Review your work less is more

[ LiB ]

Review your work less is more

Once your idea has been developed and recorded in Logic, take time to review it objectively. It's usually best left until later or even the next day. You will see a clearer, fresher picture. Those first ideas, great at the time, may require more work. First ideas are not always the best ideas and you may see ways of improving them. Maybe an introduction will suggest itself out of the general thematic material. Intros are paradoxically best left until the end. When composed first they often end up having nothing to do with what follows . Either that or they remain just great intros that go no further.

One more thing. When reviewing your work, look for ways of cutting down on unnecessary details. They can usually be found, and a bit of ruthless pruning often yields a leaner but more effective composition. If you can't find any, all well and good, but do ask yourself a few questions like: Am I keeping that clever break because it really works? Or am I keeping it because I can't bear to let it go? Be objective. If a particular ingredient is not serving a definite purpose, get rid of it!

Oh! and for goodness sake don't do what Dave did and start mixing after only eight bars. It happens, I can assure you.

[ LiB ]

Creative Projects with Logic Audio
Creative Projects with Logic Audio
ISBN: 1929685793
Year: 2003
Pages: 239 © 2008-2017.
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