

identity configuration section, 189

IHttpHandler interface

IsReusable property, 5

operation of, 4–6

reusing, 283

SimpleHandler.cs sample, 5–6

IHttpHandlerFactory interface, 4-6, 9

IHttpModule interface, 7–9

IIS (Internet Information Services)

anonymous access, 204

ASP to ISAPI mapping, 261–263

authentication, 203–205

Basic Authentication, 204

client certificates, 204

Digest Authentication, 205

impersonation under, 206–208

Integrated Authentication, 119, 205, 290

interfaces for applications, 260

Management snap-in, 296

request processing by file type, 3

security overview, 202

security settings, accessing, 203

version 5 behavior, forcing, 296

version 6 host process, 266

version of ASP.NET, determining, 185

Windows Authentication, 204–205


defined, 202

enabling, 207

IIS with, 206

options for, 206–207

specific user impersonation, 207–208

Windows Authentication with, 208

include files, 276, 300

IncludeCurrentTime.aspx, 30

in-line methods, 270

in-process session state, 112–114, 240, 289


controls for validation. See validation controls

elements, 26

Server.HTMLEncode method for, 297

validating, 218–220

Insert method of Cache, 173–177

Integrated Authentication, 119, 205, 290

Integrated Windows Authentication, 204–205

integrating ASP with ASP.NET

COM interoperability, 279–281

configuring options, 277–279

state maintenance, 282

Internet Information Services. See IIS

Internet Server Application Programmer’s Interface. See ISAPI

invalidation headers, 155–157

IP affinity, 111

IPrincipal objects, 212–215

ISAPI (Internet Server Application Programmer’s Interface)

advantages of, 260

ASP.NET extension mapping, 263–266

defined, 1

extensions, 260

filters, 260

mapping from ASP, 261–263

Microsoft ASP. NET Coding Strategies with the Microsoft ASP. NET Team
Microsoft ASP.NET Coding Strategies with the Microsoft ASP.NET Team (Pro-Developer)
ISBN: 073561900X
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2005
Pages: 144 © 2008-2017.
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