

Mad Lib program example, 300–301

create_widgets() method, 330–332

tell_story() method, 333–334

Tkinter module, 330

mailing lists, Python Tutor, 5

main() function, 222–224, 420–421

mainloop() function, 306, 343, 425

Maitre D' program example, 73–74

mathematical operators, 31–32

menus, displaying, 135–136

Message Analyzer program example, 98

Message class, 342, 428–429


displaying, 348–350

receiving, 264

sending, 263

methods. See also functions

abs(), 420

access methods, 250

add(), 267

all_objects(), 343, 425

capitalize(), 41

check_collide(), 365

clear(), 266, 343, 425

configure(), 310

create_score(), 418

create_widgets(), 312–313

defined, 229

defining, 232

delete(), 321

destroy(), 351

for dictionaries, 155

die(), 408–409, 417

fadeout(), 431

flip(), 278

game_over(), 371, 417

get(), 150–151, 250

dictionaries, 155

radio buttons, 329

text values, 320

get_bbox(), 426

get_bottom(), 351, 426

get_left(), 351, 368, 426

get_pos(), 351, 426

get_right(), 351, 368, 426

get_text(), 428

get_top(), 351, 426

get_value(), 290

get_velocity(), 351, 426

get_xpos(), 351, 426

get_ypos(), 351, 426

grid(), 308

column parameter, 318

columnspan parameter, 318

row parameter, 318

sticky parameter, 319

handle_collide(), 365

has_key(), 155

init(), 234–235, 294

initialization, 234

init_screen(), 425

init_sprite(), 353

init_text(), 428

invoking, 233

ispressed(), 381, 425

items(), 155

keys(), 155

for lists, 138

lower(), 40–41

mainloop(), 343

mouse_pos(), 343, 425

mouse_visible(), 343, 363, 425

moved(), 359–360, 368

move_to(), 351

next_level(), 419

objects_overlapping(), 425

overlapping_objects(), 351, 365

overriding, 275–279

play(), 390, 431

populate(), 290


accessing, 247–248

creating, 246–247

defined, 244

public, 244

quit(), 343, 425

replace(), 40–41

reveal(), 319

rotate_by(), 383

set(), 251

set_background(), 343, 425

set_bottom(), 351

set_left(), 351, 368

set_right(), 351

set_text(), 428

set_top(), 351

set_velocity(), 351, 360

static methods, 240

creating, 242–243

invoking, 243

status(), 242–243

stop(), 390–391, 431

strip(), 41

swapcase(), 41

tick(), 425

title(), 40–41

update_count(), 315

update_text(), 324

upper(), 39, 41

values(), 155

missiles, Astrocrash game example, 402–405


color, 347, 432–436

creating, 280–281

defined, 56

importing, 283

livewires, 338–339

pygame, 338–339

random, 364

writing, 281–283

modulus (%) operator, 31

Mood Computer program example, 63–66

mouse input, 360–363

mouse_pos() method, 343, 425

mouse_visible() method, 343, 363, 425

moved() method, 359–360, 368


Astrocrash game example, 399–402

sprites, 356–358

move_to() method, 351

Movie Chooser program example, 322–324

Moving Pan program example, 361–363

multiple inheritance, 269

multiplication (*) operator, 31

music. See also sound

loading, 391

looping, 392

playing, 391

stopping, 392

mutable lists, 132

mutable sequences, 104–105

Python Programming for the Absolute Beginner
Python Programming for the Absolute Beginner, 3rd Edition
ISBN: 1435455002
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2003
Pages: 194 © 2008-2017.
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