Lesson 2: Managing Source Code with Visual SourceSafe

Visual SourceSafe Management

Visual SourceSafe supports any type of file. The only critical distinction is whether the file type is text or binary. Visual SourceSafe stores both, but because of the format of binary files, some advanced operations, such as comparing the contents of two binary files, cannot be performed. The ability to handle all file types makes SourceSafe a versatile tool for source code control, document management, Web site management, or in any situation where many files need to be organized and managed.

Checking Files In and Out

Using a Microsoft development tool or the Visual SourceSafe Explorer, you can check files in and out of the database.

Before you continue with the lesson, run the Chap13b.exe animation located on the CD-ROM that accompanies this book. This animation explains how VSS manages files to prevent multiple users from overwriting each other's work.

The Get command retrieves a file or set of files from your Visual SourceSafe database and puts read-only copies on your local computer (by default). You will not be able to modify these files on your local system, nor will you be able to save them back to Visual SourceSafe.

The Check Out command marks the file or set of files as checked out to you in the database, and then gives you writable copies so you can make changes to the files.

click to view at full size.

Figure 13.8 How files are managed by Visual SourceSafe

When you finish editing the file, check it into Visual SourceSafe using the Check In command. This copies the modified file from your folder into Visual SourceSafe's database, making your changes accessible to other users. However, Visual SourceSafe stores all the changes that have been made to the filethe most recent copy always is available, but previous versions can be retrieved as well. Visual SourceSafe's reverse delta technology ensures that all versions of a file are available, while minimizing use of disk space.

Microsoft Windows Architecture Training
Microsoft Windows Architecture for Developers Training Kit
ISBN: B00007FY9D
Year: 1998
Pages: 324

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