4.1 Overview

I l @ ve RuBoard

Most networked applications perform the following activities:

  • Establish connections actively and passively

  • Exchange data with peer applications

  • Manage buffers of data and

  • Marshal and demarshal typed data so that it can be processed correctly in heterogeneous systems

This chapter illustrates how the ACE Socket wrapper facades from Chapter 3 can be augmented with ACE message buffering and (de)marshaling classes to simplify the first implementation of our networked logging service. The participants in this service are shown in Figure 0.6 on page 18.

I l @ ve RuBoard

C++ Network Programming
C++ Network Programming, Volume I: Mastering Complexity with ACE and Patterns
ISBN: 0201604647
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2001
Pages: 101

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