Using Languages That You ve Built

Using Languages That You've Built

We build (or use preexisting) languages for the same reasons we build metamodels: to declare the elements of a modeling language so we can build mappings between them. However, construction of a metamodel is only one way to build a language.

The genius of the UML is that it is ecumenical: It allows anyone to use it in any way he or she chooses. A user of the UML has the ability, via the profile mechanism, to add features so that additional meanings can be adduced. Alternatively, you may build a MOF metamodel, either from scratch or by importing the UML metamodel and making incremental variations from that.

A language needs a concrete syntax. One approach is to bend the UML to your will by constructing mappings between the abstract syntax of a UML concrete representation and the metamodel of your language. An alternative is to construct a domain-specific language that meets your specific needs.

Sometimes a language is incomplete, or it requires addition of elements at a different level of abstraction from the rest of the model. In this case, we may elaborate the generated model. We take up this topic in Chapter 8.

MDA Distilled. Principles of Model-Driven Architecture
MDA Distilled. Principles of Model-Driven Architecture
ISBN: B00866PUN2
Year: 2003
Pages: 134 © 2008-2017.
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