

data access components, 165

data formats

service gateways, 294 295

service interfaces for, 277

data layers

described, 162

structure of, 165

typical use of, 159

data representation and message schemas, 270

data table gateways, 27

data tier

hardware, 180

security, 181

software, 181

data transfer objects See DTO

data transformation, 292

DatabaseGateway class, 75

DatabaseGateway.cs, 65 66


access code, 43

schema, 239, 244, 247 248

servers, 323

DataEntryController base class, 53

DataGrid control, 241

DataSet, 210

in an ASP.NET page, 241, 252

CAO implementation, 220

DTOs, 198, 239 240

examples of filling, 287

filling from the database, 240

DataTable object, 240

decorator patterns, 94

around front controller, 95


class diagram, 96

FilterChain, 96

sequence diagram, 97

DefaultAuthenticationModule filter, 106


bidirectional, 133

limiting between objects, 131

and loose coupling, 129

objects, 122 125

and observer, 145


clusters, 149

complexity, 227

models, 27

patterns, 147 189

deployment patterns, 147 189

deployment plan, 183 189

layered application, 152 160

overview, 148 151

table, 151

three-layered services application, 161 166

three-tiered distribution, 177 182

tiered distribution, 167 176

deployment plan, 183 189

described, 151

three-layered services application, 186

deployment-time composability, 93

derivation, 261

design constraints, 169

design patterns, 261

defined, 20

form of singleton, 262

observer, 134

See also patterns


issues of, 147 148

tool support, 243, 254

development teams and page controller, 189

direct function calls, 122

disconnected database model, 255

distributed object model, 227

distributed services layer, 194

distributed systems, 191 264

applications, 323

broker, 199 208

clusters, 193 195

data transfer objects, 197 198

development, 159

near links, 261

and .NET Framework, 193

nodes, 192

patterns, 191 264

reasons to distribute software, 199

table, 198

distributed systems patterns, 191 264

Broker, 199 208

Broker implementation with .NET remoting using CAO, 220 228

Broker implementation with .NET remoting using SAO, 209 219

distributed computing challenges, 193

DTO, 229 236

DTO implementation in .NET with a DataSet, 237 245

DTO implementation in .NET with a typed DataSet, 246 256

implementing singleton in C#, 260 264

instance-based vs. service-base collaboration, 191

overview of patterns, 194 197

singleton, 257 259

table, 198

using layered application, 194

See also patterns

DMZ, 169, 179, 185, 208

DNS, 178 179

document-view, 40

documentation conventions, xvii

domain components, 187

domain layer, 162

domain name system See DNS

DomainObject, 124, 128

double-check locking, 261

double-check locking idiom, 262

downtime reduction, 336

DTO, 229 236

and assembler pattern, 233

benefits and liabilities, 235 236, 243 244

business entities as, 164

custom objects, 233

DataSet, 198, 239 240

described, 232

distributed systems, 197 198

drawbacks, 233

example of use, 27

generic collection, 233

implementing in .NET with a DataSet, 237 245

implementing in .NET with a typed DataSet, 246 256

pattern, 195

related patterns, 236, 245

remote calls, 230

security considerations, 235

SI, 281

testing considerations, 234 235

user requests, 238

See also .NET; objects

dynamic content, 119

dynamic Web applications, 51

dynamic Web pages, 109 111

Enterprise Solution Patterns Using Microsoft. NET 2003
Enterprise Solution Patterns Using Microsoft. NET 2003
Year: 2004
Pages: 107 © 2008-2017.
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