Recipe 8.14. Finding Smallest or Largest Summary Values


You want to compute per-group summary values but display only the smallest or largest of them.


Add a LIMIT clause to the statement.


MIN⁠(⁠ ⁠ ⁠) and MAX⁠(⁠ ⁠ ⁠) find the values at the endpoints of a range of values, but if you want to know the extremes of a set of summary values, those functions won't work. The arguments to MIN⁠(⁠ ⁠ ⁠) and MAX⁠(⁠ ⁠ ⁠) cannot be other aggregate functions. For example, you can easily find per-driver mileage totals:

mysql> SELECT name, SUM(miles)     -> FROM driver_log     -> GROUP BY name; +-------+------------+ | name  | SUM(miles) | +-------+------------+ | Ben   |        362 | | Henry |        911 | | Suzi  |        893 | +-------+------------+ 

But this doesn't work if you want to select only the row for the driver with the most miles:

mysql> SELECT name, SUM(miles)     -> FROM driver_log     -> GROUP BY name     -> HAVING SUM(miles) = MAX(SUM(miles)); ERROR 1111 (HY000): Invalid use of group function 

Instead, order the rows with the largest SUM⁠(⁠ ⁠ ⁠) values first, and use LIMIT to select the first row:

mysql> SELECT name, SUM(miles) AS 'total miles'     -> FROM driver_log     -> GROUP BY name     -> ORDER BY 'total miles' DESC LIMIT 1; +-------+-------------+ | name  | total miles | +-------+-------------+ | Henry |         911 | +-------+-------------+ 

Note that if there is more than one row with the given summary value, a LIMIT 1 query won't tell you that. For example, you might attempt to ascertain the most common initial letter for state names like this:

mysql> SELECT LEFT(name,1) AS letter, COUNT(*) AS count FROM states     -> GROUP BY letter ORDER BY count DESC LIMIT 1; +--------+-------+ | letter | count | +--------+-------+ | M      |     8 | +--------+-------+ 

But eight state names also begin with N. If you need to know all most-frequent values when there may be more than one of them, find the maximum count first, and then select those values with a count that matches the maximum:

mysql> SET @max = (SELECT COUNT(*) FROM states     -> GROUP BY LEFT(name,1) ORDER BY COUNT(*) DESC LIMIT 1); mysql> SELECT LEFT(name,1) AS letter, COUNT(*) AS count FROM states     -> GROUP BY letter HAVING count = @max; +--------+-------+ | letter | count | +--------+-------+ | M      | 8     | | N      | 8     | +--------+-------+ 

Alternatively, put the maximum-count calculation in a subquery and combine the statements into one:

mysql> SELECT LEFT(name,1) AS letter, COUNT(*) AS count FROM states     -> GROUP BY letter HAVING count =     ->   (SELECT COUNT(*) FROM states     ->   GROUP BY LEFT(name,1) ORDER BY COUNT(*) DESC LIMIT 1); +--------+-------+ | letter | count | +--------+-------+ | M      | 8     | | N      | 8     | +--------+-------+ 

MySQL Cookbook
MySQL Cookbook
ISBN: 059652708X
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2004
Pages: 375
Authors: Paul DuBois © 2008-2017.
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