Chapter 9 -- Creating Flowcharts

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Chapter 9

There are many industry buzzwords for processes that result in flowcharts: change management, continuous improvement, business process re-engineering, and breakthrough or Hoshin planning, just to name a few. Whether your organization is involved in documenting standards and processes, or whether you're looking for a way to organize information visually for a presentation slide, Visio includes a variety of useful tools for organizing, connecting, and formatting data, processes, procedures, and other information.

People often think of Visio primarily as a flowcharting tool. As the size of this book attests, Visio can be used for more than flowcharts. However, it's especially well suited to the task of connecting information visually, which is a common feature of the flowchart templates that Visio includes. This chapter describes how to create the most common styles of flowcharts in Visio, but the same techniques apply to just about any connected diagram.

Microsoft Visio Version 2002 Inside Out
Microsoft Visio Version 2002 Inside Out (Inside Out (Microsoft))
ISBN: 0735612854
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2000
Pages: 211
Authors: Nanette Eaton © 2008-2017.
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