Section C.5. State Changes and Queries

C.5. State Changes and Queries

In general, modern OpenGL graphics hardware performs optimally when processing an uninterrupted stream of geometry data. State changes interrupt this stream and cause delays in processing. In a worst-case scenario, applications make extensive state changes after every triangle, dramatically inhibiting performance.

Avoid unnecessary state changes with the following tips:

  • Group geometry that share a state. Group textured primitives when they share a texture to avoid redundant calls to glBindTexture().

  • To restore several changed states efficiently, use glPushAttrib() and glPopAttrib(), and their client-side equivalents, glPushClientAttrib() and glPopClientAttrib(). OpenGL implementations typically optimize these routines so that they're extremely lightweight.

  • To restore only a small number of changed-state items efficiently, make explicit calls to change and restore the states. Restoring state explicitly requires that your application track current state or query OpenGL before changing state. Nonetheless, this can be more efficient than using the attribute stacks on some implementations.

  • Avoid setting state redundantly. Although most OpenGL implementations are optimized to do nothing in this case, it still costs at least a branch and usually a call through a function pointer.

  • Avoid switching between multiple rendering contexts. If your application uses multiple contexts, limit the number of context switches to as few as possible per frame.

Obviously, OpenGL implementations set state in the underlying graphics hardware, but they also keep a shadow copy of many state values in host RAM. Querying a state item stored in shadow state requires only a data copy and, therefore, is relatively inexpensive.

glIsEnabled() is generally lightweight, because enable state is almost always shadowed in host RAM. Some OpenGL implementations keep a shadow copy of the top of the matrix stacks, so getting the matrix usually is as cheap as copying 16 GLfloats (or GLdoubles). Implementations don'tand shouldn'tshadow all state, however. For example, implementations optimally store texture maps generated from framebuffer data (using glCopyTexImage2D()) only in graphics hardware RAM. Querying OpenGL to retrieve such a texture map (using glGetTexImage()) requires a large data copy over the system bus.

OpenGL Distilled
OpenGL Distilled
ISBN: 0321336798
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2007
Pages: 123
Authors: Paul Martz © 2008-2017.
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