


[SYMBOL] [A] [B] [C] [D] [E] [F] [G] [H] [I] [J] [K] [L] [M] [N] [O] [P] [Q] [R] [S] [T] [U] [V] [W] [Y] [Z]

data directories
     multiple server management 2nd 3rd
     structure of 2nd
data directory
         moving via symbolic links 2nd
data directory (MySQL Server)
     database directories
     frm files 2nd
     InnoDB storage engine tablespaces/log files
     server log files
     status files
     storage engine data/index files
DATA DIRECTORY option (CREATE TABLE statements) 2nd
data files
     tables, moving in 2nd 3rd
data handling
    invalid values
         handling in nonstrict mode 2nd
         handling in strict mode
     missing values 2nd
     MySQL value checking process, overview of 2nd
     type conversion
    value restrictions
         INSERT IGNORE SQL mode
         NO ZERO DATE SQL mode
         NO ZERO IN DATE SQL mode
         overriding 2nd
         STRICT ALL TABLES SQL mode 2nd
         STRICT TRANS TABLES SQL mode 2nd
         TRADITIONAL SQL mode 2nd 3rd
         UPDATE IGNORE SQL mode
data locking 2nd
     advisory locks 2nd
         GET LOCK() function 2nd
         IS FREE LOCK() function
         IS USED LOCK() function
         RELEASE LOCK() function
     explicit locks
         table locks 2nd 3rd 4th
     implicit locks 2nd
         lock levels
     lock levels
     row locks
     table locks
         explicit locks 2nd 3rd 4th
data queries 2nd
     column retrieval 2nd 3rd
         explicit database specification
         renaming retrieved columns
     row retrieval
         aggregating results 2nd
         aggregating results, COUNT() functions 2nd 3rd
         aggregating results, GROUP CONCAT() functions 2nd 3rd 4th
         aggregating results, MIN()/MAX() functions 2nd
         aggregating results, SUM()/AVG() functions 2nd
         concatenating results 2nd 3rd
         data type sort order 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th
         eliminating duplicates 2nd 3rd
         grouping results 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th
         grouping results, multilevel summary values 2nd 3rd 4th
         grouping results, selecting groups 2nd 3rd
         grouping results, sorting 2nd
         limiting selections 2nd 3rd
         sorting results 2nd 3rd 4th
data recovery
    binary log files
         processing contents 2nd
    MySQL Administrator
         reloading dump files
    mysqldump command-line client
         reloading dump files 2nd
     procedure overview
data types
     BIT data types 2nd
         character sets 2nd
    numeric data types
         fixed-point data types
         floating-point data types
         integer data types 2nd 3rd
         numeric column attributes 2nd
         overview of 2nd
     sorting 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th
    string data types
         BINARY 2nd 3rd
         binary string data types 2nd
         binary string data types, characteristics of 2nd
         binary string data types, string column attributes 2nd
         binary string data types, versus nonbinary data types 2nd
         BLOB 2nd 3rd
         CHAR 2nd 3rd
         ENUM 2nd 3rd 4th 5th
         nonbinary string data types 2nd 3rd
         nonbinary string data types, characteristics of 2nd
         nonbinary string data types, string column attributes 2nd
         nonbinary string data types, versus binary data types 2nd
         overview of
         SET 2nd 3rd 4th
         TEXT 2nd 3rd 4th
         VARBINARY 2nd 3rd
         VARCHAR 2nd 3rd 4th
    temporal data types
         DATE 2nd
         DATETIME 2nd
         overview of
         TIME 2nd
         TIMESTAMP 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th 7th 8th 9th 10th 11th 12th
         YEAR 2nd
         character sets
data updates
     DELETE statements
         LIMIT clauses
         multiple table updates 2nd 3rd
         ORDER BY clauses
         required privileges
         WHERE clauses 2nd
     INSERT statements 2nd 3rd
         adding multiple records to tables 2nd 3rd
         records with duplicate key values 2nd
         required privileges
     REPLACE statements 2nd 3rd 4th
         required privileges
     TRUNCATE statements 2nd
    TRUNCATE TABLE statements
         required privileges
     UPDATE statements 2nd
         dangers of
         LIMIT clauses 2nd
         multiple table updates 2nd
         ORDER BY clauses
         required privileges
         SET clauses
         WHERE clauses 2nd 3rd
database administration
     client overview 2nd
     MySQL Administrator
         capabilities of 2nd
         requirements of
     mysql command-line client
         capabilities of 2nd
     mysqladmin command-line client 2nd 3rd
         capabilities of 2nd
         command availability
     mysqldump command-line client 2nd
     mysqlimport command-line client 2nd 3rd 4th
         stored routines 2nd 3rd 4th
database browser (MySQL Query Browser, Object Browser)
database directories
     MySQL Server storage
database objects
         benefits of
         column references 2nd
         defining 2nd
         defining, compound statements 2nd
         defining, performing multiple actions
         defining, privileges
         defining, syntax of 2nd
         naming 2nd
         restrictions on 2nd
database replication
     binary logs
     master/slave compatibility 2nd
     relay logs 2nd
     replication threads
         SHOW PROCESSLIST statements 2nd
     server upgrades
     troubleshooting 2nd
database-access privileges
     list of 2nd
     altering 2nd
         binary backups versus text backups 2nd
         binary backups, InnoDB Hot Backup program
         binary backups, InnoDB tables 2nd 3rd 4th
         binary backups, MyISAM tables 2nd 3rd 4th
         binary backups, mysqlhotcopy command-line client 2nd
         binary backups, portability 2nd 3rd 4th
         design principles
         text backups versus binary backups 2nd
         text backups, MySQL Administrator
         text backups, mysqldump command-line client 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th
         text backups, SELECT INTO OUTFILE statements 2nd
         uses of
     creating 2nd
    data directories
         structure of 2nd
     default databases, selecting as 2nd
         access syntax 2nd 3rd
         DESCRIBE statements 2nd
         limitations of
         SHOW statements 2nd
         versus SHOW statements 2nd
     INFORMATION SCHEMA database 2nd
         VIEWS table 2nd
    metadata access methods
         DESCRIBE statements 2nd 3rd
         INFORMATION SCHEMA database 2nd 3rd 4th 5th
         mysqlshow client program 2nd 3rd
         SHOW COLUMNS statements 2nd 3rd 4th
         SHOW DATABASES statements 2nd 3rd
         SHOW FIELDS statements
         SHOW INDEX statements
         SHOW KEYS statements
         SHOW TABLES statements 2nd 3rd
     metadata, displaying 2nd 3rd
         via symbolic links 2nd
     performance optimization strategies
     schema keywords
     specific database privileges
    stored routines
         namespaces 2nd
     table normalization 2nd
         1NF 2nd 3rd
         2NF 2nd
         3NF 2nd
         benefits of
    table optimization
         general design principles 2nd
         InnoDB tables 2nd 3rd
         MEMORY tables
         MERGE tables 2nd
         MyISAM tables 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th 7th 8th 9th 10th 11th 12th 13th 14th 15th 16th 17th 18th
         PROCEDURE ANALYSE() 2nd 3rd
         performance optimization strategies 2nd
DATE FORMAT() functions
DATE temporal data type 2nd
DATETIME temporal data type 2nd
     prepared statements
DECIMAL fixed-point data type
     stored routines
DECLARE HANDLER statements 2nd
DECLARE statements
     stored routines 2nd
         in stored routines 2nd 3rd
DECODE() functions
DEFAULT clauses
     missing data values (input data handling)
DEFAULT column attribute 2nd
     TIMESTAMP temporal data type 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th
DEFINER security characteristic (stored routines) 2nd
     indexes at index creation 2nd
     stored routines 2nd
         compound statements 2nd 3rd 4th
         conditions 2nd
         CREATE FUNCTION statements 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th
         CREATE PROCEDURE statements 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th
         cursors 2nd
         DECLARE statements 2nd
         declaring parameters 2nd 3rd
         flow control 2nd
         handlers 2nd 3rd
         SELECT INTO statements
         SET statements 2nd
         variables 2nd 3rd 4th
    explicit definitions
         table creating 2nd 3rd
DELAYED modifiers
     MyISAM tables 2nd
DELETE statements
     LIMIT clauses
     ORDER BY clauses
     required privileges
     tables, emptying
     WHERE clauses 2nd
Deleted field (LOAD DATA INFILE statements)
     anonymous user accounts
     indexes 2nd
     table records
     tables 2nd
     user accounts
         DROP VIEW statements 2nd
delimiter command
     stored routines, defining 2nd
DES DECRYPT() functions 2nd
DES ENCRYPT() functions 2nd
DESCRIBE statements
     database metadata, accessing 2nd 3rd
DETERMINISTIC values (characteristics clauses)
diaagnostic messages
diagnostic messages
     components of
     error logs
         perror command-line utility 2nd 3rd
         SHOW ERRORS statements 2nd
         SHOW WARNINGS statements 2nd 3rd 4th
     slow query logs 2nd 3rd 4th
     sources of
directories (data)
     structure of 2nd
dirty reads
    autocommit mode
         InnoDB storage engines 2nd 3rd
     client access control
     index updates
     InnoDB storage engines
disk controllers
     MySQL performance optimization strategies
disk space
     MySQL Server usage 2nd
         character sets
    activity, distributing
         performance optimization strategies 2nd 3rd 4th
     MySQL performance optimization strategies 2nd
     character sets 2nd
     global variables
     index metadata 2nd 3rd 4th 5th
     index names
         in databases 2nd 3rd
     server status variables 2nd 3rd
     server system variables 2nd 3rd
     session variables
     stored routine metadata 2nd
     table metadata 2nd 3rd 4th 5th
DISTINCT clauses
     NULL values
     SELECT statements 2nd 3rd 4th
Distinct values (Extra output columns)
distributed environments
     MySQL operation
distributing disk activity
     performance optimization strategies 2nd
double dash (--) comments
     in statements (SQL)
DOUBLE floating-point data type
     IF EXISTS clause
DROP FUNCTION statements
     stored routines
DROP INDEX statements
     stored routines
DROP TABLE statements 2nd
DROP TRIGGER statements 2nd
DROP USER statements 2nd
DROP VIEW statements 2nd
     privilege requirements
dump files
         myslqdump command-line client dump files 2nd
         MySQL Adminstrator
duplicated key values (records)
     INSERT statements, handling via 2nd
     row data retrievals, eliminating from 2nd 3rd
dynamic-length row-storage formats (MyISAM tables)
     splitting tables 2nd
dynamic-row storage format (MyISAM storage engines)


MySQL 5 Certification Study Guide
MySQL 5.0 Certification Study Guide
ISBN: 0672328127
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2006
Pages: 312 © 2008-2017.
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