Every day we're confronted with all kinds of situations large and small that require us to make decisions about what actions we'll take. Although we may not be doing it consciously, we're constantly saying to ourselves, "If this is the case, I need to do this": If it's hot, wear shorts; if it's rainy, wear pants; and so on. This process of taking different actions based on current circumstances, or conditions, is known as conditional logic and it's something we all apply naturally. Conditional logic is a critical component of interactivity. It allows you to program your project to react intelligently to the movement or position of the mouse, to the current day of the week, and to many other dynamic conditions that exist as your movie plays. By employing conditional logic, you can transform simple linear presentations and animations into dynamic projects that offer a unique experience each time they're viewed. A successful rocket launch demands perfect conditions. This lesson's project will emulate a launch to demonstrate some of the principles and techniques used in conditional logic.
In this lesson, we'll introduce you to some of the ways you can use conditional logic to bring about graphical changes in your movies based on varying conditions. WHAT YOU WILL LEARN In this lesson, you will:
APPROXIMATE TIME This lesson takes approximately 1 hour to complete. LESSON FILES Media Files: None Starting File: Lesson09/Assets/rocketLaunch1.fla Completed Project: rocketLaunch6.fla |