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  1. Can you query using attributes contained in different object types inside the same query? Can you query using attributes contained in different attribute classes inside the same query?
  2. Answer

  3. What role does the WBEM schema play in creating queries using Query Builder?
  4. Answer

  5. Name three methods for limiting the results of a query.
  6. Answer

  7. What must you select to create a prompted query? Give an example of a useful prompted query.
  8. Answer

  9. Which Crystal Info service is responsible for checking user permissions before running a report?
  10. Answer

Microsoft Systems Management Server 2.0 Training Kit
Microsoft Systems Management Server 2.0 Training Kit
ISBN: 1572318341
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 1999
Pages: 107 © 2008-2017.
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