
Neil FitzGerald Thanks to all the authors for delivering on our joint goals of making this book a reality and for truly applying yourselves in tough times. You are all world-class and it was a treat to work with each of you.

Special recognition also goes to the Crystal Product and R&D teams for delivering this world-standard suite of products and the truly great leaders at Business Objectsyou know who you are.

James Edkins I would like to thank my wife, Cristine, and my two sons Ryan and Ross, for their patience during the writing of this book.

Annette Jonker I'd like to thank Neil and Kelly Byrne for giving me the opportunity to contribute, and Kelly for practically writing the chapters for me. I'd like to thank all of the customers that I have had the privilege to work with for helping me push myself and the tool as far as we could possibly go, and sometimes even further. I'd like to thank my mentors who took the time and the energy, believing in me every step of the way: Annaliza, Clive, Coral, Monica, and RupertI learned a lot from you, and now I have the opportunity to properly thank you. To my mom, for letting me go and believing that I can do anything I set my mind to.

Michael Voloshko I would like to thank Neil for giving me the opportunity to contribute to this book and the rest of the team at Business Objects for all the hard work that goes into creating great products.

Crystal Reports XI(c) Official Guide
Crystal Reports XI Official Guide
ISBN: 0672329174
EAN: 2147483647
Year: N/A
Pages: 365 © 2008-2017.
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