, 275
document properties vs., 128, 228
general, 120 “121, 120
identity, 121 “122, 122
improving readability of eBooks, 317
keyboard, 167 “168, 167
layer state properties, 197, 197
making catalog and index settings global, 208, 208
page display, 122 “123, 123
presentation, 218 “219, 219
ruler and grid spacing, 125 “126, 126
smoothing, 123 “124, 124
update, 126, 127
web capture, 306, 307
Preflight: PDF/X-3 Sets window, 333, 333
Preflight: PDF/X window, 333
Preflight: Profiles window, 326 , 330
Preflight: Report dialog, 328
Preflight: Results window, 327
Preflight: Save As PDF/X dialog, 331 “332, 332
Preflight: Validations window, 329
preflighting, 37 “43, 321 “334
checking accessibility in, 322 “325, 322 325
content preflight, 38, 39
controlling quality and image size in, 86
defined, 14, 15 , 37 “38
finding incorrect settings in PostScript files, 65
PDF/X, 330 “333, 330 333
preflight reports , 328 “329, 328
running on PDFs, 326 “329, 326 , 327 , 328
saving documents as PDF/X, 331 “332, 331
technical, 38, 39 “40
built-in, 40 “41, 41
third-party, 42 “43, 333 “334
validating PDFs, 329 “330, 329
watched folders, 72, 95 “99, 96 , 97 , 98
who should do, 334
workflow and, 43, 99
presentation applications, 19, 20 “21
presentations, 214 “228
advantages of, 214
converting and animating PowerPoint files, 222 “223
creating, 214 “222
multiple-source, 219 “221, 220 , 221
single-source, 214 “219, 215 , 216 , 219
document order for combined PDF files, 221
editing slide order in, 224
navigating in, 221
security settings for, 227
setting document properties for, 226 “227, 227
setting page transitions in, 223, 224 “226, 225
previewing, 64 “65, 64
color separations, 356, 357
crop adjustments, 217
enabling page previews, 121, 121
headers and footers, 187
output, 64 “65, 64
page positioning, 57
PDFs onscreen, 356
spot colors, 67
Print Center Printer List window (Mac OS X), 49 , 50 , 103 , 112
Print dialog
marks and bleeds options, 364, 364
printing PDFs from, 112, 113 , 357 “359, 357 , 358
printing PowerPoint files to PDF file, 222 “223, 222 , 223
varying names and options of, 71, 71 , 358
Windows, 52
Print Ready, 42 “43, 42
print styles, 74 “75, 74 , 75
printer drivers.
See also PostScript printer drivers
creating PDFs through, 112 “114, 112 , 113
downloading Adobe, 48
Printer List window (Mac OS X), 49 , 50 , 103 , 112
Printer Profile option (Advanced Print Setup dialog), 361 , 363
Printers and Faxes utility (Windows), 51
printing, 357 “367 .
See also commercial printing;
PostScript printer drivers
advanced options, 361 “367, 361 , 364 , 365 , 366 , 367
marks and bleeds options, 364, 364
PostScript options, 366 “367, 366
separations and other color options, 362 “363
transparency flattening, 365 “366, 365
blank pages, 53, 53
color-separated proofs, 66 “67
composite color proofs, 67 “68
composite grayscale proofs, 67
desktop printing, 68 “69
facing pages, 54
importance of PostScript printer drivers for, 11 “13, 13
layers , 195 “196, 195 , 196
orientation of pages, 55 “56
over Internet, 367, 367
to PDF file, 359 “361, 359 , 360
PDF formatted handouts, notes, or outlines, 222
PDFs, 112, 113 , 357 “359, 357 , 358
to PostScript file, 359, 359
PostScript files
to Distiller watched folder, 70 “72
from OS X, 103 “104, 103 , 104
registration marks, 54, 54 , 65
restricting with password, 92 , 93
rotated images, 61
security settings for, 132
setting resolution for output, 26 “27, 27
settings for commercial, 66
specifying paper size, width, and height, 56
speeding up, 120 , 121
testing watermarks and background graphics, 191
thumbnails, 54
Web pages and e-books onscreen, 69 “70
PrintMe service, 367, 367
Professional edition of Adobe Acrobat, 8, 9, 325
Proof Setup dialog, 356
color-separated, 53, 66 “67
composite color, 67 “68
composite grayscale, 67
selecting print options for, 362
purchasing eBooks, 313

Acrobat 6 and PDF Solutions
Acrobat 6 and PDF Solutions
ISBN: 0782142737
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2004
Pages: 102 © 2008-2017.
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