
CultureInfo CF 1.0, ECMA 1.0, serializable

System.Globalization (mscorlib.dll) class

The CultureInfo class encapsulates information about handling information according to the special requirements of a particular culture and language. Culture information is identified by language and country/region codes as specified in RFC 1766. For example, U.S. English is identified as en-US . The two-letter, lowercase language codes are defined in ISO 639-1. The two-letter, uppercase region codes are defined in ISO 3166.

The specific CultureInfo to use at runtime can be found in a number of ways. The class provides four public properties that return the current CultureInfo instance. CurrentCulture returns the value of Thread.CurrentCulture , which is the CultureInfo used by the current thread. CurrentUICulture returns the CultureInfo used by the System.Resources.ResourceManager . This can be a user , machine, or application-based locale setting. It is set in Thread.CurrentUICulture . InstalledUICulture gets the default CultureInfo used by the ResourceManager and represents the locale of the Operating system. InvariantCulture returns the CultureInfo for the invariant locale, which is non-culture-specific, as well as in the default OS language. This is used with non-culture-specific functions such as system-level calls.

The instance properties of the class provide a number of ways to retrieve the culture name . For example, NativeName gets the culture name in the language of that culture. LCID gets the NLS-specified number for a culture name. Other properties get or set the various class instances used for localization. Calendar , CompareInfo , DateTimeFormat , NumberFormat , and TextInfo return instances of the analogous classes that set their functionality.

 public class  CultureInfo  : ICloneable, IFormatProvider {  // Public Constructors  public  CultureInfo  (int   culture   );    public  CultureInfo  (int   culture   , bool   useUserOverride   );    public  CultureInfo  (string   name   );    public  CultureInfo  (string   name   , bool   useUserOverride   );  // Public Static Properties  public static CultureInfo  CurrentCulture  {get; }    public static CultureInfo  CurrentUICulture  {get; }    public static CultureInfo  InstalledUICulture  {get; }    public static CultureInfo  InvariantCulture  {get; }  // Public Instance Properties  public virtual Calendar  Calendar  {get; }    public virtual CompareInfo  CompareInfo  {get; }    public virtual DateTimeFormatInfo  DateTimeFormat  {set; get; }    public virtual string  DisplayName  {get; }    public virtual string  EnglishName  {get; }    public virtual bool  IsNeutralCulture  {get; }    public bool  IsReadOnly  {get; }    public virtual int  LCID  {get; }    public virtual string  Name  {get; }    public virtual string  NativeName  {get; }    public virtual NumberFormatInfo  NumberFormat  {set; get; }    public virtual Calendar[ ]  OptionalCalendars  {get; }    public virtual CultureInfo  Parent  {get; }    public virtual TextInfo  TextInfo  {get; }    public virtual string  ThreeLetterISOLanguageName  {get; }    public virtual string  ThreeLetterWindowsLanguageName  {get; }    public virtual string  TwoLetterISOLanguageName  {get; }    public bool  UseUserOverride  {get; }  // Public Static Methods  public static CultureInfo  CreateSpecificCulture  (string   name   );    public static CultureInfo[ ]  GetCultures  (CultureTypes   types   );    public static CultureInfo  ReadOnly  (CultureInfo   ci   );  // Public Instance Methods  public void  ClearCachedData  ( );   public virtual object  Clone  ( );  // implements ICloneable  public override bool  Equals  (object   value   );  // overrides object  public virtual object  GetFormat  (Type   formatType   );  // implements IFormatProvider  public override int  GetHashCode  ( );  // overrides object  public override string  ToString  ( );  // overrides object  } 

Returned By

System.Reflection.AssemblyName.CultureInfo , System.Threading.Thread.{CurrentCulture , CurrentUICulture}

Passed To

Multiple types

C# in a Nutshell
C # in a Nutshell, Second Edition
ISBN: 0596005261
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2005
Pages: 963 © 2008-2017.
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