\c escape, in regular expressions, 469

C# language

anonymous delegates, 63–64

anonymous methods, 527–529

attribute targets, qualifiers for, 518

books about, 79, 213

constructor chaining, 40–41

default constructors, 39–40

escape character for backslashes, 188

field initialization in constructors, 41–42

is and as keywords, 98

iterators, 234–236

lock blocks, 371

managed code written in, 5

mixed mode accessibility for properties, 45

null type, 24

operators, list of, 48–49

output parameters, 34

primitive types, list of, 172

properties, 43

support for, 16

type safety and, 10

typing strategy of, 13, 14, 15

C++ language

books about, 79–80, 254

interoperability and, 404

primitive types, list of, 172

support for, 16

templates, collections and, 72, 79, 227

type mappings, 434

type safety and, 11

typing strategy of, 13

C++/CLI language

conditional compilation for, 451

generics support, 71

interoperability and, 431

managed code written in, 5

operators, list of, 48–49

type safety and, 10

caching bindings, 513–514

calendars, regional, 308

call instruction, IL, 85, 93, 127–128, 562

calli instruction, IL, 93, 94, 129, 562

callvirt instruction, IL, 93, 128, 563

Capture class, 489–490

caret (^), in regular expressions, 475

CAS (code access security)

applying at runtime, 341–346

asserts, 344–346

code group, 331, 334–335

declarative code, 342–343

definition of, 329–330

demands, 343–344

denies, 344–346

evidence, 330, 334–335

imperative code, 342–343

levels of trust, 332–335

permission sets, 332, 340–341

permissions, 331, 335–340, 341

permits, 346

policy, 332, 341

protected operations, 333–334

security context, preserving, 346

security transparency, 346

CAs (custom attributes), 64–65, 496, 514–519

case conversions, strings, 188, 323–325

CasPol.exe utility, 341

castclass instruction, IL, 97, 563

catch blocks. See try/catch blocks

.cctor, constructor name, IL, 42

CDO (Collaboration Data Objects), 298

ceq instruction, IL, 91, 551

CERs (Constrained Execution Regions)

aggressive hosts, reliable cleanup for, 418

critical finalization and, 418–419

definition of, 417–418

guaranteed cleanup of critical regions, 419–420

inline critical regions, 419

reliability contracts, 420–421

cgt instruction, IL, 91, 551

chaining of constructors, 40–41

change notifications, 276–278

ChangeType method, 201

char type, IL, 17, 172

character classes, in regular expressions, 470–473

CIL (Common Intermediate Language). See IL (Intermediate Language)

ckfinite instruction, IL, 551

class constraint, 77

class constructors, 42

.class directive, IL, 83

class keyword, C#, 19

classes (character classes), in regular expressions, 470–473

classes (reference types). See reference types

Clear method

Console class, 281

dictionaries, 240

CLI (Common Language Infrastructure) specification

books about, 167, 213

definition of, 9

client-side HTTP, 294–295

client-side sockets, 290

Clipboard, permission to access, 338

Clone method, arrays, 221–222

Close method

sockets, 284, 287

Stream class, 260

closed (constructed) type of generics, 75

CLR (Common Language Runtime)

books about, 78, 166, 213

definition of, 5, 81–82

languages supported by, 16

loading in an assembly, 154–155

version 2.0 improvements, 7

clt instruction, IL, 91, 551–552

code access security. See CAS

code group, CAS, 331, 334–335

coercion, 49

Collaboration Data Objects (CDO), 298

Collect method, GC class, 203

CollectionCount method, GC class, 203

collections. See also generic collections

definition of, 225–226

generics and, 72–74

interoperability with arrays, 221

weakly typed collections, 246–247

COM (Component Object Model)

apartments, 390–391, 402

backward interoperability, 423–428

books about, 401, 436

DCOM (Distributed COM), 422–423

forward interoperability, 428–430

history of, 4

interoperability with, 421–430

visibility of, 430

COM+, 423

commenting regular expressions, 474

Common Intermediate Language (CIL). See IL (Intermediate Language)

Common Language Infrastructure (CLI) specification

books about, 167, 213

definition of, 9

Common Language Runtime. See CLR

Common Type System. See CTS

compaction, 122

Compare method, strings, 188, 323

CompareTo method, strings, 188, 323

Comparison<T> delegate, 251–252, 253


custom comparers, 250–251

definition of, 248

delegate-based comparisons, 251–252, 253

encapsulated comparisons, 248–250

IL operations for, 91

strings, 187–188

compilation. See also NGen technology

books about, 532

conditional compilation, 450–451

dynamic programming and, 495–496

JIT (just-in-time) compilation

definition of, 5, 124–126

method calls and, 126–131

64-bit support for, 131

output of (metadata and IL), 82–83

CompilationRelaxationsAttribute attribute, C#, 138

compiled regular expressions, 490–493

Component Object Model. See COM

compressed streams, 278–279

Concat method, strings, 185

concatenating strings, 185

conceptual rank of an array, 219

concrete classes, 51

concurrency. See also threads

optimistic concurrency, 535

pessimistic concurrency, 535

problems with

deadlocks, 381–382

race condition, 355, 369

starvation, 382

concurrent collector, 122, 123

conditional compilation, 450–451

conditionals in regular expressions, 475

Connect method, sockets, 283, 290

consistency of transactions, 535

Console class, 280–281

const keyword, C#, 28

constant (literal) fields, 28

constants, IL, 88–89

constrained calls, 95–96

Constrained Execution Regions. See CERs

constrained. prefix, IL, 574

constraints, 77–78

constructed (closed) type of generics, 75

ConstructorInfo class, 505


chaining, 40–41

default constructors, 39–40

definition of, 38–39

field initialization in, 41–42

type constructors, 42

unhandled exceptions in, 42–43

Contains method, strings, 192

contravariant delegates, 62–63, 525–526

conv instruction, IL, 552–555


of array elements, 224

case conversions, strings, 188, 323–325

between data types, 201

delegates for, 238–239, 253–254

from objects to strings, 179

Convert class, 201

ConvertAll method, arrays, 224

Converter<TInput, TOutput> delegate, 238–239, 253–254

Copy method

arrays, 222–223

files, 275

CopyTo method, arrays, 222–223

CorHdr.h file, 136

country codes, 309

covariant delegates, 62–63, 525–526

cpblk instruction, IL, 555

cpobj instruction, IL, 563

Create method, files, 273

CreateInstance method, arrays, 223–224

critical finalization, 124, 418–419

critical regions, 388, 419–420

critical sections, 368–369, 387–388

cryptographically sound random numbers, 208

.ctor, constructor name, IL, 38

CTS (Common Type System). See also reference types (classes); type safety; value types (structures)

base type of, 16

definition of, 9–10

languages supported by, 10–11

primitive types, 17–18

type hierarchy for, 16–18

verification of type safety using, 9

culture codes, 309

CultureInfo class, 302, 309–311

cultures. See also internationalization

changing, 313

default, 313

definition of, 302, 309

enumerating through, 311

formatting performed by, 312, 314–315

hierarchy of, 303–304

invariant culture, 303, 313–314

managing, 311–313

neutral cultures, 303, 310

representing, 309–310

specific cultures, 303, 310

specifying, 310–311

string manipulation and, 321–325

system-wide culture, 313

UI culture, 312–313

curly braces ({}), in regular expressions, 465


matching with regular expressions, 466–467

regional variations of, 308–309

custom assembly binding, 149–150

custom attributes (CAs), 64–65, 496, 514–519

custom character classes, in regular expression, 465, 471

custom collections, 241–242

custom comparers, 250–251

custom exceptions, 212

Professional. NET Framework 2.0
Professional .NET Framework 2.0 (Programmer to Programmer)
ISBN: 0764571354
EAN: 2147483647
Year: N/A
Pages: 116
Authors: Joe Duffy

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