Chart Category Groups

Chart Category Groups is the optional mechanism of grouping data that provides the labels for chart elements.

For example, in a column chart, Country Name fields placed in the Category region generate country labels for x-axes (United States, Italy, and so forth).

You can nest categories. Multiple categories nest x-axes labels. For example, in a column chart with sales data, the first category group could be a county, and the second category group could be TerritoryId. The column chart would display groupings of products by TerritoryId on the x-axis.

Following is the RDL that describes a Category grouping. From this point forward, the section surrounded by the <CategoryGroupings> tag is abbreviatedas {CATEGORY GROUPS}.

 <CategoryGroupings>     <CategoryGrouping>       <DynamicCategories>         <Grouping Name="chart1_CategoryGroup1">           <GroupExpressions>             <GroupExpression>=Fields!SalesOrderNumber.Value</GroupExpression>           </GroupExpressions>         </Grouping>        <Label>=Fields!SalesOrderNumber.Value</Label>     </DynamicCategories>   </CategoryGrouping> </CategoryGroupings> 

Microsoft SQL Server 2005 Reporting Services
Microsoft SQL Server 2005 Reporting Services
ISBN: 0672327996
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2004
Pages: 254 © 2008-2017.
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