Schema attribute objects describe the possible Active Directory objects that can be created, functioning as a template for creating new Active Directory objects. The base schema attribute objects are the basic set of schema attribute objects shipped with Windows 2000 Server. If the base schema doesn't meet the needs of your organization, you must consider modifying the schema or creating additional schema class and/or attribute objects; this process is called extending the schema. To determine whether the base schema objects meet the needs of your organization, you must familiarize yourself with the base schema attribute objects listed in this appendix and the base schema class objects listed in Appendix B. If you know the types of data that Active Directory will hold, you can more effectively determine whether you need to change the base schema and whom the changes will impact.
Name | Syntax | Description |
accountExpires | Large Integer | Account-Expires |
accountNameHistory | Unicode String | Account-Name-History |
aCSAggregateTokenRatePerUser | Large Integer | ACS-Aggregate-Token-Rate-Per-User |
aCSAllocableRSVPBandwidth | Large Integer | ACS-Allocable-RSVP-Bandwidth |
aCSCacheTimeout | Integer | ACS-Cache-Timeout |
aCSDirection | Integer | ACS-Direction |
aCSDSBMDeadTime | Integer | ACS-DSBM-DeadTime |
aCSDSBMPriority | Integer | ACS-DSBM-Priority |
aCSDSBMRefresh | Integer | ACS-DSBM-Referesh |
aCSEnableACSService | Boolean | ACS-Enable-ACS-Service |
aCSEnableRSVPAccounting | Boolean | ACS-Enable-RSVP-Accounting |
aCSEnableRSVPMessageLogging | Boolean | ACS-Enable-RSVP-Message-Logging |
aCSEventLogLevel | Integer | ACS-Event-Log-Level |
aCSIdentityName | Unicode String | ACS-Identity-Name |
aCSMaxAggregatePeakRatePerUser | Large Integer | ACS-Max-Aggregate-Peak-Rate-Per-User |
aCSMaxDurationPerFlow | Integer | ACS-Max-Duration-Per-Flow |
aCSMaximumSDUSize | Large Integer | ACS-Maximum-SDU-Size |
aCSMaxNoOfAccountFiles | Integer | ACS-Max-No-Of-Account-Files |
aCSMaxNoOfLogFiles | Integer | ACS-Max-No-Of-Log-Files |
aCSMaxPeakBandwidth | Large Integer | ACS-Max-Peak-Bandwidth |
aCSMaxPeakBandwidthPerFlow | Large Integer | ACS-Max-Peak-Bandwidth-Per-Flow |
aCSMaxSizeOfRSVPAccountFile | Integer | ACS-Max-Size-Of-RSVP-Account-File |
aCSMaxSizeOfRSVPLogFile | Integer | ACS-Max-Size-Of-RSVP-Log-File |
aCSMaxTokenBucketPerFlow | Large Integer | ACS-Max-Token-Bucket-Per-Flow |
aCSMaxTokenRatePerFlow | Large Integer | ACS-Max-Token-Rate-Per-Flow |
aCSMinimumDelayVariation | Large Integer | ACS-Minimum-Delay-Variation |
aCSMinimumLatency | Large Integer | ACS-Minimum-Latency |
aCSMinimumPolicedSize | Large Integer | ACS-Minimum-Policed-Size |
aCSNonReservedMaxSDUSize | Large Integer | ACS-Non-Reserved-Max-SDU-Size |
aCSNonReservedMinPolicedSize | Large Integer | ACS-Non-Reserved-Min-Policed-Size |
aCSNonReservedPeakRate | Large Integer | ACS-Non-Reserved-Peak-Rate |
aCSNonReservedTokenSize | Large Integer | ACS-Non-Reserved-Token-Size |
aCSNonReservedTxLimit | Large Integer | ACS-Non-Reserved-Tx-Limit |
aCSNonReservedTxSize | Large Interger | ACS-Non-Reserved-Tx-Size |
aCSPermissionBits | Large Integer | ACS-Permission-Bits |
aCSPolicyName | Unicode String | ACS-Policy-Name |
aCSPriority | Integer | ACS-Priority |
aCSRSVPAccountFilesLocation | Unicode String | ACS-RSVP-Account-Files-Location |
aCSRSVPLogFilesLocation | Unicode String | ACS-RSVP-Log-Files-Location |
aCSServerList | Unicode String | ACS-Server-List |
aCSServiceType | Integer | ACS-Service-Type |
aCSTimeOfDay | Unicode String | ACS-Time-Of-Day |
aCSTotalNoOfFlows | Integer | ACS-Total-No-Of-Flows |
additionalTrustedServiceNames | Unicode String | Additional-Trusted-Service-Names |
addressBookRoots | Distinguished Name | Address-Book-Roots |
addressEntryDisplayTable | Octet String | Address-Entry-Display-Table |
addressEntryDisplayTableMSDOS | Octet String | Address-Entry-Display-Table-MSDOS |
addressSyntax | Octet String | Address-Syntax |
addressType | Case Insensitive String | Address-Type |
adminContextMenu | Unicode String | Admin-Context-Menu |
adminCount | Integer | Admin-Count |
adminDescription | Unicode String | Admin-Description |
adminDisplayName | Unicode String | Admin-Display-Name |
adminPropertyPages | Unicode String | Admin-Property-Pages |
allowedAttributes | Object Identifier | Allowed-Attributes |
allowedAttributesEffective | Object Identifier | Allowed-Attributes-Effective |
allowedChildClasses | Object Identifier | Allowed-Child-Classes |
allowedChildClassesEffective | Object Identifier | Allowed-Child-Classes-Effective |
altSecurityIdentities | Unicode String | Alt-Security-Identities |
aNR | Unicode String | ANR |
applicationName | Unicode String | Application-Name |
appliesTo | Unicode String | Applies-To |
appSchemaVersion | Integer | App-Schema-Version |
assetNumber | Unicode String | Asset-Number |
assistant | Distinguished Name | Assistant |
assocNTAccount | Octet String | Assoc-NT-Account |
attributeDisplayNames | Unicode String | Attribute-Display-Names |
attributeID | Object Identifier | Attribute-ID |
attributeSecurityGUID | Octet String | Attribute-Security-GUID |
attributeSyntax | Object Identifier | Attribute-Syntax |
attributeTypes | Unicode String | Attribute-Types |
auditingPolicy | Octet String | Auditing-Policy |
authenticationOptions | Integer | Authentication-Options |
authorityRevocationList | Octet String | Authority-Revocation-List |
auxiliaryClass | Object Identifier | Auxiliary-Class |
badPasswordTime | Large Integer | Bad-Password-Time |
badPwdCount | Integer | Bad-Pwd-Count |
birthLocation | Octet String | Birth-Location |
bridgeheadServerListBL | Distinguished Name | Bridgehead-Server-List-BL |
bridgeheadTransportList | Distinguished Name | Bridgehead-Transport-List |
builtinCreationTime | Large Integer | Builtin-Creation-Time |
builtinModifiedCount | Large Integer | Builtin-Modified-Count |
businessCategory | Unicode String | Business-Category |
bytesPerMinute | Integer | Bytes-Per-Minute |
c | Unicode String | Country-Name |
cACertificate | Octet String | CA-Certificate |
cACertificateDN | Unicode String | CA-Certificate-DN |
cAConnect | Unicode String | CA-Connect |
canonicalName | Unicode String | Canonical-Name |
canUpgradeScript | Unicode String | Can-Upgrade-Script |
catalogs | Unicode String | Catalogs |
categories | Unicode String | Categories |
categoryId | Octet String | Category-Id |
cAUsages | Unicode String | CA-Usages |
cAWEBURL | Unicode String | CA-WEB-URL |
certificateAuthorityObject | Distinguished Name | Certificate-Authority-Object |
certificateRevocationList | Octet String | Certificate-Revocation-List |
certificateTemplates | Unicode String | Certificate-Templates |
classDisplayName | Unicode String | Class-Display-Name |
cn | Unicode String | Common-Name |
co | Unicode String | Text-Country |
codePage | Integer | Code-Page |
cOMClassID | Unicode String | COM-ClassID |
cOMCLSID | Unicode String | COM-CLSID |
cOMInterfaceID | Unicode String | COM-InterfaceID |
comment | Unicode String | User-Comment |
cOMOtherProgId | Unicode String | COM-Other-Prog-Id |
company | Unicode String | Company |
cOMProgID | Unicode String | COM-ProgID |
cOMTreatAsClassId | Unicode String | COM-Treat-As-Class-Id |
cOMTypelibId | Unicode String | COM-Typelib-Id |
cOMUniqueLIBID | Unicode String | COM-Unique-LIBID |
contentIndexingAllowed | Boolean | Content-Indexing-Allowed |
contextMenu | Unicode String | Context-Menu |
controlAccessRights | Octet String | Control-Access-Rights |
cost | Integer | Cost |
countryCode | Integer | Country-Code |
createDialog | Unicode String | Create-Dialog |
createTimeStamp | Generalized Time | Create-Time-Stamp |
createWizardExt | Unicode String | Create-Wizard-Ext |
creationTime | Large Integer | Creation-Time |
creationWizard | Unicode String | Creation-Wizard |
creator | Unicode String | Creator |
cRLObject | Distinguished Name | CRL-Object |
cRLPartitionedRevocationList | Octet String | CRL-Partitioned-Revocation-List |
crossCertificatePair | Octet String | Cross-Certificate-Pair |
currentLocation | Octet String | Current-Location |
currentParentCA | Distinguished Name | Current-Parent-CA |
currentValue | Octet String | Current-Value |
currMachineId | Octet String | Curr-Machine-Id |
dBCSPwd | Octet String | DBCS-Pwd |
dc | Unicode String | Domain-Component |
defaultClassStore | Distinguished Name | Default-Class-Store |
defaultGroup | Distinguished Name | Default-Group |
defaultHidingValue | Boolean | Default-Hiding-Value |
defaultLocalPolicyObject | Distinguished Name | Default-Local-Policy-Object |
defaultObjectCategory | Distinguished Name | Default-Object-Category |
defaultPriority | Integer | Default-Priority |
defaultSecurityDescriptor | Unicode String | Default-Security-Descriptor |
deltaRevocationList | Octet String | Delta-Revocation-List |
department | Unicode String | Department |
description | Unicode String | Description |
desktopProfile | Unicode String | Desktop-Profile |
destinationIndicator | Print Case String | Destination-Indicator |
dhcpClasses | Octet String | dhcp-Classes |
dhcpFlags | Large Integer | dhcp-Flags |
dhcpIdentification | Unicode String | dhcp-Identification |
dhcpMask | Print Case String | dhcp-Mask |
dhcpMaxKey | Large Integer | dhcp-MaxKey |
dhcpObjDescription | Unicode String | dhcp-Obj-Description |
dhcpObjName | Unicode String | dhcp-Obj-Name |
dhcpOptions | Octet String | dhcp-Options |
dhcpProperties | Octet String | dhcp-Properties |
dhcpRanges | Print Case String | dhcp-Ranges |
dhcpReservations | Print Case String | dhcp-Reservations |
dhcpServers | Print Case String | dhcp-Servers |
dhcpSites | Print Case String | dhcp-Sites |
dhcpState | Print Case String | dhcp-State |
dhcpSubnets | Print Case String | dhcp-Subnets |
dhcpType | Integer | dhcp-Type |
dhcpUniqueKey | Large Integer | dhcp-Unique-Key |
dhcpUpdateTime | Large Integer | dhcp-Update-Time |
directReports | Distinguished Name | Reports |
displayName | Unicode String | Display-Name |
displayNamePrintable | Print Case String | Display-Name-Printable |
distinguishedName | Distinguished Name | Obj-Dist-Name |
dITContentRules | Unicode String | DIT-Content-Rules |
division | Unicode String | Division |
dMDLocation | Distinguished Name | DMD-Location |
dmdName | Unicode String | DMD-Name |
dNReferenceUpdate | Distinguished Name | DN-Reference-Update |
dnsAllowDynamic | Boolean | Dns-Allow-Dynamic |
dnsAllowXFR | Boolean | Dns-Allow-XFR |
dNSHostName | Unicode String | DNS-Host-Name |
dnsNotifySecondaries | Integer | Dns-Notify-Secondaries |
dNSProperty | Octet String | DNS-Property |
dnsRecord | Octet String | Dns-Record |
dnsRoot | Unicode String | Dns-Root |
dnsSecureSecondaries | Integer | Dns-Secure-Secondaries |
dNSTombstoned | Boolean | DNS-Tombstoned |
domainCAs | Distinguished Name | Domain-Certificate-Authorities |
domainCrossRef | Distinguished Name | Domain-Cross-Ref |
domainID | Distinguished Name | Domain-ID |
domainIdentifier | Integer | Domain-Identifier |
domainPolicyObject | Distinguished Name | Domain-Policy-Object |
domainPolicyReference | Distinguished Name | Domain-Policy-Reference |
domainReplica | Unicode String | Domain-Replica |
domainWidePolicy | Octet String | Domain-Wide-Policy |
driverName | Unicode String | Driver-Name |
driverVersion | Integer | Driver-Version |
dSASignature | Octet String | DSA-Signature |
dSCorePropagationData | Generalized Time | DS-Core-Propagation-Data |
dSHeuristics | Unicode String | DS-Heuristics |
dSUIAdminMaximum | Integer | DS-UI-Admin-Maximum |
dSUIAdminNotification | Unicode String | DS-UI-Admin-Notification |
dSUIShellMaximum | Integer | DS-UI-Shell-Maximum |
dynamicLDAPServer | Distinguished Name | Dynamic-LDAP-Server |
eFSPolicy | Octet String | EFSPolicy |
employeeID | Unicode String | Employee-ID |
employeeNumber | Unicode String | Employee-Number |
employeeType | Unicode String | Employee-Type |
Enabled | Boolean | Enabled |
enabledConnection | Boolean | Enabled-Connection |
enrollmentProviders | Unicode String | Enrollment-Providers |
extendedAttributeInfo | Unicode String | Extended-Attribute-Info |
extendedCharsAllowed | Boolean | Extended-Chars-Allowed |
extendedClassInfo | Unicode String | Extended-Class-Info |
extensionName | Unicode String | Extension-Name |
facsimileTelephoneNumber | Unicode String | Facsimile-Telephone-Number |
fileExtPriority | Unicode String | File-Ext-Priority |
flags | Integer | Flags |
flatName | Unicode String | Flat-Name |
forceLogoff | Large Integer | Force-Logoff |
foreignIdentifier | Octet String | Foreign-Identifier |
friendlyNames | Unicode String | Friendly-Names |
fromEntry | Boolean | From-Entry |
fromServer | Distinguished Name | From-Server |
frsComputerReference | Distinguished Name | Frs-Computer-Reference |
frsComputerReferenceBL | Distinguished Name | Frs-Computer-Reference-BL |
fRSControlDataCreation | Unicode String | FRS-Control-Data-Creation |
fRSControlInboundBacklog | Unicode String | FRS-Control-Inbound-Backlog |
fRSControlOutboundBacklog | Unicode String | FRS-Control-Outbound-Backlog |
fRSDirectoryFilter | Unicode String | FRS-Directory-Filter |
fRSDSPoll | Integer | FRS-DS-Poll |
fRSExtensions | Octet String | FRS-Extensions |
fRSFaultCondition | Unicode String | FRS-Fault-Condition |
fRSFileFilter | Unicode String | FRS-File-Filter |
fRSFlags | Integer | FRS-Flags |
fRSLevelLimit | Integer | FRS-Level-Limit |
fRSMemberReference | Distinguished Name | FRS-Member-Reference |
fRSMemberReferenceBL | Distinguished Name | FRS-Member-Reference-BL |
fRSPartnerAuthLevel | Integer | FRS-Partner-Auth-Level |
fRSPrimaryMember | Distinguished Name | FRS-Primary-Member |
fRSReplicaSetGUID | Octet String | FRS-Replica-Set-GUID |
fRSReplicaSetType | Integer | FRS-Replica-Set-Type |
fRSRootPath | Unicode String | FRS-Root-Path |
fRSRootSecurity | NT Security Descriptor | FRS-Root-Security |
fRSServiceCommand | Unicode String | FRS-Service-Command |
fRSServiceCommandStatus | Unicode String | FRS-Service-Command-Status |
fRSStagingPath | Unicode String | FRS-Staging-Path |
fRSTimeLastCommand | UTC Coded Time | FRS-Time-Last-Command |
fRSTimeLastConfigChange | UTC Coded Time | FRS-Time-Last-Config-Change |
fRSUpdateTimeout | Integer | FRS-Update-Timeout |
fRSVersion | Unicode String | FRS-Version |
fRSVersionGUID | Octet String | FRS-Version-GUID |
fRSWorkingPath | Unicode String | FRS-Working-Path |
fSMORoleOwner | Distinguished Name | FSMO-Role-Owner |
garbageCollPeriod | Integer | Garbage-Coll-Period |
generatedConnection | Boolean | Generated-Connection |
generationQualifier | Unicode String | Generation-Qualifier |
givenName | Unicode String | Given-Name |
globalAddressList | Distinguished Name | Global-Address-List |
governsID | Object Identifier | Governs-ID |
gPCFileSysPath | Unicode String | GPC-File-Sys-Path |
gPCFunctionalityVersion | Integer | GPC-Functionality-Version |
gPCMachineExtensionNames | Unicode String | GPC-Machine-Extension-Names |
gPCUserExtensionNames | Unicode String | GPC-User-Extension-Names |
gPLink | Unicode String | GP-Link |
gPOptions | Integer | GP-Options |
groupAttributes | Integer | Group-Attributes |
groupMembershipSAM | Octet String | Group-Membership-SAM |
groupPriority | Unicode String | Group-Priority |
groupsToIgnore | Unicode String | Groups-to-Ignore |
groupType | Integer | Group-Type |
hasMasterNCs | Distinguished Name | Has-Master-NCs |
hasPartialReplicaNCs | Distinguished Name | Has-Partial-Replica-NCs |
helpData16 | Octet String | Help-Data16 |
helpData32 | Octet String | Help-Data32 |
helpFileName | Unicode String | Help-File-Name |
homeDirectory | Unicode String | Home-Directory |
homeDrive | Unicode String | Home-Drive |
homePhone | Unicode String | Phone-Home-Primary |
homePostalAddress | Unicode String | Address-Home |
iconPath | Unicode String | Icon-Path |
implementedCategories | Octet String | Implemented-Categories |
indexedScopes | Unicode String | IndexedScopes |
info | Unicode String | Comment |
initialAuthIncoming | Unicode String | Initial-Auth-Incoming |
initialAuthOutgoing | Unicode String | Initial-Auth-Outgoing |
initials | Unicode String | Initials |
installUiLevel | Integer | Install-Ui-Level |
instanceType | Integer | Instance-Type |
internationalISDNNumber | Numerical String | International-ISDN-Number |
interSiteTopologyFailover | Integer | Inter-Site-Topology-Failover |
interSiteTopologyGenerator | Distinguished Name | Inter-Site-Topology-Generator |
interSiteTopologyRenew | Integer | Inter-Site-Topology-Renew |
invocationId | Octet String | Invocation-Id |
ipPhone | Unicode String | Phone-Ip-Primary |
ipsecData | Octet String | Ipsec-Data |
ipsecDataType | Integer | Ipsec-Data-Type |
ipsecFilterReference | Distinguished Name | Ipsec-Filter-Reference |
ipsecID | Unicode String | Ipsec-ID |
ipsecISAKMPReference | Distinguished Name | Ipsec-ISAKMP-Reference |
ipsecName | Unicode String | Ipsec-Name |
iPSECNegotiationPolicyAction | Unicode String | IPSEC-Negotiation-Policy-Action |
ipsecNegotiationPolicyReference | Distinguished Name | Ipsec-Negotiation-Policy-Reference |
iPSECNegotiationPolicyType | Unicode String | IPSEC-Negotiation-Policy-Type |
ipsecNFAReference | Distinguished Name | Ipsec-NFA-Reference |
ipsecOwnersReference | Distinguished Name | Ipsec-Owners-Reference |
ipsecPolicyReference | Distinguished Name | Ipsec-Policy-Reference |
isCriticalSystemObject | Boolean | Is-Critical-System-Object |
isDefunct | Boolean | Is-Defunct |
isDeleted | Boolean | Is-Deleted |
isEphemeral | Boolean | Is-Ephemeral |
isMemberOfPartialAttributeSet | Boolean | Is-Member-Of-Partial-Attribute-Set |
isPrivilegeHolder | Distinguished Name | Is-Privilege-Holder |
isSingleValued | Boolean | Is-Single-Valued |
keywords | Unicode String | Keywords |
knowledgeInformation | Case Insensitive String | Knowledge-Information |
l | Unicode String | Locality-Name |
lastBackupRestorationTime | Large Integer | Last-Backup-Restoration-Time |
lastContentIndexed | Large Integer | Last-Content-Indexed |
lastKnownParent | Distinguished Name | Last-Known-Parent |
lastLogoff | Large Integer | Last-Logoff |
lastLogon | Large Integer | Last-Logon |
lastSetTime | Large Integer | Last-Set-Time |
lastUpdateSequence | Unicode String | Last-Update-Sequence |
lDAPAdminLimits | Unicode String | LDAP-Admin-Limits |
lDAPDisplayName | Unicode String | LDAP-Display-Name |
lDAPIPDenyList | Octet String | LDAP-IPDeny-List |
legacyExchangeDN | Case Insensitive String | Legacy-Exchange-DN |
linkID | Integer | Link-ID |
linkTrackSecret | Octet String | Link-Track-Secret |
lmPwdHistory | Octet String | Lm-Pwd-History |
localeID | Integer | Locale-ID |
localizationDisplayId | Integer | Localization-Display-Id |
localizedDescription | Unicode String | Localized-Description |
localPolicyFlags | Integer | Local-Policy-Flags |
localPolicyReference | Distinguished Name | Local-Policy-Reference |
location | Unicode String | Location |
lockoutDuration | Large Integer | Lockout-Duration |
lockOutObservationWindow | Large Integer | Lock-Out-Observation-Window |
lockoutThreshold | Integer | Lockout-Threshold |
lockoutTime | Large Integer | Lockout-Time |
logonCount | Integer | Logon-Count |
logonHours | Octet String | Logon-Hours |
logonWorkstation | Octet String | Logon-Workstation |
lSACreationTime | Large Integer | LSA-Creation-Time |
lSAModifiedCount | Large Integer | LSA-Modified-Count |
machineArchitecture | Enumeration | Machine-Architecture |
machinePasswordChangeInterval | Large Integer | Machine-Password-Change-Interval |
machineRole | Enumeration | Machine-Role |
machineWidePolicy | Octet String | Machine-Wide-Policy |
Unicode String | E-mail-Addresses | |
mailAddress | Unicode String | SMTP-Mail-Address |
managedBy | Distinguished Name | Managed-By |
managedObjects | Distinguished Name | Managed-Objects |
manager | Distinguished Name | Manager |
mAPIID | Integer | MAPI-ID |
marshalledInterface | Octet String | Marshalled-Interface |
masteredBy | Distinguished Name | Mastered-By |
maxPwdAge | Large Integer | Max-Pwd-Age |
maxRenewAge | Large Integer | Max-Renew-Age |
maxStorage | Large Integer | Max-Storage |
maxTicketAge | Large Integer | Max-Ticket-Age |
mayContain | Object Identifier | May-Contain |
meetingAdvertiseScope | Unicode String | meetingAdvertiseScope |
meetingApplication | Unicode String | meetingApplication |
meetingBandwidth | Integer | meetingBandwidth |
meetingBlob | Octet String | meetingBlob |
meetingContactInfo | Unicode String | meetingContactInfo |
meetingDescription | Unicode String | meetingDescription |
meetingEndTime | UTC Coded Time | meetingEndTime |
meetingID | Unicode String | meetingID |
meetingIP | Unicode String | meetingIP |
meetingIsEncrypted | Unicode String | meetingIsEncrypted |
meetingKeyword | Unicode String | meetingKeyword |
meetingLanguage | Unicode String | meetingLanguage |
meetingLocation | Unicode String | meetingLocation |
meetingMaxParticipants | Integer | meetingMaxParticipants |
meetingName | Unicode String | meetingName |
meetingOriginator | Unicode String | meetingOriginator |
meetingOwner | Unicode String | meetingOwner |
meetingProtocol | Unicode String | meetingProtocol |
meetingRating | Unicode String | meetingRating |
meetingRecurrence | Unicode String | meetingRecurrence |
meetingScope | Unicode String | meetingScope |
meetingStartTime | UTC Coded Time | meetingStartTime |
meetingType | Unicode String | meetingType |
meetingURL | Unicode String | meetingURL |
member | Distinguished Name | Member |
memberOf | Distinguished Name | Is-Member-Of-DL |
mhsORAddress | Unicode String | MHS-OR-Address |
middleName | Unicode String | Other-Name |
minPwdAge | Large Integer | Min-Pwd-Age |
minPwdLength | Integer | Min-Pwd-Length |
minTicketAge | Large Integer | Min-Ticket-Age |
mobile | Unicode String | Phone-Mobile-Primary |
modifiedCount | Large Integer | Modified-Count |
modifiedCountAtLastProm | Large Integer | Modified-Count-At-Last-Prom |
modifyTimeStamp | Generalized Time | Modify-Time-Stamp |
moniker | Octet String | Moniker |
monikerDisplayName | Unicode String | Moniker-Display-Name |
moveTreeState | Octet String | Move-Tree-State |
mscopeId | Print Case String | Mscope-Id |
mS-DS-ConsistencyChildCount | Integer | MS-DS-Consistency-Child-Count |
mS-DS-ConsistencyGuid | Octet String | MS-DS-Consistency-Guid |
mS-DS-CreatorSID | SID | MS-DS-Creator-SID |
ms-DS-MachineAccountQuota | Integer | MS-DS-Machine-Account-Quota |
mS-DS-ReplicatesNCReason | DN Binary | MS-DS-Replicates-NC-Reason |
msiFileList | Unicode String | Msi-File-List |
msiScript | Octet String | Msi-Script |
msiScriptName | Unicode String | Msi-Script-Name |
msiScriptPath | Unicode String | Msi-Script-Path |
msiScriptSize | Integer | Msi-Script-Size |
mSMQAuthenticate | Boolean | MSMQ-Authenticate |
mSMQBasePriority | Integer | MSMQ-Base-Priority |
mSMQComputerType | Case Insensitive String | MSMQ-Computer-Type |
mSMQComputerTypeEx | Unicode String | MSMQ-Computer-Type-Ex |
mSMQCost | Integer | MSMQ-Cost |
mSMQCSPName | Case Insensitive String | MSMQ-CSP-Name |
mSMQDependentClientService | Boolean | MSMQ-Dependent-Client-Service |
mSMQDependentClientServices | Boolean | MSMQ-Dependent-Client-Services |
mSMQDigests | Octet String | MSMQ-Digests |
mSMQDigestsMig | Octet String | MSMQ-Digests-Mig |
mSMQDsService | Boolean | MSMQ-Ds-Service |
mSMQDsServices | Boolean | MSMQ-Ds-Services |
mSMQEncryptKey | Octet String | MSMQ-Encrypt-Key |
mSMQForeign | Boolean | MSMQ-Foreign |
mSMQInRoutingServers | Distinguished Name | MSMQ-In-Routing-Servers |
mSMQInterval1 | Integer | MSMQ-Interval1 |
mSMQInterval2 | Integer | MSMQ-Interval2 |
mSMQJournal | Boolean | MSMQ-Journal |
mSMQJournalQuota | Integer | MSMQ-Journal-Quota |
mSMQLabel | Case Insensitive String | MSMQ-Label |
mSMQLabelEx | Unicode String | MSMQ-Label-Ex |
mSMQLongLived | Integer | MSMQ-Long-Lived |
mSMQMigrated | Boolean | MSMQ-Migrated |
mSMQNameStyle | Boolean | MSMQ-Name-Style |
mSMQNt4Flags | Integer | MSMQ-Nt4-Flags |
mSMQNt4Stub | Integer | MSMQ-Nt4-Stub |
mSMQOSType | Integer | MSMQ-OS-Type |
mSMQOutRoutingServers | Distinguished Name | MSMQ-Out-Routing-Servers |
mSMQOwnerID | Octet String | MSMQ-Owner-ID |
mSMQPrevSiteGates | Distinguished Name | MSMQ-Prev-Site-Gates |
mSMQPrivacyLevel | Enumeration | MSMQ-Privacy-Level |
mSMQQMID | Octet String | MSMQ-QM-ID |
mSMQQueueJournalQuota | Integer | MSMQ-Queue-Journal-Quota |
mSMQQueueNameExt | Unicode String | MSMQ-Queue-Name-Ext |
mSMQQueueQuota | Integer | MSMQ-Queue-Quota |
mSMQQueueType | Octet String | MSMQ-Queue-Type |
mSMQQuota | Integer | MSMQ-Quota |
mSMQRoutingService | Boolean | MSMQ-Routing-Service |
mSMQRoutingServices | Boolean | MSMQ-Routing-Services |
mSMQServices | Integer | MSMQ-Services |
mSMQServiceType | Integer | MSMQ-Service-Type |
mSMQSignCertificates | Octet String | MSMQ-Sign-Certificates |
mSMQSignCertificatesMig | Octet String | MSMQ-Sign-Certificates-Mig |
mSMQSignKey | Octet String | MSMQ-Sign-Key |
mSMQSite1 | Distinguished Name | MSMQ-Site-1 |
mSMQSite2 | Distinguished Name | MSMQ-Site-2 |
mSMQSiteForeign | Boolean | MSMQ-Site-Foreign |
mSMQSiteGates | Distinguished Name | MSMQ-Site-Gates |
mSMQSiteGatesMig | Distinguished Name | MSMQ-Site-Gates-Mig |
mSMQSiteID | Octet String | MSMQ-Site-ID |
mSMQSiteName | Case Insensitive String | MSMQ-Site-Name |
mSMQSiteNameEx | Unicode String | MSMQ-Site-Name-Ex |
mSMQSites | Octet String | MSMQ-Sites |
mSMQTransactional | Boolean | MSMQ-Transactional |
mSMQUserSid | Octet String | MSMQ-User-Sid |
mSMQVersion | Integer | MSMQ-Version |
msNPAllowDialin | Boolean | msNPAllowDialin |
msNPCalledStationID | IA5-String | msNPCalledStationID |
msNPCallingStationID | IA5-String | msNPCallingStationID |
msNPSavedCallingStationID | IA5-String | msNPSavedCallingStationID |
msRADIUSCallbackNumber | IA5-String | msRADIUSCallbackNumber |
msRADIUSFramedIPAddress | Integer | msRADIUSFramedIPAddress |
msRADIUSFramedRoute | IA5-String | msRADIUSFramedRoute |
msRADIUSServiceType | Integer | msRADIUSServiceType |
msRASSavedCallbackNumber | IA5-String | msRASSavedCallbackNumber |
msRASSavedFramedIPAddress | Integer | msRASSavedFramedIPAddress |
msRASSavedFramedRoute | IA5-String | msRASSavedFramedRoute |
msRRASAttribute | Unicode String | ms-RRAS-Attribute |
msRRASVendorAttributeEntry | Unicode String | ms-RRAS-Vendor-Attribute-Entry |
mS-SQL-Alias | Unicode String | MS-SQL-Alias |
mS-SQL-AllowAnonymousSubscription | Boolean | MS-SQL-AllowAnonymousSubscription |
mS-SQL-AllowImmediateUpdatingSubscription | Boolean | MS-SQL-AllowImmediateUpdatingSubscription |
mS-SQL-AllowKnownPullSubscription | Boolean | MS-SQL-AllowKnownPullSubscription |
mS-SQL-AllowQueuedUpdatingSubscription | Boolean | MS-SQL-AllowQueuedUpdatingSubscription |
mS-SQL-AllowSnapshotFilesFTPDownloading | Boolean | MS-SQL-AllowSnapshotFilesFTPDownloading |
mS-SQL-AppleTalk | Unicode String | MS-SQL-AppleTalk |
mS-SQL-Applications | Unicode String | MS-SQL-Applications |
mS-SQL-Build | Integer | MS-SQL-Build |
mS-SQL-CharacterSet | Integer | MS-SQL-CharacterSet |
mS-SQL-Clustered | Boolean | MS-SQL-Clustered |
mS-SQL-ConnectionURL | Unicode String | MS-SQL-ConnectionURL |
mS-SQL-Contact | Unicode String | MS-SQL-Contact |
mS-SQL-CreationDate | Unicode String | MS-SQL-CreationDate |
mS-SQL-Database | Unicode String | MS-SQL-Database |
mS-SQL-Description | Unicode String | MS-SQL-Description |
mS-SQL-GPSHeight | Unicode String | MS-SQL-GPSHeight |
mS-SQL-GPSLatitude | Unicode String | MS-SQL-GPSLatitude |
mS-SQL-GPSLongitude | Unicode String | MS-SQL-GPSLongitude |
mS-SQL-InformationDirectory | Boolean | MS-SQL-InformationDirectory |
mS-SQL-InformationURL | Unicode String | MS-SQL-InformationURL |
mS-SQL-Keywords | Unicode String | MS-SQL-Keywords |
mS-SQL-Language | Unicode String | MS-SQL-Language |
mS-SQL-LastBackupDate | Unicode String | MS-SQL-LastBackupDate |
mS-SQL-LastDiagnosticDate | Unicode String | MS-SQL-LastDiagnosticDate |
mS-SQL-LastUpdatedDate | Unicode String | MS-SQL-LastUpdatedDate |
mS-SQL-Location | Unicode String | MS-SQL-Location |
mS-SQL-Memory | Large Integer | MS-SQL-Memory |
mS-SQL-MultiProtocol | Unicode String | MS-SQL-MultiProtocol |
mS-SQL-Name | Unicode String | MS-SQL-Name |
mS-SQL-NamedPipe | Unicode String | MS-SQL-NamedPipe |
mS-SQL-PublicationURL | Unicode String | MS-SQL-PublicationURL |
mS-SQL-Publisher | Unicode String | MS-SQL-Publisher |
mS-SQL-RegisteredOwner | Unicode String | MS-SQL-RegisteredOwner |
mS-SQL-ServiceAccount | Unicode String | MS-SQL-ServiceAccount |
mS-SQL-Size | Large Integer | MS-SQL-Size |
mS-SQL-SortOrder | Unicode String | MS-SQL-SortOrder |
mS-SQL-SPX | Unicode String | MS-SQL-SPX |
mS-SQL-Status | Large Integer | MS-SQL-Status |
mS-SQL-TCPIP | Unicode String | MS-SQL-TCPIP |
mS-SQL-ThirdParty | Boolean | MS-SQL-ThirdParty |
mS-SQL-Type | Unicode String | MS-SQL-Type |
mS-SQL-UnicodeSortOrder | Integer | MS-SQL-UnicodeSortOrder |
mS-SQL-Version | Unicode String | MS-SQL-Version |
mS-SQL-Vines | Unicode String | MS-SQL-Vines |
mustContain | Object Identifier | Must-Contain |
name | Unicode String | RDN |
nameServiceFlags | Integer | Name-Service-Flags |
nCName | Distinguished Name | NC-Name |
nETBIOSName | Unicode String | NETBIOS-Name |
netbootAllowNewClients | Boolean | netboot-Allow-New-Clients |
netbootAnswerOnlyValidClients | Boolean | netboot-Answer-Only-Valid-Clients |
netbootAnswerRequests | Boolean | netboot-Answer-Requests |
netbootCurrentClientCount | Integer | netboot-Current-Client-Count |
netbootGUID | Octet String | Netboot-GUID |
netbootInitialization | Unicode String | Netboot-Initialization |
netbootIntelliMirrorOSes | Unicode String | netboot-IntelliMirror-OSes |
netbootLimitClients | Boolean | netboot-Limit-Clients |
netbootLocallyInstalledOSes | Unicode String | netboot-Locally-Installed-OSes |
netbootMachineFilePath | Unicode String | Netboot-Machine-File-Path |
netbootMaxClients | Integer | netboot-Max-Clients |
netbootMirrorDataFile | Unicode String | Netboot-Mirror-Data-File |
netbootNewMachineNamingPolicy | Unicode String | netboot-New-Machine-Naming-Policy |
netbootNewMachineOU | Distinguished Name | netboot-New-Machine-OU |
netbootSCPBL | Distinguished Name | netboot-SCP-BL |
netbootServer | Distinguished Name | netboot-Server |
netbootSIFFile | Unicode String | Netboot-SIF-File |
netbootTools | Unicode String | netboot-Tools |
networkAddress | Case Insensitive String | Network-Address |
nextLevelStore | Distinguished Name | Next-Level-Store |
nextRid | Integer | Next-Rid |
nonSecurityMember | Distinguished Name | Non-Security-Member |
nonSecurityMemberBL | Distinguished Name | Non-Security-Member-BL |
notes | Unicode String | Additional-Information |
notificationList | Distinguished Name | Notification-List |
nTGroupMembers | Octet String | NT-Group-Members |
nTMixedDomain | Integer | NT-Mixed-Domain |
ntPwdHistory | Octet String | Nt-Pwd-History |
nTSecurityDescriptor | NT Security Descriptor | NT-Security-Descriptor |
o | Unicode String | Organization-Name |
objectCategory | Distinguished Name | Object-Category |
objectClass | Object Identifier | Object-Class |
objectClassCategory | Enumeration | Object-Class-Category |
objectClasses | Unicode String | Object-Classes |
objectCount | Integer | Object-Count |
objectGUID | Octet String | Object-Guid |
objectSid | SID | Object-Sid |
objectVersion | Integer | Object-Version |
oEMInformation | Unicode String | OEM-Information |
oMObjectClass | Octet String | OM-Object-Class |
oMSyntax | Integer | OM-Syntax |
oMTGuid | Octet String | OMT-Guid |
oMTIndxGuid | Octet String | OMT-Indx-Guid |
operatingSystem | Unicode String | Operating-System |
operatingSystemHotfix | Unicode String | Operating-System-Hotfix |
operatingSystemServicePack | Unicode String | Operating-System-Service-Pack |
operatingSystemVersion | Unicode String | Operating-System-Version |
operatorCount | Integer | Operator-Count |
optionDescription | Unicode String | Option-Description |
options | Integer | Options |
optionsLocation | Print Case String | Options-Location |
originalDisplayTable | Octet String | Original-Display-Table |
originalDisplayTableMSDOS | Octet String | Original-Display-Table-MSDOS |
otherFacsimileTelephoneNumber | Unicode String | Phone-Fax-Other |
otherHomePhone | Unicode String | Phone-Home-Other |
otherIpPhone | Unicode String | Phone-Ip-Other |
otherLoginWorkstations | Unicode String | Other-Login-Workstations |
otherMailbox | Unicode String | Other-Mailbox |
otherMobile | Unicode String | Phone-Mobile-Other |
otherPager | Unicode String | Phone-Pager-Other |
otherTelephone | Unicode String | Phone-Office-Other |
otherWellKnownObjects | DN Binary | Other-Well-Known-Objects |
ou | Unicode String | Organizational-Unit-Name |
owner | Distinguished Name | Owner |
packageFlags | Integer | Package-Flags |
packageName | Unicode String | Package-Name |
packageType | Integer | Package-Type |
pager | Unicode String | Phone-Pager-Primary |
parentCA | Distinguished Name | Parent-CA |
parentCACertificateChain | Octet String | Parent-CA-Certificate-Chain |
parentGUID | Octet String | Parent-GUID |
partialAttributeDeletionList | Octet String | Partial-Attribute-Deletion-List |
partialAttributeSet | Octet String | Partial-Attribute-Set |
pekKeyChangeInterval | Large Integer | Pek-Key-Change-Interval |
pekList | Octet String | Pek-List |
pendingCACertificates | Octet String | Pending-CA-Certificates |
pendingParentCA | Distinguished Name | Pending-Parent-CA |
perMsgDialogDisplayTable | Octet String | Per-Msg-Dialog-Display-Table |
perRecipDialogDisplayTable | Octet String | Per-Recip-Dialog-Display-Table |
personalTitle | Unicode String | Personal-Title |
physicalDeliveryOfficeName | Unicode String | Physical-Delivery-Office-Name |
physicalLocationObject | Distinguished Name | Physical-Location-Object |
pKICriticalExtensions | Unicode String | PKI-Critical-Extensions |
pKIDefaultCSPs | Unicode String | PKI-Default-CSPs |
pKIDefaultKeySpec | Integer | PKI-Default-Key-Spec |
pKIEnrollmentAccess | NT Security Descriptor | PKI-Enrollment-Access |
pKIExpirationPeriod | Octet String | PKI-Expiration-Period |
pKIExtendedKeyUsage | Unicode String | PKI-Extended-Key-Usage |
pKIKeyUsage | Octet String | PKI-Key-Usage |
pKIMaxIssuingDepth | Integer | PKI-Max-Issuing-Depth |
pKIOverlapPeriod | Octet String | PKI-Overlap-Period |
pKT | Octet String | PKT |
pKTGuid | Octet String | PKT-Guid |
policyReplicationFlags | Integer | Policy-Replication-Flags |
portName | Unicode String | Port-Name |
possibleInferiors | Object Identifier | Possible-Inferiors |
possSuperiors | Object Identifier | Poss-Superiors |
postalAddress | Unicode String | Postal-Address |
postalCode | Unicode String | Postal-Code |
postOfficeBox | Unicode String | Post-Office-Box |
preferredDeliveryMethod | Enumeration | Preferred-Delivery-Method |
preferredOU | Distinguished Name | Preferred-OU |
prefixMap | Octet String | Prefix-Map |
presentationAddress | Address | Presentation-Address |
previousCACertificates | Octet String | Previous-CA-Certificates |
previousParentCA | Distinguished Name | Previous-Parent-CA |
primaryGroupID | Integer | Primary-Group-ID |
primaryGroupToken | Integer | Primary-Group-Token |
primaryInternationalISDNNumber | Unicode String | Phone-ISDN-Primary |
primaryTelexNumber | Unicode String | Telex-Primary |
printAttributes | Integer | Print-Attributes |
printBinNames | Unicode String | Print-Bin-Names |
printCollate | Boolean | Print-Collate |
printColor | Boolean | Print-Color |
printDuplexSupported | Boolean | Print-Duplex-Supported |
printEndTime | Integer | Print-End-Time |
printerName | Unicode String | Printer-Name |
printFormName | Unicode String | Print-Form-Name |
printKeepPrintedJobs | Boolean | Print-Keep-Printed-Jobs |
printLanguage | Unicode String | Print-Language |
printMACAddress | Unicode String | Print-MAC-Address |
printMaxCopies | Integer | Print-Max-Copies |
printMaxResolutionSupported | Integer | Print-Max-Resolution-Supported |
printMaxXExtent | Integer | Print-Max-X-Extent |
printMaxYExtent | Integer | Print-Max-Y-Extent |
printMediaReady | Unicode String | Print-Media-Ready |
printMediaSupported | Unicode String | Print-Media-Supported |
printMemory | Integer | Print-Memory |
printMinXExtent | Integer | Print-Min-X-Extent |
printMinYExtent | Integer | Print-Min-Y-Extent |
printNetworkAddress | Unicode String | Print-Network-Address |
printNotify | Unicode String | Print-Notify |
printNumberUp | Integer | Print-Number-Up |
printOrientationsSupported | Unicode String | Print-Orientations-Supported |
printOwner | Unicode String | Print-Owner |
printPagesPerMinute | Integer | Print-Pages-Per-Minute |
printRate | Integer | Print-Rate |
printRateUnit | Unicode String | Print-Rate-Unit |
printSeparatorFile | Unicode String | Print-Separator-File |
printShareName | Unicode String | Print-Share-Name |
PrintSpooling | Unicode String | Print-Spooling |
printStaplingSupported | Boolean | Print-Stapling-Supported |
printStartTime | Integer | Print-Start-Time |
printStatus | Unicode String | Print-Status |
priority | Integer | Priority |
priorSetTime | Large Integer | Prior-Set-Time |
priorValue | Octet String | Prior-Value |
privateKey | Octet String | Private-Key |
privilegeAttributes | Integer | Privilege-Attributes |
privilegeDisplayName | Unicode String | Privilege-Display-Name |
privilegeHolder | Distinguished Name | Privilege-Holder |
privilegeValue | Large Integer | Privilege-Value |
productCode | Octet String | Product-Code |
profilePath | Unicode String | Profile-Path |
proxiedObjectName | DN Binary | Proxied-Object-Name |
proxyAddresses | Unicode String | Proxy-Addresses |
proxyGenerationEnabled | Boolean | Proxy-Generation-Enabled |
proxyLifetime | Large Integer | Proxy-Lifetime |
publicKeyPolicy | Octet String | Public-Key-Policy |
purportedSearch | Unicode String | Purported-Search |
pwdHistoryLength | Integer | Pwd-History-Length |
pwdLastSet | Large Integer | Pwd-Last-Set |
pwdProperties | Integer | Pwd-Properties |
qualityOfService | Integer | Quality-Of-Service |
queryFilter | Unicode String | Query-Filter |
queryPoint | Unicode String | QueryPoint |
queryPolicyBL | Distinguished Name | Query-Policy-BL |
queryPolicyObject | Distinguished Name | Query-Policy-Object |
rangeLower | Integer | Range-Lower |
rangeUpper | Integer | Range-Upper |
rDNAttID | Object Identifier | RDN-Att-ID |
registeredAddress | Octet String | Registered-Address |
remoteServerName | Unicode String | Remote-Server-Name |
remoteSource | Unicode String | Remote-Source |
remoteSourceType | Integer | Remote-Source-Type |
remoteStorageGUID | Unicode String | Remote-Storage-GUID |
replicaSource | Unicode String | Replica-Source |
replInterval | Integer | Repl-Interval |
replPropertyMetaData | Octet String | Repl-Property-Meta-Data |
replTopologyStayOfExecution | Integer | Repl-Topology-Stay-Of-Execution |
replUpToDateVector | Octet String | Repl-UpToDate-Vector |
repsFrom | Replica Link | Reps-From |
repsTo | Replica Link | Reps-To |
requiredCategories | Octet String | Required-Categories |
retiredReplDSASignatures | Octet String | Retired-Repl-DSA-Signatures |
revision | Integer | Revision |
rid | Integer | Rid |
rIDAllocationPool | Large Integer | RID-Allocation-Pool |
rIDAvailablePool | Large Integer | RID-Available-Pool |
rIDManagerReference | Distinguished Name | RID-Manager-Reference |
rIDNextRID | Integer | RID-Next-RID |
rIDPreviousAllocationPool | Large Integer | RID-Previous-Allocation-Pool |
rIDSetReferences | Distinguished Name | RID-Set-References |
rIDUsedPool | Large Integer | RID-Used-Pool |
rightsGuid | Unicode String | Rights-Guid |
roleOccupant | Distinguished Name | Role-Occupant |
rootTrust | Distinguished Name | Root-Trust |
rpcNsAnnotation | Unicode String | rpc-Ns-Annotation |
rpcNsBindings | Unicode String | rpc-Ns-Bindings |
rpcNsCodeset | Unicode String | rpc-Ns-Codeset |
rpcNsEntryFlags | Integer | rpc-Ns-Entry-Flags |
rpcNsGroup | Unicode String | rpc-Ns-Group |
rpcNsInterfaceID | Unicode String | rpc-Ns-Interface-ID |
rpcNsObjectID | Unicode String | rpc-Ns-Object-ID |
rpcNsPriority | Integer | rpc-Ns-Priority |
rpcNsProfileEntry | Unicode String | rpc-Ns-Profile-Entry |
rpcNsTransferSyntax | Unicode String | rpc-Ns-Transfer-Syntax |
sAMAccountName | Unicode String | SAM-Account-Name |
sAMAccountType | Integer | SAM-Account-Type |
schedule | Octet String | Schedule |
schemaFlagsEx | Integer | Schema-Flags-Ex |
schemaIDGUID | Octet String | Schema-ID-GUID |
schemaInfo | Octet String | Schema-Info |
schemaUpdate | Generalized Time | Schema-Update |
schemaVersion | Integer | Schema-Version |
scopeFlags | Integer | Scope-Flags |
scriptPath | Unicode String | Script-Path |
sDRightsEffective | Integer | SD-Rights-Effective |
searchFlags | Enumeration | Search-Flags |
searchGuide | Octet String | Search-Guide |
securityIdentifier | SID | Security-Identifier |
seeAlso | Distinguished Name | See-Also |
seqNotification | Integer | Seq-Notification |
serialNumber | Print Case String | Serial-Number |
serverName | Unicode String | Server-Name |
serverReference | Distinguished Name | Server-Reference |
serverReferenceBL | Distinguished Name | Server-Reference-BL |
serverRole | Integer | Server-Role |
serverState | Integer | Server-State |
serviceBindingInformation | Unicode String | Service-Binding-Information |
serviceClassID | Octet String | Service-Class-ID |
serviceClassInfo | Octet String | Service-Class-Info |
serviceClassName | Unicode String | Service-Class-Name |
serviceDNSName | Unicode String | Service-DNS-Name |
serviceDNSNameType | Unicode String | Service-DNS-Name-Type |
serviceInstanceVersion | Octet String | Service-Instance-Version |
servicePrincipalName | Unicode String | Service-Principal-Name |
setupCommand | Unicode String | Setup-Command |
shellContextMenu | Unicode String | Shell-Context-Menu |
shellPropertyPages | Unicode String | Shell-Property-Pages |
shortServerName | Unicode String | Short-Server-Name |
showInAddressBook | Distinguished Name | Show-In-Address-Book |
showInAdvancedViewOnly | Boolean | Show-In-Advanced-View-Only |
sIDHistory | SID | SID-History |
signatureAlgorithms | Unicode String | Signature-Algorithms |
siteGUID | Octet String | Site-GUID |
siteLinkList | Distinguished Name | Site-Link-List |
siteList | Distinguished Name | Site-List |
siteObject | Distinguished Name | Site-Object |
siteObjectBL | Distinguished Name | Site-Object-BL |
siteServer | Distinguished Name | Site-Server |
sn | Unicode String | Surname |
sPNMappings | Unicode String | SPN-Mappings |
st | Unicode String | State-Or-Province-Name |
street | Unicode String | Street-Address |
streetAddress | Unicode String | Address |
subClassOf | Object Identifier | Sub-Class-Of |
subRefs | Distinguished Name | Sub-Refs |
subSchemaSubEntry | Distinguished Name | SubSchemaSubEntry |
superiorDNSRoot | Unicode String | Superior-DNS-Root |
superScopeDescription | Unicode String | Super-Scope-Description |
superScopes | Print Case String | Super-Scopes |
supplementalCredentials | Octet String | Supplemental-Credentials |
supportedApplicationContext | Octet String | Supported-Application-Context |
syncAttributes | Integer | Sync-Attributes |
syncMembership | Distinguished Name | Sync-Membership |
syncWithObject | Distinguished Name | Sync-With-Object |
syncWithSID | SID | Sync-With-SID |
systemAuxiliaryClass | Object Identifier | System-Auxiliary-Class |
systemFlags | Integer | System-Flags |
systemMayContain | Object Identifier | System-May-Contain |
systemMustContain | Object Identifier | System-Must-Contain |
systemOnly | Boolean | System-Only |
systemPossSuperiors | Object Identifier | System-Poss-Superiors |
telephoneNumber | Unicode String | Telephone-Number |
teletexTerminalIdentifier | Octet String | Teletex-Terminal-Identifier |
telexNumber | Octet String | Telex-Number |
templateRoots | Distinguished Name | Template-Roots |
terminalServer | Octet String | Terminal-Server |
textEncodedORAddress | Unicode String | Text-Encoded-OR-Address |
thumbnailLogo | Octet String | Logo |
thumbnailPhoto | Octet String | Picture |
timeRefresh | Large Integer | Time-Refresh |
timeVolChange | Large Integer | Time-Vol-Change |
title | Unicode String | Title |
tokenGroups | SID | Token-Groups |
tokenGroupsGlobalAndUniversal | SID | Token-Groups-Global-And-Universal |
tokenGroupsNoGCAcceptable | SID | Token-Groups-No-GC-Acceptable |
tombstoneLifetime | Integer | Tombstone-Lifetime |
transportAddressAttribute | Object Identifier | Transport-Address-Attribute |
transportDLLName | Unicode String | Transport-DLL-Name |
transportType | Distinguished Name | Transport-Type |
treatAsLeaf | Boolean | Treat-As-Leaf |
treeName | Unicode String | Tree-Name |
trustAttributes | Integer | Trust-Attributes |
trustAuthIncoming | Octet String | Trust-Auth-Incoming |
trustAuthOutgoing | Octet String | Trust-Auth-Outgoing |
trustDirection | Integer | Trust-Direction |
trustParent | Distinguished Name | Trust-Parent |
trustPartner | Unicode String | Trust-Partner |
trustPosixOffset | Integer | Trust-Posix-Offset |
trustType | Integer | Trust-Type |
uASCompat | Integer | UAS-Compat |
uNCName | Unicode String | UNC-Name |
unicodePwd | Octet String | Unicode-Pwd |
upgradeProductCode | Octet String | Upgrade-Product-Code |
uPNSuffixes | Unicoe String | UPN-Suffixes |
url | Unicode String | WWW-Page-Other |
userAccountControl | Integer | User-Account-Control |
userCert | Octet String | User-Cert |
userCertificate | Octet String | X509-Cert |
userParameters | Unicode String | User-Parameters |
userPassword | Octet String | User-Password |
userPrincipalName | Unicode String | User-Principal-Name |
userSharedFolder | Unicode String | User-Shared-Folder |
userSharedFolderOther | Unicode String | User-Shared-Folder-Other |
userSMIMECertificate | Octet String | User-SMIME-Certificate |
userWorkstations | Unicode String | User-Workstations |
uSNChanged | Large Integer | USN-Changed |
uSNCreated | Large Integer | USN-Created |
uSNDSALastObjRemoved | Large Integer | USN-DSA-Last-Obj-Removed |
USNIntersite | Integer | USN-Intersite |
uSNLastObjRem | Large Integer | USN-Last-Obj-Rem |
uSNSource | Large Integer | USN-Source |
validAccesses | Integer | Valid-Accesses |
vendor | Unicode String | Vendor |
versionNumber | Integer | Version-Number |
versionNumberHi | Integer | Version-Number-Hi |
versionNumberLo | Integer | Version-Number-Lo |
volTableGUID | Octet String | Vol-Table-GUID |
volTableIdxGUID | Octet String | Vol-Table-Idx-GUID |
volumeCount | Integer | Volume-Count |
wbemPath | Unicode String | Wbem-Path |
wellKnownObjects | DN Binary | Well-Known-Objects |
whenChanged | Generalized Time | When-Changed |
whenCreated | Generalized Time | When-Created |
winsockAddresses | Octet String | Winsock-Addresses |
wWWHomePage | Unicode String | WWW-Home-Page |
x121Address | Numerical String | X121-Address |