ternary operators. See conditional operators

this(), constructors, 139

this keyword, referencing inner or outer instances from within inner class, 642–643

Thread Class, 689

threads, 674–758

creating, 676–677

deadlocks, 717–718

defining, 677–678

instantiating, 678–680

interaction, 718–723

join(), 698–700

methods, 676, 689–690, 729

notifyAll(), 724–725

overview, 674–676

preventing execution of, 692–693

priorities, 696–698

scheduler, 688–689

self test answers, 744–757

self test questions, 733–743

sleep(), 693–696

starting, 681–684

starting multiple, 685–688

states, 690–692

thread-safe classes, 714–716

two-minute drill, 730–732

wait(), 725–728

yield(), 698


exception handling and, 355

throwing exception manually, 360

Throwable class, 354–355

throws, 359

toArray(), 559


overview, 485

with Scanner class, 487–489

self test answers, 508–520

self test questions, 498–507

with split() of String class, 486–487

tokens and delimiters, 485–486

two-minute drill, 496–497

tokens, 485–486

tolowerCase(), String class methods, 423

toString(), 232

Object class, 522–524

public methods, 528

String class methods, 424

StringBuffer methods, 427

toUpperCase(), String class methods, 424

transient, variable declarations, 59

TreeMap, Map interface, 544


Set interface, 543

working with, 562

trim(), String class methods, 424

try statement

catching exceptions, 345–347

declaring exceptions, 359

defining exceptions, 353–354

handling entire class hierarchy of exceptions, 356

legal expressions of, 349–350

two-minute drills

advanced overloading, 258

anonymous inner classes, 658

arithmetic operators, 299

arrays, 73

assertions, 388

assignments, 255–258

boxing, 258

break statements, 386

collections, 607–608

conditional operators, 300

constructors, 155–157

continue statements, 386

coupling, 157

dates, numbers, and currency, 496

declaration, of class members, 70–71

declaration, of classes, 68

development, 779–780

encapsulation, 153

enums, 73

equals(), 606–607

exception handling, 387

flow control, 385–386

formatting, 496–497

garbage collection, 258

generic collections, 609–610

hashCode(), 606–607

I/O (input/output), 494–495

identifiers, 68

if statements, 385

inheritance, 153

inner classes, 657

instanceof operator, 299

instantiation, 155–157

interfaces, 69–70, 155

IS-A relationships, 153

java (Java application launcher), 779–780

javac (Java compiler), 779–780

local variables, 71

logical operators (&,|,^,!,&&, and | |), 300

loops, 386

method-local inner classes, 657–658

modifiers, 68–69, 71–72

object orientation, 153–155

operators, 299–303

overloaded methods, 154

overloading, advanced, 258

overridden methods, 154

polymorphism, 153

relational (<, < = , >, >=, = =, ! = ) operators, 299

return types, 155

scope, variable, 255

serialization, 495

stack, 255

static nested classes, 658

static variables, 73, 157

strings, 494

switch statements, 385

threads, 730–732

tokenizing, 496–497

var-args (variable arguments), 72

variable declarations, 72

wrapper classes, 257–258

SCJP Sun Certified Programmer for Java 5 Study Guide Exam 310-055
SCJP Sun Certified Programmer for Java 5 Study Guide (Exam 310-055) (Certification Press)
ISBN: 0072253606
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2006
Pages: 131

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