Section 17.8. Drawing Polygons and Polylines

17.8. Drawing Polygons and Polylines

Polygons are multisided shapes. There are several Graphics methods used to draw polygonsDrawLines draws a series of connected lines, DrawPolygon draws a closed polygon and FillPolygon draws a solid polygon. These methods are described in Fig. 17.19. The program in Fig. 17.20 allows users to draw polygons and connected lines via the methods listed in Fig. 17.19.

Figure 17.19. Graphics methods for drawing polygons.




Draws a series of connected lines. The coordinates of each point are specified in an array of Point objects. If the last point is different from the first point, the figure is not closed.


Draws a polygon. The coordinates of each point are specified in an array of Point objects. If the last point is different from the first point, those two points are connected to close the polygon.


Draws a solid polygon. The coordinates of each point are specified in an array of Point objects. If the last point is different from the first point, those two points are connected to close the polygon.

Figure 17.20. Polygon-drawing demonstration.

  1  ' Fig. 17.20: FrmDrawPolygons.vb  2  ' Demonstrating polygons.  3  Public Class FrmDrawPolygons  4     ' contains list of polygon vertices  5     Private points As New ArrayList()  6  7     ' initialize default pen and brush  8     Private pen As New Pen(Color.DarkBlue)  9     Private brush As New SolidBrush(Color.DarkBlue) 10 11     ' draw panel mouse down event handler 12     Private Sub pnlDraw_MouseDown(ByVal sender As Object, _ 13        ByVal e As System.Windows.Forms.MouseEventArgs) _ 14        Handles pnlDraw.MouseDown 15        ' add mouse position to vertex list 16        points.Add(New Point(e.X, e.Y)) 17        pnlDraw.Invalidate() ' refresh panel 18     End Sub ' FrmDrawPolygons_MouseDown 19 20     ' draw panel Paint event handler 21     Private Sub pnlDraw_Paint(ByVal sender As Object, _ 22        ByVal e As System.Windows.Forms.PaintEventArgs) _ 23        Handles pnlDraw.Paint 24        ' get graphics object for panel 25        Dim graphicsObject As Graphics = e.Graphics 26 27        ' if arraylist has 2 or more points, display shape 28        If points.Count > 1 Then 29           ' get array for use in drawing functions 30           Dim pointArray As Point() = _                         31              CType(points.ToArray(points(0).GetType()), Point()) 32 33           If radLineOption.Checked Then 34              graphicsObject.DrawLines(pen, pointArray) 35           ElseIf radPolygonOption.Checked Then 36              graphicsObject.DrawPolygon(pen, pointArray) 37           ElseIf radFilledPolygonOption.Checked Then 38              graphicsObject.FillPolygon(brush, pointArray) 39           End If 40        End If 41     End Sub ' pnlDraw_Paint 42 43     ' clear all points in the polygon 44     Private Sub btnClear_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, _ 45        ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles btnClear.Click 46        points.Clear() ' remove points 47        pnlDraw.Invalidate() ' refresh panel 48     End Sub ' btnClear_Click 49 50     ' change pen and brush colors 51     Private Sub btnColor_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, _ 52        ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles btnColor.Click 53        ' create new color dialog 54        Dim dialogColor As New ColorDialog() 55 56        ' show dialog and obtain result 57        Dim result As DialogResult = dialogColor.ShowDialog() 58 59        ' return if user cancels 60        If result = Windows.Forms.DialogResult.Cancel Then 61           Return 62        End If 63 64        pen.Color = dialogColor.Color ' set pen to color 65        brush.Color = dialogColor.Color ' set brush 66        pnlDraw.Invalidate() ' refresh panel 67     End Sub ' btnColor_Click 68 69     ' cause Paint event 70     Private Sub radLineOption_CheckedChanged(_ 71        ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) _ 72        Handles radLineOption.CheckedChanged 73 74        pnlDraw.Invalidate() ' refresh panel 75     End Sub ' radLineOption 76 77     ' cause Paint event 78     Private Sub radPolygonOption_CheckedChanged(_ 79        ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) _ 80        Handles radPolygonOption.CheckedChanged 81 82        pnlDraw.Invalidate() ' refresh panel 83     End Sub ' radPolygonOption 84 85     ' cause Paint event 86     Private Sub radFilledPolygonOption_CheckedChanged(_ 87        ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) _ 88        Handles radFilledPolygonOption.CheckedChanged 89 90        pnlDraw.Invalidate() ' refresh panel 91     End Sub ' radFilledPolygonOption 92  End Class ' FrmDrawPolygons 

To allow the user to specify a variable number of points, line 5 declares ArrayList points as a container for our Point objects. An ArrayList is similar to an array, but an ArrayList can grow dynamically to accommodate more elements. Lines 89 declare the Pen and Brush used to color our shapes. The MouseDown event handler (lines 1218) for pnlDraw stores mouse-click locations in points with ArrayList method Add (line 16). The event handler then calls method Invalidate of pnlDraw (line 17) to ensure that the panel refreshes to accommodate the new point. Method pnlDraw_Paint (lines 2141) handles the Panel's Paint event. It obtains the Panel's Graphics object (line 25) and, if the ArrayList points contains two or more Points (line 28), displays the polygon with the method the user selected via the GUI radio buttons (lines 3339). In lines 3031, we extract an array from the ArrayList via method ToArray. Method ToArray can take a single argument to determine the type of the returned array; we obtain the type from the first element in the ArrayList by calling the element's GetType method.

Note that line 31 uses Visual Basic's CType function to convert the Object array returned by ToArray into an array of type Point. This is required because implicit conversions are not allowed if Option Strict is turned on (as is the case in this chapter). A conversion performed with the CType function is also known as a cast operation.

Method btnClear_Click (lines 4448) handles the Clear button's Click event by calling ArrayList method Clear (causing the old list to be erased) and refreshing the display. Event handler btnColor_Click (5167) allows the user to select a new drawing color with a ColorDialog, using the techniques demonstrated in Fig. 17.7. Lines 7091 define the event handlers for each radio button's CheckedChanged event. Each method invalidates pnlDraw to ensure that the panel is repainted to reflect the selected shape type.

Visual BasicR 2005 for Programmers. DeitelR Developer Series
Visual Basic 2005 for Programmers (2nd Edition)
ISBN: 013225140X
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2004
Pages: 435 © 2008-2017.
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