Chapter 8: Model-Based Design


Modeling is widely used in engineering design. Models are simplified representations of the real world, designed to include only those aspects relevant to the problem at hand. The reduction in scale and complexity achieved by modeling enables design engineers to analyze their designs to check the properties of interest.

For instance, a structural engineer may build a mathematical model of a particular bridge design to investigate its strength. Using different model parameters to represent differing situations and materials, the engineer analyzes the stresses and strains on the structural components of the proposed bridge, thereby assessing its strength. The engineer uses data from past experience and knowledge and skill to design and tailor the model such that it accurately reflects the behavior of a real bridge. This is essential if the faults found in the model are to be true indications of faults that could occur in the real bridge, and conversely that the lack of faults indicates a sound design for a fault-free bridge. Thus the engineer interprets the model behavior in order to infer behavior of the real bridge. Of course, the engineer may need to modify the design and corresponding model until, satisfied with the results, he or she can continue with confidence on the path to bridge construction.

As illustrated in the preceding chapters, this book takes a modeling approach to the design of concurrent programs. Our models represent the concurrent behavior of real concurrent programs written in Java. We abstract much of the detail of the real programs, neglecting aspects concerned with data representation, resource usage and user interaction. Instead, we focus on actions, interactions and concurrency. For instance, in our model of the bridge for the single-lane bridge problem in the previous chapter, we are only concerned with the enter and exit actions of a car. We therefore restrict our model to these actions. We model the constraints imposed on these actions by the cars and the bridge, and investigate the particular safety and progress properties of interest. Adjustments, such as action priorities, are made to the model to “stress-test” it and to ensure continuing correspondence between the model and the desired program. Safety and progress violations, and the associated trace and path information, require interpretation to understand the circumstances of the violation and the implications for the program. The model provides a sound basis for proceeding towards program construction with greater confidence, insight and understanding.

This chapter recapitulates and consolidates the concepts presented in previous chapters. It carefully and systematically describes the process of moving from system requirements through modeling to programming. No particular design method is imposed, since different designers may choose to use different techniques according to their own particular training or experience, or according to the particular system application. The intention is to emphasize the role and utility of modeling in association with any design method. Modeling and program design go hand-in-hand when designing any software, but it is particularly important when constructing concurrent programs. The example of a cruise control system for a car is used to illustrate the description. This was briefly introduced in Chapter 1; for convenience, we repeat the description and deal with it in detail in this chapter.

Concurrency(c) State Models & Java Programs
Concurrency: State Models and Java Programs
ISBN: 0470093552
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2004
Pages: 162 © 2008-2017.
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