

absolute caching, 79

Access (Microsoft)

for personalization profiles, 180

for user management data, 142

AccessDataSource control, 62

active user count, determining, 170–171

ActiveViewIndex property, 278

of MultiView control, 323

adaptive rendering, 10, 315–318

Add New Item command, in Solution Explorer, 52

administrative user, Security Setup Wizard for setup, 140

AdRotator control, 256

ads tracking, site counters for, 256–257

AfterLogin event, for Login control, 150

AggregateCacheDependency class, 312

allowAnonymous attribute, 195

AllowPaging property, of GridView control, 67

AllowSorting property, of GridView control, 67

anonymous methods, as new C# feature, 22–24

anonymous users, 159–160

conditional page display for, 154–155

personalization with, 194–197

activating profile properties, 194–195

migrating profiles to authenticated users, 196–197

AnonymousID property, of HttpRequest class, 160

Answer template, 153

AnswerLookupError event, for PasswordRecovery control, 153

AppearanceEditorPart control, 203, 219


deployment, 12–13

migrating existing 2002/2003, 38–39

precompilation, 355–357

settings in web.config file, 334

updating configuration, 343–345

ApplySkin() method, of ControlSkin class, 239

AppSettingsSection class, 334

app.sitemap XML file, 127–128, 158

As keyword, 27

.asix namespace, 270


architecture stack, 2

new features, 1–13

configuration, 11–12

controls, 2–4

deployment, 12–13

master pages, 4

mobile devices, 10

personalization, 7–8

site counters, 11

site navigation, 5

themes/skins, 8–10

user management, 6

ASP.NET Configuration Settings dialog box, General tab, 332

aspnet.mdb file, 174

aspnet_regsql.exe tool, 174

at (@) symbol, for comments, 26

Attributes collection, of SiteMapNode class, 135

Authenticate event, for Login control, 150

authentication of users

conditional page display after, 154–155

Login control for, 145–150

as Web Parts requirement, 204

authorization rules

acquiring and displaying in browser, 338–339

creating, 345

<authorization> tag, 143

Auto Format dialog box, for zone control, 207

AutoCompleteType property, of TextBox control, 289

AutoFormat command, 97

AutoGenerateColumns property, 66

AutoGenerateDeleteButton property, of GridView control, 72

AutoGenerateRows property, of DetailsView control, 83

automatic code generation, splitting files and, 25

AutoPostBack property, of DropDownList control, 245

ASP. NET 2.0 Revealed
ASP.NET 2.0 Revealed
ISBN: 1590593375
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2005
Pages: 133 © 2008-2017.
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