
BreakIterator java.text

Java 1.1 cloneable

This class determines character, word, sentence , and line breaks in a block of text in a way that is independent of locale and text encoding. As an abstract class, BreakIterator cannot be instantiated directly. Instead, you must use one of the class methods getCharacterInstance( ) , getWordInstance( ) , getSentenceInstance( ) , or getLineInstance( ) to return an instance of a nonabstract subclass of BreakIterator . These various factory methods return a BreakIterator object that is configured to locate the requested boundary types and is localized to work for the optionally specified locale.

Once you have obtained an appropriate BreakIterator object, use setText( ) to specify the text in which to locate boundaries. To locate boundaries in a Java String object, simply specify the string. To locate boundaries in text that uses some other encoding, you must specify a CharacterIterator object for that text so that the BreakIterator object can locate the individual characters of the text. Having set the text to be searched, you can determine the character positions of characters, words, sentences, or line breaks with the first( ) , last( ) , next ( ) , previous( ) , current( ) , and following( ) methods, which perform the obvious functions. Note that these methods do not return text itself, but merely the position of the appropriate word, sentence, or line break.

Figure 15-2. java.text.BreakIterator

 public abstract class  BreakIterator  implements Cloneable {  // Protected Constructors  protected  BreakIterator  ( );  // Public Constants  public static final int  DONE  ;  =-1   // Public Class Methods  public static java.util.Locale[ ]  getAvailableLocales  ( );  synchronized  public static BreakIterator  getCharacterInstance  ( );        public static BreakIterator  getCharacterInstance  (java.util.Locale  where  );        public static BreakIterator  getLineInstance  ( );        public static BreakIterator  getLineInstance  (java.util.Locale  where  );        public static BreakIterator  getSentenceInstance  ( );        public static BreakIterator  getSentenceInstance  (java.util.Locale  where  );        public static BreakIterator  getWordInstance  ( );        public static BreakIterator  getWordInstance  (java.util.Locale  where  );  // Protected Class Methods   5.0  protected static int  getInt  (byte[ ]  buf  , int  offset  );  5.0  protected static long  getLong  (byte[ ]  buf  , int  offset  );  5.0  protected static short  getShort  (byte[ ]  buf  , int  offset  );  // Public Instance Methods  public abstract int  current  ( );        public abstract int  first  ( );        public abstract int  following  (int  offset  );        public abstract CharacterIterator  getText  ( );  1.2  public boolean  isBoundary  (int  offset  );        public abstract int  last  ( );        public abstract int  next  ( );        public abstract int  next  (int  n  );  1.2  public int  preceding  (int  offset  );        public abstract int  previous  ( );        public void  setText  (String  newText  );        public abstract void  setText  (CharacterIterator  newText  );  // Public Methods Overriding Object  public Object  clone  ( );   } 

Java In A Nutshell
Java In A Nutshell, 5th Edition
ISBN: 0596007736
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2004
Pages: 1220 © 2008-2017.
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