Section 44. Time Machine

44. Time Machine

Time Machine, a new backup utility in Leopard, encourages good backup habits by making backup and restoration automaticand fun!

Using a dedicated external or network-mounted drive for storage, Time Machine creates a backup of your entire hard disk; any changes made after that point are recorded incrementally.

Using a video gamestyle interface (shown in Figure 16), you "scroll backward" into the past, before files were corrupted, deleted, edited, or lost. From there, you can restore individual files or reverse the clock completely, resetting your Mac to a saved state as far back in time as storage and settings allow.

Figure 16. With its simple but dramatic interface, Time Machine makes backing up and restoring your computer as entertaining as it can be.

101 Reasons To Switch to the Mac
101 Reasons to Switch to the Mac
Year: 2007
Pages: 107
Authors: Mark McElroy © 2008-2017.
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