
Many of the images were scanned from film on a LeafScan 35, and more recently, on an Imacon Flextight Precision III. Prints were scanned on a variety of flatbed scanners, including an Agfa Arcus Plus, a Linotype-Hell Saphir Ultra, a Heidelberg CPS Opal Ultra, a UMAX PowerLook 3000, and a low-end UMAX Astra1220. We also used direct digital captures from Canon 300D, Canon 1Ds, Kodak DCS 420, Kodak DCS 460, Olympus DC265, Polaroid PDC-2000, Nikon/Fuji E2S and Nikon CoolPix 5000 digital cameras. The remaining images came from various CD collections (see "Image Credits"). We captured all the screen shots using the indispensable SnapzPro X from Ambrosia Software. All the images in this book started out in RGB form; we used no drum scans.

We placed all the color images as preseparated CMYK TIFFs (with the exception of duotones and graphics from Illustrator and FreeHand, all of which required that we use EPS).


All the color images in this book were separated in Photoshop using a variety of RGB Working spaces and one of two CMYK output profiles:

  • RGB Working Space. Most of the images in this book were edited in Adobe RGB (1998), or Kodak ProPhoto RGB. A few legacy images were edited in ColorMatch RGB or Bruce RGB. For monitor calibration, Bruce used Sony's Artisan colorimeter and software, EIZO's Color Navigator software with a GretagMacbeth Eye-One Pro, LaCie BlueEye software with a Sequel BlueEye colorimeter, and GretagMacbeth ProfileMaker Pro 4.1.5 with an Eye-One Display colorimeter.

  • CMYK Setup. Since the book was printed direct-to-plate, we printed GretagMacbeth's TC 6.05 profiling target on press. We built a set of ICC profiles with GretagMacbeth ProfileMaker Pro profiling software, using the average of five readings each from ten different press sheets for a total of 50 sets of measurements. We used a GretagMacbeth Spectrolino mounted on a GretagMacbeth Spectroscan xy table to automate the data collection. We built two profiles from this data set, one with light GCR for images, the other with heavy GCR for screen shots.

Real World Adobe Photoshop CS2(c) Industrial-Strength Production Techniques
Real World Adobe Photoshop CS2: Industrial-strength Production Techniques
ISBN: B000N7B9T6
Year: 2006
Pages: 220
Authors: Bruce Fraser © 2008-2017.
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