13.1 The BSD Spooling Facility

The BSD printing subsystem is often referred to by the name of the spooling daemon, lpd. We will so designate it from now on. It can maintain multiple printers, printers at local and remote sites, and multiple print queues. This system can be adapted to support laser printers, raster printers, and other types of devices. As shipped, the spooling system is usually configured to support only a standard line printer.

13.1.1 User Commands

The LPD spooling system provides several commands allowing users to submit and manage their print jobs:


Submits a job for printing. When a job is submitted, the lpd daemon assigns it a job ID number, which is used to refer to it in any subsequent commands.


Lists jobs that are currently in a print queue.


Removes jobs from the print queues. By default, users can remove only their own jobs, but root can delete any job.

Each of these commands includes a -P option for specifying the desired printer. If it is omitted, the default printer is used, which is specified by setting the PRINTER environment variable to the name of the printer to be used by default. If this variable is not set and -P is not included on a command, the first printer defined in the /etc/printcap configuration file (discussed below) is used (although some older LPD subsystem implementations default to the printer named lp).

The LPD user commands are also supported for compatibility purposes by AIX and Solaris.

13.1.2 Manipulating Print Jobs

The system administrator is often called upon to manage and manipulate individual print jobs. We will consider the basic techniques for doing so in this section.

Use the lpq command to list the contents of a print queue. For example, the following command lists the jobs in the queue for printer ps:

$ lpq -P ps  Rank    Owner    Job    Files     Total Size  1st     chavez    15    l1726.f   74578 bytes  2nd     harvey    16    fpppp.F   12394 bytes

lprm can be used to remove individual print jobs. Its syntax is:

# lprm -P printer jobs-to-remove

The jobs to be removed may be specified in various ways: as a list of job IDs and/or usernames (in the latter case, all jobs belonging to the specified users will be removed), or with a single hyphen, in which case all jobs will be removed when the command is run by root. So, to remove job 15 from the queue ps, use the command:

# lprm -P ps 15

Similarly, to remove all jobs from the plot queue, use this command:

# lprm -P plot -

Finally, you can use the lpc administrative utility (which we'll discuss in more detail very shortly) to reorder jobs within a queue. For example, to move a job within its print queue, use lpc's topq subcommand. This command moves job 12 to the top of the ps queue:

# lpc topq ps 12

The final parameter is the list of jobs to move. It may be specified as a list of job IDs and/or usernames (the latter select all jobs belonging to those users). topq will move the specified jobs to the top of the queue for the specified printer. If more than one job is specified, the jobs take on the order in which they are listed on the command line: at the end, the job listed first will be at the top of the queue.

13.1.3 Managing Queues

The lpc utility is used to perform most administrative tasks connected with the spooling system under BSD, including shutting down a printer for maintenance, displaying a printer's status, and manipulating jobs in print queues (as we've just seen). The command to invoke the line printer control utility is simply lpc:

# lpc  lpc>

lpc is now running and issues its own prompt. lpc has several internal subcommands:

status printer

Display status of the line printer daemon and the specified print queue.

stop printer

Stops all printing on printer after the current job has finished. Users can still use lpr to add new jobs to the queue, but they won't be printed until the printer is started again. This command lets you stop the printer in a clean way, and it is usually used when you need to add supplies or perform routine maintenance.

abort printer

Terminates any printing in progress immediately and disables all printing on the specified printer. It does not remove any jobs from the queue; any jobs currently in the queue will be printed when the printer is restarted. To restart the printer, use the start command. abort is useful when the spooling system reports that a daemon is present but nothing appears to be happening. abort is an immediate version of stop.

clean printer

Remove all jobs from the printer's queue. The current job will still complete.

start printer

Restarts printing on the printer after an abort or stop command.

disable printer

Prevents users from adding new jobs to the specified queue. The superuser can still add jobs to the queue, and printing will continue. Disabling its queue, waiting for all pending jobs to finish, and then stopping the printer is the most graceful way to turn off a printer.

enable printer

Allows users to spool jobs to the queue again. enable restores normal operation after the disable command.

down printer

Stops printing and disables the queue for printer. Thus, down is equivalent to disable plus stop.

up printer

Enables the queue and starts printing on printer. Thus, up is equivalent to enable plus start.

For all of the lpc subcommands, the keyword all can be substituted for the printer name to act on every printer on the system. lpc also provides a help subcommand that can be used to obtain the list of available subcommands or a description of any individual subcommand.

Here are some examples using lpc :

# lpc     lpc> status ps  ps:      queuing is enabled          Info about the ps queue and device.     printing enabled     5 entries in spool area      daemon started              The lpd daemon is running. lpc> disable ps                 Block new job submissions to  ps.  ps:      queuing disabled  lpc> stop ps                    Stop printing on device ps.  ps:      printing disabled  lpc> quit

Single lpc internal commands can also be executed from the command line by specifying it as lpc's arguments:

# lpc up ps

13.1.4 The Spooling Daemon

The BSD spooling daemon is usually located at /usr/sbin/lpd. It is started by a system initialization script at boot time (see Table 13-1), using commands like the following:

if [ -f /usr/sbin/lpd ]; then      rm -f /dev/printer /var/spool/lpd.lock      /usr/sbin/lpd; echo -n 'lpd' >/dev/console  fi

If the server program is readable, the boot script removes the old socket and old lock file (the latter is designed to ensure that only one instance of the daemon is running at any time), and then the script starts the daemon. The new daemon will automatically recreate its lock file and communications interface as part of its initialization tasks.

Occasionally, the spooling daemon gets hung. The main symptom of this is a queue with jobs in it but nothing printing. In this case, you should kill the old daemon and start a new one manually:

# ps aux | grep lpd  root   5990  2.2  0.8  1408  352  p0   S   0:00   grep lpd  root    208  0.0  0.2  1536   32   ?   I   0:00   lpd # kill -9 208 # rm -f /dev/printer /var/spool/lpd.lock  # /usr/lib/lpd

Note that you also need to remember to remove the old socket and lock files.

The same actions can be accomplished by invoking the lpd boot script (when available). For example:

# /etc/init.d/lpd restart

13.1.5 Configuring Queues: The printcap File

The file /etc/printcap lists all output devices supported by the spooling system.[4] In other words, the entries in the printcap file define the available printers on the system.

[4] Unlike the similarly named and constructed termcap file, the printcap file is not merely a printer characteristics database. On the contrary, it is a required configuration file.

Here is a sample printcap entry for a simple line-oriented printer (a rather rare item these days):

# line printer--system default printer  lp|lpt1|Machine Room Line Printer:\     :sd=/var/spool/lpd/lpt1:\     Spool directory    :lp=/dev/lp0:\                Printer's physical device    :lf=/var/adm/lpd-errs:\       Path to printer's error log file    :pl#66:pw#132:                Set page length and width

The first line is a comment (indicated by the number sign). The second line provides names for this entry and its associated queue and printer, separated by vertical bar characters. Specifying several names, as we've done here, is typical: a short name for common use and additional names indicating the printer type and/or location.

Fields within a printcap entry are separated by and surrounded by colons, and entries may extend beyond one line by escaping the newline character with a backslash and including a tab at the beginning of each continuation line. Setting names are typically two characters and are usually followed by an assignment character and the desired value.

We've annotated the remaining lines in the preceding printcap entry. These settings are fairly self-explanatory. The only tricky part is the two settings on the final line. These are numeric settings specifying the page length and width (in lines and characters, respectively) for this printer, and the assignment character is a number sign instead of an equal sign.

Here is a more complex printcap entry for a laser printer:

# laser printer  ps|ps3a|hp4000|3rd Floor Laser Printer:\     :sd=/var/spool/lpd/ps3a:\                Spool directory    :lp=/dev/lp0:\                           Printer's physical device    :lf=/var/adm/lperr/ps-errs:\             Error log file    :pl#66:pw#0:\                            Page length/width    :mx#500:hl:\                             Max. file size=500 blocks; print burst                                              page last    :if=/usr/lbin/pcfof +Chp4000tn.pcf:\     Filter specifications    :vf=/usr/lbin/psrast:\    :af=/var/adm/lpacct:                     Accounting file

The entry begins as before with a comment and a line specifying several names for this printer. The next four lines define the same settings as in our first example, and the following line defines the maximum number of pages that a job may send to this printer (here set to 1000 blocks) and also specifies that the banner/burst page be printed after each job rather than before. This setting, hl, is a Boolean setting; specifying its name turns it on, and appending an at sign to the name turns it off: hl@.

The next two fields specify filters to be used with this printer: if specifies a program that prepares the input for printing, and vf specifies a program that processes input consisting of raster images. The many filter settings that can be specified are listed in Table 13-3. Multiple filters are piped together as specified in the printcap manual page; see the same source for the calling arguments that are used with filter programs. General filter programs are often provided by the operating system vendor, and manufacturers also can supply ones customized for their printer devices.

The final line in the laser printer entry specifies the accounting file to be used with this printer. This file will eventually be processed by the pac utility, described in Chapter 17. Accounting records are not generated automatically by the LPR subsystem but must be explicitly created by one of the filter programs. Traditionally, this is handled by the if filter. We'll look at a sample filter program later in this section.

Table 13-3 lists the most important printcap entry fields.

Table 13-3. Useful printcap entry settings




General Settings



Baud rate for serial line printers.



Maximum number of copies that can be requested (FreeBSD only).


1 million

Maximum number of jobs in queue (not available under FreeBSD and some Linux).



Maximum file size (0=no limit).



Price per page/foot (units=$0.0001).

pl, pw


Page length in lines, width in characters (used for accounting).

px, py

0, 0

Page width/length in pixels.



Restrict printing to members of this group (not always implemented).



Open output device read-write.

Printer Operations



Print burst page after job.



Use a one-line banner only.



Suppress multiple copy requests.



Suppress form feeds.



Suppress burst (header) pages.

File/Directory Locations



Filters, where the initial character defines the filter type: if=input and accounting, of=general output, cf=cifplot, df=dvi/TEX, ff=Fortran (AKA formfeed), gf=plot, nf=ditroff, tf=troff, vf=raster image, xf=pass-through (for preformatted output).



Accounting file pathname.



Error log file pathname.



Lock filename.



Device special file.



Spooling directory.



Status filename.

Remote Printing




Remote host.



Remote queue name.



Require remote users to have a local account.

See the manual page for full details on all printcap entry fields. Spooling directories

As we've noted, a spooling directory holds files destined for a particular printer until the daemon, lpd, can print them. Spooling directories are conventionally located under /var/spool/lpd. Each printer generally has its own spooling directory.

All spooling directories must be owned by the special user daemon and the group daemon and have access mode 755 (read and execute access for everyone; read, execute, and write access for user). This protection scheme gives the spooling system sole write access to files that have been spooled, forcing users to use the spooling system and preventing anyone from deleting someone else's pending files or otherwise misbehaving.

To create a new spooling directory called /var/spool/lpd/newps, execute the following commands:

# cd /var/spool/lpd # mkdir newps # chown daemon.daemon newps # chmod 755 newps # ls -ld newps drwxr-xr-x  2 daemon   daemon    2048 Apr  8 09:44 newps

You will have to create new spooling directories when you add additional printers. Restricting printer access

The printcap variable rg can be used to restrict a print queue to the members of a specified group. For example, rg=chem will restrict the printer to members of the chem group. Not all implementations of the LPD spooling service support this feature (for example, Tru64 does not).

We'll look at the access restriction scheme for remote printing later in this section. A filter program

Here is a simple printer filtering program that illustrates the general techniques used in such programs, including accounting record creation (we have removed all of the code testing for invalid input, missing/empty files, and the like to make the basic structure clear):

#!/bin/sh # Filter for PostScript files to an HP DeskJet # Obtain and process program options. while getopts a:c:h:m:n:p:q:r option; do    ... done acct_file="$1"        # Real filter tests for not null  # Set parameter defaults. MODEL="" RESOLUTION="600" QUALITY="normal" # Let user override defaults if desired. . $HOME/config.hp     # Real filter checks if file exists  # Create option for model if defined if [ '' != "$MODEL" ]; then   MODEL="-sModel=$MODEL" fi # Reset printer, prevent stair step and print printf '\033E\033&k2G\033&s0C'  gs -q -sDEVICE=hpdj $MODEL -r"$RESOLUTION" \    -sPrintQuality="$QUALITY" \    -sPagecountFile="./_pages_$randstring" \    -sOutputFile=- $PSCONFIGFILE - printf '\033E'        # Printer reset/final page eject # Write accounting record pages=`cat ./_pages_$randstring` printf '%7.2f\t%s:%s\n' "$pages" "$host" "$user" >> "$acct_file" rm -f ./_pages_$randstring

The program first parses its options (not shown) and then stores the name of the printing accounting file given as its final argument. It then sets the default values for some printer specification parameters printer model, print resolution, and print quality and then reads in a user-specific configuration file that can change some of these values. Next, the script defines the MODEL variable as the option that will be used on the subsequent print command if the user has specified a specific printer model (by default, no model is specified).

The final two sections of the script perform the real work. First, the printer is sent an appropriate reset string (this script is designed for Hewlett-Packard DeskJet series printers) via the printf command. Then the gs command invokes the Ghostscript facility to process the files to be printed (they are assumed to be PostScript files). Finally, the printer is sent a simple reset code to restore its default settings and eject the final page (if necessary).

The last action of the script is creating and writing the accounting record. It relies on the page count provided by the Ghostscript facility via an external file, specified on the gs command line and here (we won't worry about how the randstring variable is created). Once the page count is read, the script writes a properly formatted record to the accounting file and removes the scratch file.

13.1.6 Remote Printing

The BSD printing facility can also send files to printers on remote hosts or directly attached to the network, provided that the remote printers also support the LPD spooling protocol. Here is a sample printcap entry for a remote printer:

# Remote printer entry  remlp|hamlq|hamlet's letter quality printer|:\     :lp=:\    :rm=hamlet:rp=lp2:\    :lf=/var/adm/lpd_rem_errs:\     Include a log file if you need debugging info.    :sd=/var/spool/lpd/remlp:

This entry specifies the properties of a printer named remlp. The empty lp field shows that this entry describes a remote printer, and the rm field indicates the destination system for remote printing (in this case, the host hamlet). The rp field holds the name of the target printer on the destination host. Thus, in this example, sending a file to the printer remlp will result in its being printed by printer lp2 on system hamlet. Although this entry does not contain any specific details about the remote printer, the printcap entry can include filter, accounting file, and other settings as well. Alternatively, these items can be defined in the remote system's own printcap file. Of course, the local printcap entry will need to define all appropriate printer settings for network-attached printers that support LPD.

Accepting incoming remote print jobs also requires minimal additional configuration. In order for a system to allow a remote system to send jobs to it, the remote system's hostname must be listed in the file /etc/hosts.lpd or /etc/hosts.equiv. If the first file exists, the hostname must appear in it, or remote printing requests will be refused. If /etc/hosts.lpd does not exist, the /etc/hosts.equiv file is checked (see Section 7.6 for more on the /etc/hosts.equiv file).

Finally, if a printer's printcap entry contains the rs characteristic, only remote users with accounts on the local system (defined as an account having the same UID on the local and remote systems) will be allowed to send remote jobs to that printer.

13.1.7 Adding a New Printer

To add a newprinter to a system using the BSD spooling facility, you must:

  • Physically connect the printer to the computer (if applicable). Follow the manufacturer's instructions regarding cable selection and general procedures.

  • For serial line printers, make sure that the line is disabled (in other words, no getty process should be started for it). See Chapter 12 for details.

  • If this is the first printer on the system, verify that the lpd server will be started at boot time: make sure the relevant boot scripts are present, the lines relating to lpd are not commented out, and any configuration variables in use are set properly.

  • Add an entry for the printer to /etc/printcap. If you are adding a new printer of the same type as an existing one, you can copy and modify the existing entry, changing the name, special file, spool directory, accounting file, error log file, and any other relevant characteristics as appropriate for the new printer. Printer manufacturers also sometimes provide printcap entries for their printers.

  • Create a spooling directory for the printer.

  • Create the printer's accounting file (defined in the af field of their printcap entry) with the touch command; for example:

    # touch /var/adm/lp_acct/ps3 # chown daemon /var/adm/lp_acct/ps3 # chmod 755 /var/adm/lp_acct/ps3 

    As in this example, printer accounting files are typically stored under /var/adm, and must be owned by user daemon, and daemon requires write access to the file.

  • Start the printer and its queue:

    # lpc up ps3
  • Test the new printer by spooling a small file.

Troubleshooting hints are discussed in the final section of this chapter.

13.1.8 LPD Variations

We close this section by looking briefly at some of the features of the LPD spooling system in the various operating system environments. FreeBSD

In addition to the commands we've considered so far,FreeBSD also provides the chkprintcap command, which performs some primitive verification of printcap entries. Its most useful form is with its -d option. In this mode, it will ensure that no two printers are sharing a spool directory and will also create any missing spool directories referenced in the printcap file.

FreeBSD's lptcontrol command is also occasionally useful. It can be used to change the state of a parallel port among the following: standard, extended, polled, and interrupt-driven (see the manual page for details). Note that lptcontrol will need to be run at boot time in order to retain the desired setting. Tru64

Tru64 provides an excellent printer configuration utility named printconfig , illustrated in Figure 13-1.

Figure 13-1. The Tru64 printconfig utility

Its main window is in the upper left in the illustration. Here, you can add a new printer, choosing from a large list of predefined types in the upper scroll box, or you can modify one of the existing printers listed in the lower box. You can also designate any printer to be the system default printer (the tool automatically assigns lp as one of its names and reorders printcap entries appropriately).

The windows in the upper right and bottom center of the illustration show the process of adding a new printer (here named laser3). The most important printcap entry fields are included on the former, while all of the remaining possible settings are accessible via the scrolling list in the latter. The utility fills in default values for many fields based on the printer type you initially selected, including the paths to many filter programs (provided with the operating system).

Tru64 also provides an older text-based, menu driven utility named lprsetup . This brief session will give you a sample of its general flavor:

# /usr/sbin/lprsetup Tru64 UNIX Printer Setup Program Command  < add modify delete exit view quit help >: view lp|lp0|0|hp4000:\         :af=/usr/adm/lpacct:\         :if=/usr/lbin/pcfof +Chp4000tn.pcf:\         :lf=/usr/adm/lperr:\         :lp=/dev/lp:\         ... Command  < add modify delete exit view quit help >: quit Linux

Linux systems also provide GUI interfaces for creating printcap entries. For example, the linuxconf tool can be used to configure printers. Similarly, SuSE's yast2 tool can do the same job; the appropriate module is reached by selecting Hardware figs/u2192.gif Printer from the main window. The resulting dialogs are illustrated in Figure 13-2.

Figure 13-2. SuSE Linux yast2 printer configuration

The main window for this module (at the top in the figure) lists configured printers and also allows you to add a new one. The two other windows in the illustration are from the series of dialogs that follow during the add printer process. The one on the left specifies the specific printer model you are adding, and the one on the right allows you to specify characteristics of that particular printer. In this case, we specify letter-size paper and color printing at a resolution of 360 x 360 dpi. Later dialogs request other general information required by the printcap entry, and the tool creates the entry automatically once the process completes.

Special Requests

Because of my particular experience, I always associate printing with lots of user requests for special meaning preferential treatment. I was a system administrator for a project on tight deadlines, so work was always being finished up at the last minute. The work usually got done just in time, but then the engineering drawings still had to be output to one of two very slow electrostatic plotters. As a result, I could expect to get at least two or three hard-luck stories about deadlines every day between four and five in the afternoon, always accompanied by a request to move up a job in the plot queue.

That may sound like no big deal, but everyone was aware of how slow those plotters were, and they all watched the queues like vultures. About 50% of the time, moving one person's job up would result in another user becoming irate. Things got bad enough that my partner and I found one of those Poor planning on your part does not constitute an emergency on my part signs for our cubicle one with a reasonably humorous illustration to accompany the saying.

What actually helped get things under control was our formulating a policy about plotter usage and in-queue priorities, which was approved by our management and then circulated to all of our users. That way, everyone knew what were and were not reasonable expectations. And if we chose to deviate from the policy once in a while to help out a guy in a real time crunch, at least he understood that we were doing him a favor (we really did have other things to keep us busy besides monitoring the plotter queues).

Essential System Administration
Essential System Administration, Third Edition
ISBN: 0596003439
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2002
Pages: 162

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