Section 21.4. Network IO

21.4. Network I/O

Writing to a remote object on the Internet isn't very different from writing to a file on your local machine. You might want to do this if your program needs to store its data to a file on a machine on your network, or if you are creating a program that displays information on a monitor connected to another computer on your network.

Network I/O is based on the use of streams created with sockets. Sockets are very useful for client/server applications, peer to peer (P2P), and when making remote procedure calls.

A socket is an object that represents an endpoint for communication between processes communicating across a network. Sockets can work with various protocols, including UDP and TCP. In this section, we create a TCP/IP connection between a server and a client. TCP/IP is a connection-based stream-like protocol for network communication. Connection-based means that with TCP/IP, once a connection is made, the two processes can talk with one another as if they were connected by a direct phone line.

Although TCP/IP is designed to talk across a network, you can simulate network communication by running the two processes on the same machine.

It is possible for more than one application on a given computer to be talking to various clients all at the same time (e.g., you might be running a web server, an FTP server, and a program that provides calculation support). Therefore, each application must have a unique ID so that the client can indicate which application it is looking for. That ID is known as a port. Think of the IP address as a phone number and the port as an extension.

The server instantiates a TcpListener and tells the listener to listen for connections on a specific port. The constructor for the TcpListener has two parameters, an IP address and an int representing the port on which that listener should listen.

Client applications connect to a specific IP address. For example, Yahoo's IP address is Clients must also connect to a specific port. All web browsers connect to port 80 by default. Port numbers range from 0 to 65,535 (e.g., 216); however, some numbers are reserved.[4]

[4] If you run your program on a network with a firewall, talk to your network administrator about which ports are closed.

Ports are divided into the following ranges:

  • 0-1023: well-known ports

  • 1024-49151: registered ports

  • 49152-65535: dynamic and/or private ports

For a list of all the well-known and registered ports, look at

Once the listener is created, call Start() on it, telling the listener to begin accepting network connections. When the server is ready to start responding to calls from clients, call AcceptSocket( ) . The thread in which you've called AcceptSocket( ) blocks (waiting sadly by the phone, wringing its virtual hands, hoping for a call).

You can imagine creating the world's simplest listener. It waits patiently for a client to call. When it gets a call, it interacts with that client to the exclusion of all other clients. The next few clients to call will connect, but they will automatically be put on hold. While they are listening to the music and being told their call is important and will be handled in the order received, they will block in their own threads. Once the backlog (hold) queue fills, subsequent callers will get the equivalent of a busy signal. They must hang up and wait for our simple socket to finish with its current client. This model works fine for servers that take only one or two requests a week, but it doesn't scale well for real-world applications. Most servers need to handle thousands, even tens of thousands of connections a minute!

To handle a high volume of connections, applications use asynchronous I/O to accept a call and create a socket with the connection to the client. The original listener then returns to listening, waiting for the next client. This way your application can handle many calls; each time a call is accepted, a new socket is created.

The client is unaware of this sleight of hand in which a new socket is created. As far as the client is concerned, he has connected with the IP address and port he requested. Note that the new socket establishes a connection with the client. This is quite different from UDP, which uses a connectionless protocol. With TCP/IP, once the connection is made, the client and server know how to talk with each other without having to readdress each packet.

21.4.1. Creating a Network Streaming Server

To create a network server for TCP/IP streaming, start by creating a TcpListener object to listen to the TCP/IP port you've chosen. I've arbitrarily chosen port 65000 from the available port IDs:

IPAddress localAddr = IPAddress.Parse(""); TcpListener tcpListener = new TcpListener(localAddr, 65000);

Once the TcpListener object is constructed, you can ask it to start listening:


Now wait for a client to request a connection:

Socket socketForClient = tcpListener.AcceptSocket( );

The AcceptSocket method of the TcpListener object returns a Socket object that represents a Berkeley socket interface and is bound to a specific endpoint. AcceptSocket( ) is a synchronous method that will not return until it receives a connection request.

Because the model is widely accepted by computer vendors, Berkeley sockets simplify the task of porting existing socket-based source code from both Windows and Unix environments.

Once you have a socket you're ready to send the file to the client. Create a NetworkStream class, passing the socket into the constructor:

NetworkStream networkStream = new NetworkStream(socketForClient);

Then create a StreamWriter object much as you did before, except this time not on a file, but rather, on the NetworkStream you just created:

System.IO.StreamWriter streamWriter = new    System.IO.StreamWriter(networkStream);

When you write to this stream, the stream is sent over the network to the client. Example 21-8 shows the entire server. (I've stripped this server down to its bare essentials. With a production server, you almost certainly would run the request processing code in a thread, and you'd want to enclose the logic in try blocks to handle network problems.)

Example 21-8. Implementing a network streaming server
#region Using directives using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Net; using System.Net.Sockets; using System.Text; #endregion namespace NetworkStreamingServer {    public class NetworkIOServer    {       public static void Main( )       {          NetworkIOServer app =             new NetworkIOServer( );          app.Run( );       }       private void Run( )       {          // create a new TcpListener and start it up          // listening on port 65000          IPAddress localAddr = IPAddress.Parse( "" );          TcpListener tcpListener = new TcpListener( localAddr, 65000 );          tcpListener.Start( );          // keep listening until you send the file          for ( ; ; )          {             // if a client connects, accept the connection             // and return a new socket named socketForClient             // while tcpListener keeps listening             Socket socketForClient =                tcpListener.AcceptSocket( );             Console.WriteLine( "Client connected" );             // call the helper method to send the file             SendFileToClient( socketForClient );             Console.WriteLine(                   "Disconnecting from client..." );             // clean up and go home             socketForClient.Close( );             Console.WriteLine( "Exiting..." );                break;          }       }       // helper method to send the file       private void SendFileToClient(          Socket socketForClient )       {          // create a network stream and a stream writer           // on that network stream          NetworkStream networkStream =             new NetworkStream( socketForClient );          System.IO.StreamWriter streamWriter =             new System.IO.StreamWriter( networkStream );          // create a stream reader for the file          System.IO.StreamReader streamReader =             new System.IO.StreamReader(                @"C:\test\source\myTest.txt" );          string theString;          // iterate through the file, sending it           // line-by-line to the client          do          {             theString = streamReader.ReadLine( );             if ( theString != null )             {                Console.WriteLine(                   "Sending {0}", theString );                streamWriter.WriteLine( theString );                streamWriter.Flush( );             }          }          while ( theString != null );          // tidy up          streamReader.Close( );          networkStream.Close( );          streamWriter.Close( );       }    } }

21.4.2. Creating a Streaming Network Client

The client instantiates a TcpClient class, which represents a TCP/IP client connection to a host:

TcpClient socketForServer; socketForServer = new TcpClient("localHost", 65000);

With this TcpClient, you can create a NetworkStream, and on that stream you can create a StreamReader:

NetworkStream networkStream = socketForServer.GetStream(); System.IO.StreamReader streamReader =      new System.IO.StreamReader(networkStream);

Now read the stream as long as there is data on it, outputting the results to the console:

do {     outputString = streamReader.ReadLine();     if( outputString != null )     {         Console.WriteLine(outputString);     } } while( outputString != null );

Example 21-9 is the complete client.

Example 21-9. Implementing a network streaming client
#region Using directives using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Net.Sockets; using System.Text; #endregion namespace NetworkStreamingClient {    public class Client    {       static public void Main( string[] Args )       {          // create a TcpClient to talk to the server          TcpClient socketForServer;          try          {             socketForServer =                new TcpClient( "localHost", 65000 );          }          catch          {             Console.WriteLine(                "Failed to connect to server at {0}:65000",                   "localhost" );             return;          }          // create the Network Stream and the Stream Reader object          NetworkStream networkStream =                socketForServer.GetStream( );          System.IO.StreamReader streamReader =             new System.IO.StreamReader( networkStream );          try          {             string outputString;             // read the data from the host and display it             do             {                outputString = streamReader.ReadLine( );                if ( outputString != null )                {                   Console.WriteLine( outputString );                }             }             while ( outputString != null );          }          catch          {             Console.WriteLine(                "Exception reading from Server" );          }          // tidy up           networkStream.Close( );       }    } }

To test this, I created a simple test file named myText.txt:

This is line one This is line two This is line three This is line four

Here is the output from the server and the client:

Output (Server): Client connected Sending This is line one Sending This is line two Sending This is line three Sending This is line four Disconnecting from client... Exiting... Output (Client): This is line one This is line two This is line three This is line four Press any key to continue

If you are testing this on a single machine, run the client and server in separate command windows or individual instances of the development environment. You need to start the server first, or the client will fail, saying it can't connect. If you aren't running this on a single machine, you need to replace occurrences of and localhost to the IP address of the machine running the server. If you are running Windows XP Service Pack 2 with the default settings, you will get a Windows Security Alert asking if you want to unblock the port.

21.4.3. Handling Multiple Connections

As mentioned earlier, this example doesn't scale well. Each client demands the entire attention of the server. A server is needed that can accept the connection and then pass the connection to overlapped I/O, providing the same asynchronous solution that you used earlier for reading from a file.

To manage this, create a new server, AsynchNetworkServer, which will nest within it a new class, ClientHandler. When your AsynchNetworkServer receives a client connection, it instantiates a ClientHandler and passes the socket to that ClientHandler instance.

The ClientHandler constructor will create a copy of the socket and a buffer and open a new NetworkStream on that socket. It then uses overlapped I/O to asynchronously read and write to that socket. For this demonstration, it simply echoes whatever text the client sends, back to the client and also to the console.

To create the asynchronous I/O, ClientHandler defines two delegate methods, OnReadComplete() and OnWriteComplete(), that manages the overlapped I/O of the strings sent by the client.

The body of the Run() method for the server is very similar to what you saw in Example 21-8. First, create a listener and then call Start(). Then create a forever loop and call AcceptSocket( ). Once the socket is connected, instead of handling the connection, create a new ClientHandler and call StartRead() on that object.

The complete source for the server is shown in Example 21-10.

Example 21-10. Implementing an asynchronous network streaming server
#region Using directives using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Net; using System.Net.Sockets; using System.Text; #endregion namespace AsynchNetworkServer {    public class AsynchNetworkServer    {       class ClientHandler       {          private byte[] buffer;          private Socket socket;          private NetworkStream networkStream;          private AsyncCallback callbackRead;          private AsyncCallback callbackWrite;          public ClientHandler( Socket socketForClient )          {             socket = socketForClient;             buffer = new byte[256];             networkStream =                new NetworkStream( socketForClient );             callbackRead =                new AsyncCallback( this.OnReadComplete );             callbackWrite =                new AsyncCallback( this.OnWriteComplete );          }          // begin reading the string from the client          public void StartRead( )          {             networkStream.BeginRead(                buffer, 0, buffer.Length,                callbackRead, null );          }          // when called back by the read, display the string          // and echo it back to the client          private void OnReadComplete( IAsyncResult ar )          {             int bytesRead = networkStream.EndRead( ar );             if ( bytesRead > 0 )             {                string s =                   System.Text.Encoding.ASCII.GetString(                      buffer, 0, bytesRead );                Console.Write(                      "Received {0} bytes from client: {1}",                       bytesRead, s );                networkStream.BeginWrite(                   buffer, 0, bytesRead, callbackWrite, null );             }             else             {                Console.WriteLine( "Read connection dropped" );                networkStream.Close( );                socket.Close( );                networkStream = null;                socket = null;             }          }          // after writing the string, print a message and resume reading          private void OnWriteComplete( IAsyncResult ar )          {             networkStream.EndWrite( ar );             Console.WriteLine( "Write complete" );             networkStream.BeginRead(                buffer, 0, buffer.Length,                callbackRead, null );          }       }       public static void Main( )       {          AsynchNetworkServer app =             new AsynchNetworkServer( );          app.Run( );       }       private void Run( )       {          // create a new TcpListener and start it up          // listening on port 65000          IPAddress localAddr = IPAddress.Parse( "" );          TcpListener tcpListener = new TcpListener( localAddr, 65000 );          tcpListener.Start( );          // keep listening until you send the file          for ( ; ; )          {             // if a client connects, accept the connection             // and return a new socket named socketForClient             // while tcpListener keeps listening             Socket socketForClient =                tcpListener.AcceptSocket( );             Console.WriteLine( "Client connected" );             ClientHandler handler =                new ClientHandler( socketForClient );             handler.StartRead( );          }       }    } }

The server starts up and listens to port 65000. If a client connects, the server will instantiate a ClientHandler that will manage the I/O with the client while the server listens for the next client.

In this example, you write the string received from the client to the console in OnReadComplete( ) and OnWriteComplete( ). Writing to the console can block your thread until the write completes. In a production program, you don't want to take any blocking action in these methods because you are using a pooled thread. If you block in OnReadComplete( ) or OnWriteComplete(), you may cause more threads to be added to the thread pool, which is inefficient and will harm performance and scalability.

The client code is very simple. The client creates a tcpSocket for the port on which the server will listen (65000) and creates a NetworkStream object for that socket. It then writes a message to that stream and flushes the buffer. The client creates a StreamReader to read on that stream and writes whatever it receives to the console. The complete source for the client is shown in Example 21-11.

Example 21-11. Implementing a client for asynchronous network I/O
#region Using directives using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Net.Sockets; using System.Text; #endregion namespace AsynchNetworkClient {    public class AsynchNetworkClient    {       private NetworkStream streamToServer;       static public int Main( )       {          AsynchNetworkClient client =             new AsynchNetworkClient( );          return client.Run( );       }       AsynchNetworkClient( )       {          string serverName = "localhost";          Console.WriteLine( "Connecting to {0}", serverName );          TcpClient tcpSocket = new TcpClient( serverName, 65000 );          streamToServer = tcpSocket.GetStream( );       }       private int Run( )       {          string message = "Hello Programming C#";          Console.WriteLine(              "Sending {0} to server.", message );          // create a streamWriter and use it to          // write a string to the server          System.IO.StreamWriter writer =             new System.IO.StreamWriter( streamToServer );          writer.WriteLine( message );          writer.Flush( );          // Read response          System.IO.StreamReader reader =             new System.IO.StreamReader( streamToServer );          string strResponse = reader.ReadLine( );          Console.WriteLine( "Received: {0}", strResponse );          streamToServer.Close( );          return 0;       }    } } Output (Server): Client connected Received 22 bytes from client: Hello Programming C# Write complete Read connection dropped Output (Client): Connecting to localhost Sending Hello Programming C# to server. Received: Hello Programming C#

In this example, the network server doesn't block while it is handling client connections, but rather, it delegates the management of those connections to instances of ClientHandler. Clients should not experience a delay waiting for the server to handle their connections.

21.4.4. Asynchronous Network File Streaming

You can now combine the skills learned for asynchronous file reads with asynchronous network streaming, to produce a program that serves a file to a client on demand.

Your server will begin with an asynchronous read on the socket, waiting to get a filename from the client. Once you have the filename, you can kick off an asynchronous read of that file on the server. As each bufferful of the file becomes available, you can begin an asynchronous write back to the client. When the asynchronous write to the client finishes, you can kick off another read of the file; in this way you ping-pong back and forth, filling the buffer from the file and writing the buffer out to the client. The client need do nothing but read the stream from the server. In the next example, the client will write the contents of the file to the console, but you could easily begin an asynchronous write to a new file on the client, thereby creating a network-based file copy program.

The structure of the server isn't unlike that shown in Example 21-10. Once again you will create a ClientHandler class, but this time add an AsyncCallBack named myFileCallBack, which you initialize in the constructor along with the callbacks for the network read and write:

myFileCallBack =     new AsyncCallback(this.OnFileCompletedRead); callbackRead =    new AsyncCallback(this.OnReadComplete); callbackWrite =    new AsyncCallback(this.OnWriteComplete);

The Run( ) function of the outer class, now named AsynchNetworkFileServer, is unchanged. Once again you create and start the TcpListener class as well as create a forever loop in which you call AcceptSocket( ). If you have a socket, instantiate the ClientHandler and call StartRead( ). As in the previous example, StartRead( ) kicks off a BeginRead(), passing in the buffer and the delegate to OnReadComplete.

When the read from the network stream completes, your delegated method OnReadComplete() is called and it retrieves the filename from the buffer. If text is returned, OnReadComplete( ) retrieves a string from the buffer using the static System.Text.Encoding.ASCII.GetString( ) method:

if( bytesRead > 0 ) {    string fileName =        System.Text.Encoding.ASCII.GetString(       buffer, 0, bytesRead);

You now have a filename; with that, you can open a stream to the file and use the exact same asynchronous file read used in Example 21-7:

inputStream =     File.OpenRead(fileName); inputStream.BeginRead(    buffer,             // holds the results    0,                  // offset    buffer.Length,      // Buffer Size    myFileCallBack,     // call back delegate    null);              // local state object

This read of the file has its own callback that will be invoked when the input stream has read a bufferful from the file on the server disk drive.

As noted earlier, you normally shouldn't take any action in an overlapped I/O method that might block the thread for any appreciable time. The call to open the file and begin reading it is normally pushed off to a helper thread, instead of doing this work in OnReadComplete( ). It has been simplified for this example to avoid distracting from the issues at hand.

When the buffer is full, OnFileCompletedRead() is called, which checks to see if any bytes were read from the file. If so, it begins an asynchronous write to the network:

if (bytesRead > 0) {    // write it out to the client    networkStream.BeginWrite(       buffer, 0, bytesRead, callbackWrite, null); }

If OnFileCompletedRead was called and no bytes were read, this signifies that the entire file has been sent. The server reacts by closing the NetworkStream and socket, thus letting the client know that the transaction is complete:

networkStream.Close(); socket.Close(); networkStream = null; socket = null;

When the network write completes, the OnWriteComplete( ) method is called, and this kicks off another read from the file:

private void OnWriteComplete( IAsyncResult ar ) {    networkStream.EndWrite(ar);    Console.WriteLine( "Write complete");    inputStream.BeginRead(       buffer,             // holds the results       0,                  // offset       buffer.Length,      // (BufferSize)       myFileCallBack,     // call back delegate       null);              // local state object }

The cycle begins again with another read of the file, and the cycle continues until the file has been completely read and transmitted to the client. The client code simply writes a filename to the network stream to kick off the file read:

string message = @"C:\test\source\AskTim.txt"; System.IO.StreamWriter writer =      new System.IO.StreamWriter(streamToServer);  writer.Write(message);  writer.Flush( );

The client then begins a loop, reading from the network stream until no bytes are sent by the server. When the server is done, the network stream is closed. Start by initializing a Boolean value to false and creating a buffer to hold the bytes sent by the server:

bool fQuit = false; while (!fQuit) {    char[] buffer = new char[BufferSize];

You are now ready to create a new StreamReader from the NetworkStream member variable streamToServer:

System.IO.StreamReader reader =     new System.IO.StreamReader(streamToServer);

The call to Read( ) takes three parameters: the buffer, the offset at which to begin reading, and the size of the buffer:

int bytesRead = reader.Read(buffer,0, BufferSize);

Check to see if the Read() returned any bytes; if not, you are done and you can set the Boolean value fQuit to TRue, causing the loop to terminate:

if (bytesRead == 0)    fQuit = true;

If you did receive bytes, you can write them to the console, or write them to a file, or do whatever it is you will do with the values sent from the server:

   else    {       string theString = new String(buffer);       Console.WriteLine(theString);    } }

Once you break out of the loop, close the NetworkStream:


The complete annotated source for the server is shown in Example 21-12, with the client following in Example 21-13.

Example 21-12. Implementing an asynchronous network file server
#region Using directives using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.IO; using System.Net; using System.Net.Sockets; using System.Text; #endregion namespace AsynchNetworkFileServer {    public class AsynchNetworkFileServer    {       class ClientHandler       {          private const int BufferSize = 256;          private byte[] buffer;          private Socket socket;          private NetworkStream networkStream;          private Stream inputStream;          private AsyncCallback callbackRead;          private AsyncCallback callbackWrite;          private AsyncCallback myFileCallBack;          // constructor          public ClientHandler(             Socket socketForClient )          {             // initialize member variable             socket = socketForClient;             // initialize buffer to hold             // contents of file             buffer = new byte[256];             // create the network stream             networkStream =                new NetworkStream( socketForClient );             // set the file callback for reading             // the file             myFileCallBack =                new AsyncCallback( this.OnFileCompletedRead );             // set the callback for reading from the              // network stream             callbackRead =                new AsyncCallback( this.OnReadComplete );             // set the callback for writing to the             // network stream             callbackWrite =                new AsyncCallback( this.OnWriteComplete );          }          // begin reading the string from the client          public void StartRead( )          {             // read from the network             // get a filename             networkStream.BeginRead(                buffer, 0, buffer.Length,                callbackRead, null );          }          // when called back by the read, display the string          // and echo it back to the client          private void OnReadComplete( IAsyncResult ar )          {             int bytesRead = networkStream.EndRead( ar );             // if you got a string             if ( bytesRead > 0 )             {                // turn the string to a file name                string fileName =                   System.Text.Encoding.ASCII.GetString(                   buffer, 0, bytesRead );                // update the console                Console.Write(                   "Opening file {0}", fileName );                // open the file input stream                inputStream =                   File.OpenRead( fileName );                // begin reading the file                inputStream.BeginRead(                   buffer,             // holds the results                   0,                  // offset                   buffer.Length,      // BufferSize                   myFileCallBack,     // call back delegate                   null );              // local state object             }             else             {                Console.WriteLine( "Read connection dropped" );                networkStream.Close( );                socket.Close( );                networkStream = null;                socket = null;             }          }          // when you have a bufferful of the file          void OnFileCompletedRead( IAsyncResult asyncResult )          {             int bytesRead =                inputStream.EndRead( asyncResult );             // if you read some file             if ( bytesRead > 0 )             {                // write it out to the client                networkStream.BeginWrite(                   buffer, 0, bytesRead, callbackWrite, null );             }             else             {                Console.WriteLine( "Finished." );                networkStream.Close( );                socket.Close( );                networkStream = null;                socket = null;             }          }          // after writing the string, get more of the file          private void OnWriteComplete( IAsyncResult ar )          {             networkStream.EndWrite( ar );             Console.WriteLine( "Write complete" );             // begin reading more of the file             inputStream.BeginRead(                buffer,             // holds the results                0,                  // offset                buffer.Length,      // (BufferSize)                myFileCallBack,         // call back delegate                null );              // local state object          }       }       public static void Main( )       {          AsynchNetworkFileServer app =             new AsynchNetworkFileServer( );          app.Run( );       }       private void Run( )       {          // create a new TcpListener and start it up          // listening on port 65000          IPAddress localAddr = IPAddress.Parse( "" );          TcpListener tcpListener = new TcpListener( localAddr, 65000 );          tcpListener.Start( );          // keep listening until you send the file          for ( ; ; )          {             // if a client connects, accept the connection             // and return a new socket named socketForClient             // while tcpListener keeps listening             Socket socketForClient =                tcpListener.AcceptSocket( );             if ( socketForClient.Connected )             {                Console.WriteLine( "Client connected" );                ClientHandler handler =                   new ClientHandler( socketForClient );                handler.StartRead( );             }          }       }    } }

Example 21-13. Implementing a client for an asynchronous network file server
using System; using System.Net.Sockets; using System.Threading; using System.Text; public class AsynchNetworkClient {    private const int BufferSize = 256;    private NetworkStream   streamToServer;    static public int Main( )    {       AsynchNetworkClient client =           new AsynchNetworkClient( );       return client.Run( );    }    AsynchNetworkClient( )    {       string serverName = "localhost";       Console.WriteLine("Connecting to {0}", serverName);       TcpClient tcpSocket = new TcpClient(serverName, 65000);       streamToServer = tcpSocket.GetStream( );    }    private int Run( )    {       string message = @"C:\test\source\AskTim.txt";       Console.Write(          "Sending {0} to server.", message);       // create a streamWriter and use it to       // write a string to the server       System.IO.StreamWriter writer =           new System.IO.StreamWriter(streamToServer);       writer.Write(message);       writer.Flush( );       bool fQuit = false;       // while there is data coming       // from the server, keep reading       while (!fQuit)       {          // buffer to hold the response          char[] buffer = new char[BufferSize];          // Read response          System.IO.StreamReader reader =              new System.IO.StreamReader(streamToServer);          // see how many bytes are           // retrieved to the buffer          int bytesRead =              reader.Read(buffer,0,BufferSize);          if (bytesRead == 0)  // none? quite             fQuit = true;          else                 // got some?          {             // display it as a string             string theString = new String(buffer);             Console.WriteLine(theString);          }       }       streamToServer.Close( ); // tidy up       return 0;    } }

By combining the asynchronous file read with the asynchronous network read, you have created a scalable application that can handle requests from a number of clients.

Programming C#(c) Building. NET Applications with C#
Programming C#: Building .NET Applications with C#
ISBN: 0596006993
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2003
Pages: 180
Authors: Jesse Liberty © 2008-2017.
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