

pager, mysql command option for, 53

PARAMSTYLE attribute (Python), 619

ParamValues attribute (Perl DBI), 616

parent-child relationship in hierarchical database model, 210

parity, 469

partial dependencies, 223

and 2nd normal form, 227

PASSWORD() function, 425, 438, 567–568


entering, 6

mysqladmin utility to set, 438

protecting, 415–416

for root user, 7, 425

SET statement for, 438

in startup configuration file, 271

path, for MySQL client, 7

pattern matching, 16–17

Patterson, David, 469

performance. See also optimizing MySQL configuration

hardware improvements for, 393–394

normalization and, 236

replication and, 337

PERIOD_ADD() function, 519

PERIOD_DIFF() function, 520

Perl DBI module, 595

attributes common to all handles, 610–613

class methods, 596–597

database handle attributes, 613– 614

database handle methods, 600– 604

dynamic attributes, 617

loading, 595

methods common to all handles, 597–599

short example, 617–618

statement handle attributes, 614–616

statement handle methods, 604– 610

utility functions, 599


and BACKUP command, 302

and database design, 248

options when you have none, 440–445

wildcard, 439–440

persistent connections, 176, 369

PHP function to establish, 589–590

pgcc (compiler), 459

phantom reads, 124

PHP, 175

configuration options, 571–572

functions for MySQL, 572–593

mysql_affected_rows() function, 572

mysql_change_user, 572–573

mysql_client_encoding, 573

mysql_close, 573

mysql_connect, 573–574

mysql_create_db, 574

mysql_data_seek, 574–575

mysql_db_name, 575

mysql_db_query, 575

mysql_drop_db, 575–576

mysql_errno, 576

mysql_error, 576–577

mysql_escape_string, 577

mysql_fetch_array, 577–578

mysql_fetch_assoc, 578

mysql_fetch_field, 579

mysql_fetch_lengths, 580

mysql_fetch_object, 580–581

mysql_fetch_row, 581

mysql_field_flags, 581–582

mysql_field_len, 582

mysql_field_name, 582–583

mysql_field_seek, 583

mysql_field_table, 583–584

mysql_field_type, 584

mysql_free_result, 584–585

mysql_get_client_info, 585

mysql_get_host_info, 585

mysql_get_proto_info, 585

mysql_get_server_info, 585

mysql_info, 586

mysql_insert_id, 586

mysql_list_dbs, 586–587

mysql_list_fields, 587

mysql_list_processes, 587–588

mysql_list_tables, 588

mysql_num_fields, 588–589

mysql_num_rows, 589

mysql_pconnect, 589–590

mysql_ping, 590

mysql_query, 590–591

mysql_real_escape_string, 591

mysql_result, 591–592

mysql_select_db, 592

mysql_stat, 592

mysql_tablename, 592–593

mysql_thread_id, 593

mysql_unbuffered_query, 593

physical database design, 245–248

PI() function, 550–551

pid_file variable, 385

ping method (Perl DBI), 601

ping, PHP function to return, 590

port, mysql command option for, 53

port variable, 385

portability, of programming
code, 177

POSITION() function, 537–538

POW() function, 551

POWER() function, 551

precedence of operators, 15–16

PRECISION attribute (Perl DBI), 616

prepare method (Perl DBI), 601

prepare_cached method (Perl DBI), 601–602

prepareStatement() method (Java), 628

previous() method (Java), 637

primary key, 214

in 1st normal form, 226

as auto increment field, 142

creating, 129–131

and database design, 247

and replication, 356–359

PRIMARY KEY keyword, in CREATE TABLE statement, 129

primary_key method (Perl DBI), 602

PrintError attribute (Perl DBI), 612

printStackTrace() method (Java), 642

private_* attribute (Perl DBI), 612

privileges, 435–436

PROCESS privilege, 436, 447, 489

processes, PHP function to return resource to list, 587–588

processlist output, 369–373

processor, and performance, 394

Profile attribute (Perl DBI), 612

programming. See database programming

proprietary software, 3

protocol, PHP function to return version, 585

protocol_version variable, 385

prototyping, 188

pseudocode, 187

PURGE MASTER LOGS TO statement, 343, 353–354

Python database API, 619–624

attributes, 619–620

example, 623–624

methods, 620–623

Mastering MySQL 4
Mastering MySQL 4
ISBN: 0782141625
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2003
Pages: 230
Authors: Ian Gilfillan © 2008-2017.
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