Carole Matthews
Mark Clarkson
Doug Sahlin
Erik Poulsen
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Adobe , Acrobat , Adobe Capture Handheld, Adobe Gamma, Adobe Image Viewer, Adobe Garamond , Adobe Web Collection, Balzano , Banshee , Bickham Script , Blue Island , Galahad , Illustrator , ImageReady , InDesign , Moonglow , Myriad , Photoshop , Photoshop Camera Raw, Photoshop Elements, Photoshop JPEG 2000, PostScript , PSPrinterTM, Toolbox are either registered trademarks or trademarks of Adobe Systems Incorporated in the United States and/or other countries.
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This book was composed with Adobe InDesign
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Copyright 2004 by Matthews Technology. All rights reserved. Printed in the United States of America. Except as permitted under the Copyright Act of 1976, no part of this publication may be reproduced or distributed in any form or by any means, or stored in a database or retrieval system, without the prior written permission of publisher, with the exception that the program listings may be entered, stored, and executed in a computer system, but they may not be reproduced for publication.
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ISBN 0-07-223231-5
Brandon A. Nordin
Vice President and Associate Publisher
Scott Rogers
Acquisitions Editor
Roger Stewart
Acquisitions Coordinator
Jessica Wilson
Technical Editor
Keith Eyer
Copy Editor
Harriet O’neal
Mike Mcgee
Kellen Diamanti
Deborah Fisher
Layout artists
Keith Eyer
Bailey Cunningham
Kathleen Edwards
Pattie Lee
Bruce Hopkins
Series Design
Bailey Cunningham
Cover Design
Patti Lee
Carole Matthews
To Tank, Domino, and Tortise, my shadows and faithful companions. If they hadn’t interrupted my computer work occasionally, I might have become permanently joined to the computer at the mouse!
Mark Clarkson
To Joe, without whose diligent efforts this would have been much easier.
Doug Sahlin
To the digital artist lurking in every Photoshop user.
Erik Poulsen
To Murphy and Ella, whose smiles say so much to us all.
About the Authors
Carole Boggs Matthews has been around computers, as a programmer, systems analyst, technical consultant, and founder, co-owner, and Vice-President of a software company. She has been on all sides of computer software products, from designer and builder to an accomplished user of software in her business. Together with Marty Matthews, her husband, she has authored or co-authored over 40 books, including Microsoft Office PowerPoint 2003 QuickSteps, Microsoft Office FrontPage 2003, The Complete Reference; and The Official Guide to CorelDraw! 6.
Mark Clarkson has been a professional writer since 1987, and a daily Photoshop user since that program first appeared under Windows in 1993. He is the author of four books, including Photoshop Secrets of the Pros, and a co-author and contributing author on three more. His books range in subject from Photoshop and cartooning to artificial life and robotics. A self-described dilettante, he lives with his wife and two children in Wichita, Kansas, and rarely leaves the basement.
Doug Sahlin is an author, photographer, graphic designer, and web site designer living in Central Florida. He uses Photoshop CS as his digital darkroom, and to edit and create images for client multimedia presentations and web sites. He is the author of 12 books on computer graphics and web animation including How To Do Everything with Macromedia Contribute and How To Do Everything with Adobe Acrobat 6.0, which was recently ranked 22nd in Amazon’s top 50 computer books. He has authored online Flash courses, presented on-location seminars, and has co-authored a book on digital video.
Erik B. Poulsen is a Senior Web Developer with Sherman Software Solutions. Erik has more than 16 years of computer experience and works with corporations developing ASP.NET and database-driven web applications. He has also collaborated with the Matthews on a number of book projects, including FrontPage 2003, The Complete Reference.
The people producing this book have been exceptionally talented and very hard working. They have been dedicated to making this book one to match their capabilities, which are substantial. And I think you’ll find they succeeded. One wonderful by-product of the book has been the supportive and cohesive team that has been developed. Although many members of the team may never personally meet, they have interacted in a professional and caring way.
Harriet O’Neal, copy editor, worked tirelessly for long hours to bring four authors together, each with a distinctive voice, to make them readable and consistent. She gave us that secure feeling that comes from knowing that our mistakes and awkward wording would be discovered and corrected. Thank you Harriet, for your dedication and professionalism.
Keith Eyer, layout artist and prepress expert, worked long hours to lay out most of the book chapters with creative skill. The “look” of the pages belongs largely to Keith who took our writings and made them beautiful. Thanks, Keith, for your attention to detail.
Bailey Cunningham, series designer and layout artist, helped to lighten the load, laying out some of the chapters, and providing endless support to all of us. Thanks, Bailey, for your being there, for whomever needed it.
Mike McGee, proof reader, found those hidden and elusive errors that escaped all the other pairs of bleary eyes, and made the book better. Thanks, Mike, for those late hours.
Kellen Diamante, proofreader, stepped in to help out when the schedule was particularly demanding. Thanks, Kellen, for your skillful proofing and supportiveness.
Deborah Fisher, indexer, found the important words and ideas and at the last minute, placed them into a comprehensive and very usable index. Thanks, Deborah, for your planning and preparation to pull it all together at the last minute.
Russell Sparkman, consultant, worked with us early in the project to develop ideas and to aim us in the right direction. Thanks, Russell, for your time and willingness to work with us.
Roger Stewart, has been a believer in the QuickSteps idea, and in our abilities to pull it off. He has been at our side, supporting us with his good humor and good will. Thanks, Roger for your very-much appreciated support.