Index_X - Z



applet wrapper, 84–85

command-line interface, 81

debugging, 85–91

EnvironmentCheck class, 85–87

logging, 88–91

SourceLocator interface, 87

TraceListeners, 85–87, 88

DTM (Document Table Model), 80–81

extensions, 97

extension elements, 97–98

extension functions, 98–101

writing, 101–103

XSLTC, 104

installing, 69–70

sample application, 104–111

TrAX API, 70–71

DOM version, 74–77

mixing SAX and DOM, 77–80

SAX version, 72–74

XPath, 53–54

expressions, 59–61

location paths, 54–59

XPath API, 81–84

XSLT, 62

extensions, 68

output, 66–67

result trees, 67–68

stylesheets, 62

templates, 62–66


calling from TrAX, 92–94

command-line tools, 96

configuring, 91–92

Smart Transformer Switch, 96

TransformerFactory attributes, 95

XEDB (XML Enabled Database), 286


applications for, 50–51

configuration, 16–17

validation-related features, 17


character encoding, 19

disallow-doctype-decl feature, 19

DOM-related features, 18–19

error-reporting features, 18

grammar catching, 23–23

input buffer size, 19

SecurityManager, 19

URI-conformant feature, 19

default values, reporting, 22

deferred DOM, 20

entity handling, 29–31

entity references, 31–33

experimental functionality, 2

grammar catching, 23–29

active catching, 25–28

passive catching, 23–25

history, 1

installing, 15–16

OutputFormat options, 37–38

parser instances, reducing, 48–49

PSVI (Post Schema Validation Infoset), 22

sample programs, 43–44

schema validation, 20–23

serialization, 34–38

standards supported, 1–2

thread safety, 48

troubleshooting, 49–50

XNI (Xerces Native Interface), 38

document scanner, 42

DTD scanner, 42

DTD validator, 42

entity manager, 43

error reporter, 43

namespace binder, 42

NekoXNI tools, 44–48

pipeline interfaces, 39–41

schema validator, 42

symbol table, 43

Xerces Native Interface. See XNI

XHTMLSerializer, 34

XHTML serializer (Cocoon), 229

XInclude transformer (Cocoon), 227


command-line tools

add commands, 300–302

delete commands, 303–304

exporting, 306

indexing commands, 304–306

retrieval commands, 302–303

runtime environment, 299

shutting down server, 307

example application

deployment descriptors, 337–338

SAX-based version, 341–346

XMLServlet, 330–334

XPathResultHandler, 346–347

XSLTServletFilter, 334–337

XSLT stylesheets, 338–341

installing, 299–300

performance, 329

requirements, 329


creating collections, 307–310

deleting collections, 312–314

navigating collections, 310–311

resources, creating, 314–324

XPath-based querying, 324–327

XUpdate, 327–329


declarations, 2–3

DTDs, 5

elements, 3

entities, 6

namespace prefixes, 3

namespaces, 3–4

Relax-NG, 5

schema language, 5

validity, 4–6

well-formedness, 3–4

XML4J parser. See Xerces

XML Canonicalization, 459–461, 471–474

XML:DB, 285–286. See also Xindice


BinaryResource interface, 290

Collection interface, 289

CollectionManagementService interface, 292

Database interface, 288

DatabaseManager interface, 288

Resource interface, 289–290

ResourceIterator interface, 291

ResourceSet interface, 290–291

Service interface, 291

TransactionService interface, 292–293

XMLResource interface, 290

XPathQueryService interface, 291–292

XUpdateQueryService interface, 292

update operations, 295–299

XUpdate, 293–294

elements, 294–295

XML Enabled Database (XEDB), 286

XML Encryption, 456, 467–470, 495

example application, 495–501

installing, 495

XML parsing, 1. See also Xerces

APIs, 6–8

DOM, 13–15

SAX, 8–12

XML renderer (FOP), 143

XMLResource interface (XML:DB), 290


applications of, 373

asynchronous clients, 361–363

BASIC authentication, 365–366

call side flow, 350–351

controlling server processing, 363–365

debugging, 373

in existing servers, 366–368

history, 349

HTTP as transport, 354–356

installing, 356

Java dynamic proxies and, 373–378

mapping to Java types, 358–359

prerequisites, 350

procedure call documents, 351–352

response documents, 352–354

simple client example, 357–358

simple server example, 359–361

SSL and, 368–372

type matching, 373

XML Schema, 5

XML Security, 456

applications of, 502

installing, 470–471

resolvers, 493–495

signatures in separate files, 490–491

signature verification, 485–490

signing documents, 474–485

XPathTransformSigner, 491–493

XMLSerializer, 34

XML serializer (Cocoon), 229

XML Signature, 455–456, 461

<DigestMethod> element, 463

<DigestValue> element, 464

<KeyInfo> element, 464–466

<Object> element, 466

<Reference> element, 462

<Signature> element, 461

<SignatureValue> element, 464

<SignedInfo> element, 462

<Transform> element, 462–463

validating signatures, 466–467

<?xml-stylesheet?> element (Cocoon), 245

XNI (Xerces Native Interface), 38


document scanner, 42

DTD scanner, 42

DTD validator, 42

entity manager, 43

error reporter, 43

namespace binder, 42

schema validator, 42

symbol table, 43

NekoXNI tools

ManekiNeko, 44–45

NekoHTML, 44

NekoPull, 45–48

pipeline interfaces, 39–41

XPath, 53–54

expressions, 59

abbreviated syntax, 61

function library, 59–61

location paths, 54–59

axes, 56–57

node tests, 57–58

predicates, 58–59

querying NXDs, 324–327

Xalan XPath API, 81–84

Xindice example application, 346–347

xpath command (Xindice), 303

XPath directory generator (Cocoon), 224

XPathEvaluator, 83

XPathNSResolver, 83–84

XPathQueryService interface (XML:DB), 291–292

XPathResult, 83–84

XPathTransformSigner, 491–493

XSL (Extensible Stylesheet Language), 113


elements of, 114–115

root elements, 115

flows, 115–116

generating with XSLT, 117–119

list blocks, 116–117

new components, 114–115

tables, 119–123

<xsl:attribute> element, 68

<xsl:comment> element, 68

<xsl:copy> element, 68

<xsl:element> element, 67

<xsl:processing-instruction> element, 68

XSLT, 62

extensions, 68

filters, 146–149

generating XSL with, 117–119

output, 66–67

performance, 104

result trees, 67–68

stylesheets, 62

templates, 62–66

Xindice example application

XSLTServletFilter, 334–337

XSLT stylesheets, 338–341


calling from TrAX, 92–94

command-line tools, 96

configuring, 91–92

extensions, 104

FOP and, 133–135

Smart Transformer Switch, 96

TransformerFactory attributes, 95

<xsl:text> element, 68

XSLT transformer (Cocoon), 225

XSL, validating, 135

<xsl:value-of> element, 68

XSPs (eXtensible Server Pages)


<?cocoon-process?> element, 245

<?xml-stylesheet?> element, 245

<xsp:attribute> element, 245

<xsp:comment> element, 246

<xsp:content> element, 246

<xsp:expr> element, 245

<xsp:include> element, 245

<xsp:logic> element, 245

<xsp:page> element, 245

<xsp:pi> element, 246

<xsp:structure> element, 245

logicsheets, 246–248

forms logicsheet, 249–252

request logicsheet, 248–249

sendmail logicsheet, 252–253

overview, 242–246

sessions, 253–254

<xsp:attribute> element (Cocoon), 245

<xsp:comment> element (Cocoon), 246

<xsp:content> element (Cocoon), 246

<xsp:expr> element (Cocoon), 245

<xsp-formval:is-??> elements (Cocoon), 251–252

<xsp:include> element (Cocoon), 245

<xsp:logic> element (Cocoon), 245

<xsp:page> element (Cocoon), 245

<xsp:pi> element (Cocoon), 246

<xsp-request:get-attribute> element (Cocoon), 249

<xsp:-request:get-header> element (Cocoon), 249

<xsp-request:get-locale> element (Cocoon), 249

<xsp-request:get-parameter> element (Cocoon), 249

<xsp-request:remove-attribute> element (Cocoon), 249

<xsp-request:set-attribute> element (Cocoon), 249

<xsp-session:encode-url> element (Cocoon), 254

<xsp-session:get-attribute> element (Cocoon), 253

<xsp-session:get-attribute-names> element (Cocoon), 253

<xsp-session:get-creation-time> element (Cocoon), 254

<xsp-session:get-id> element (Cocoon), 254

<xsp-session:get-last-accessed-time> element (Cocoon), 254

<xsp-session:get-max-inactive-interval> element (Cocoon), 254

<xsp-session:invalidate> element (Cocoon), 254

<xsp-session:is-new> element (Cocoon), 254

<xsp-session:remove-attribute> element (Cocoon), 254

<xsp-session:set-attribute> element (Cocoon), 253

<xsp-session:set-max-inactive-interval> element (Cocoon), 254

<xsp:structure> element (Cocoon), 245

XUpdate, 293–294

elements, 294–295

update operations, 295–299

updating NXDs, 327–329

XUpdateQueryService interface (XML:DB), 292

zip archive serializer (Cocoon), 231

Professional XML Development with Apache Tools. Xerces, Xalan, FOP, Cocoon, Axis, Xindice
Professional XML Development with Apache Tools: Xerces, Xalan, FOP, Cocoon, Axis, Xindice (Wrox Professional Guides)
ISBN: 0764543555
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2003
Pages: 95 © 2008-2017.
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