Lesson18.Operational Troubleshooting: File, Format, or Device Errors

Lesson 18. Operational Troubleshooting: File, Format, or Device Errors

Lesson Files





This lesson takes approximately 60 minutes to complete.


Identify the causes of missing scratch disk or offline file problems


Troubleshoot common issues with missing audio or video output


Identify the common causes of audio import problems and ways to avoid them


List what to look for when experiencing FireWire connectivity problems


Effectively troubleshoot capture failures or interruptions over FireWire


Identify the causes and implications of error alerts, lockups, and other system failures

In Lesson 17, we looked at the common causes of video and audio display or playback errors. This chapter discusses another category of issues: those involving missing or offline files, connectivity problems, and system or device errors. We'll look at:

  • Missing scratch disk or offline file problems (page 806)

  • Missing audio or video output (page 815)

  • FireWire connectivity problems (page 830)

  • 24P capture and pulldown issues (page 840)

  • System lockups and error alerts (page 844)

Like the previous lesson, this lesson is designed as a series of shortcutsa way to help you identify and solve common issues quickly. It is not intended to replace the troubleshooting methodology described in Lesson 16, and you should refer to that lesson if the suggested solutions here do not solve your problem.

Apple Pro Training Series. Optimizing Your Final Cut Pro System. A Technical Guide to Real-World Post-Production
Apple Pro Training Series. Optimizing Your Final Cut Pro System. A Technical Guide to Real-World Post-Production
Year: 2004
Pages: 205

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