Essential COM

, , . . IDL:

 HRESULT f([out] short *ps); 


 short s; HRESULT hr = p->f(&s); // s now contains whatever f wrote // s      ,     f 

, . ( ) , :

 short *ps; // the function says it takes a short *, so ... //    ,       *   short,   ... HRESULT hr = p->f(ps); 


 STDMETHODIMP MyClass::f(short *ps) {     static short n = 0;     *ps = n++;     return S_OK; } 

, . , , ( , " ", auto ), , . , [out], , .

, , . IDL- :

 typedef struct tagPoint {   short x;   short  ; } Point; HRESULT g([out] Point *pPoint); 

, : , :

 Point pt; HRESULT hr = p->g(&pt); 


 Point *ppt; // random unitialized pointer //      HRESULT hr = p->g(ppt); // where should proxy copy x &   to? //         x     ? 

, ( ) x y.

, . IDL:

 [uuid(E02E5345-l473-11d1-8C85-0080C73925BA),object ] interface IDogManager : IUnknown {   typedef struct tagHUMAN {     long nHumanID;   } HUMAN;   typedef struct tagDOG {     long nDogID;     [unique] HUMAN *pOwner;   } DOG;   HRESULT GetFromPound([out] DOG *pDog);   HRESULT TakeToGroomer([in] const DOG *pDog);   HRESULT SendToVet([in, out] DOG *pDog); } 

, , . , :

 DOG fido; // argument is a DOG *, so caller needs a DOG //     DOG *,         DOG HUMAN dummy; // the DOG refers to an owner, so alloc space? // DOG      ,      ? fido.pOwner = &dummy; HRESULT hr = p->GetFromPound(&fido); // is this correct? //      ? 

, DOG, . . , , DOG. .

, , . , , (top-level). , , (embedded) . GetFromPound pDog . pDog->pOwner . , DOG [unique] pOwner. , [pointer_default]:

 [ uuid(E02E5345-1473-11d1-8C85-0080C73925BA), object,   pointer_default(ref)   // default embedded ptrs to [ref]   //         [ref]  ] interface IUseStructs : IUnknown {   typedef struct tagNODE {     long val;     [unique] struct tagNODE *pNode;       // explicitly [unique]       //   [unique]   } NODE;   typedef struct tagFOO {     long val;     long *pVal;       // implicitly [ref]       //   [ref]   } FOO;   HRESULT Method([in] FOO *pFoo, [in, unique] NODE *pHead); } 

[pointer_default] , . , , pVal FOO. pNode NODE , [pointer_default] . pFoo pHead [pointer_default] , [ref], ( pHead).

, , , . [in] , , :

 HUMAN bob = { 2231 }; DOG fido = { 12288, &bob };   // fido is owned by bob   // fido   bob'y HRESULT hr = p->TakeToGroomer(&fido);   // this is correct!   //    ! 

, [out] [in,out]. , [out] [in,out], , , , [in]. , [out] [in, out], ( ). , . , :

 typedef struct tagNODE {   short value;   [unique] struct tagNODE *pNext; } NODE: 

, . , ( ) , .

, , , , , ? (task allocator) - . , , [out] [in,out]. - API- :

 void *CoTaskMemAlloc(DWORD cb);   // allocate cb bytes   //   cb  void CoTaskMemFree(void *pv);   // deallocate memory at *pv   //       *pv void *CoTaskMemRealloc(void *pv,DWORD cb);   // grow/shrink *pv   //  /  *pv 

, : malloc, free realloc. , [out] [in,out]. , . , . , , , , DLL.

, , , GetFromPound:

 HRESULT GetFromPound([out] DOG *pDog); 

DOG (pDog ), HUMAN (pDog->pOwner [out]- ). :

 STDMETHODIMP GetFromPound(/*[out]*/DOG *pDog) {     short did = LookupNewDogId();     short hid = LookupHumanId(did);     pDog->nDogID = did;       // allocate memory for embedded pointer       //              pDog->pOwner = (HUMAN*) CoTaskMemAlloc(sizeof(HUMAN));     if (pDog->pOwner == 0)       // not enough memory       //            return R_OUTOFMEMORY;     pDog->pOwner->nHumanID = hid;     return S_OK; } 


, GetFromPound, , , :

 DOG fido; HRESULT hr = p->GetFromPound(&fido); if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) {     printf("The dog %h is owned by %h", fido.nDogID, fido.pOwner->nHumanID);       // data has been consumed, so free the memory       //    ,          CoTaskMemFree(fido.pOwner); } 

, , .

[out]- . [in, out]- . [in, out]- . , , CoTaskMemRealloc. , , CoTaskMemRealloc ( , ). , , , . IDL:

 HRESULT SendToVet([in, out] DOG *pDog); 

HUMAN, . :

 HUMAN *pHuman = (HUMAN*)CoTaskMemAllocc(sizeof(HUMAN)); pHuman->nHumanID = 1522; DOG fido = { 4111, pHuman }; HRESULT hr = p->SendToVet(&fido); // [in, out] if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) {     if (fido.pOwner)         printf("Dog is now owned by %h", fido.pOwner->nHumanID);     CoTaskMemFree(fido.pOwner);       // OK to free null ptr.       //        } 

, , , :

 STDMETHODIMP MyClass::SendToVet(/*[in, out]*/DOG *pDog) {     if (fido.pOwner == 0)         fido.pOwner = (HUMAN*)CoTaskMemAlloc(sizeof (HUMAN));     if (fido.pOwner == 0)        // alloc failed       //              return E_OUTOFMEMORY;     fido.pOwner->nHumanID = 22;     return S_OK; } 

[in,out]- , .

- . Windows NT IMall :

 [ uuid(00000002-0000-0000-C000-000000000046),local,object] interface IMalloc : IUnknown {   void *Alloc([in] ULONG cb);   void *Realloc ([in, unique] void *pv, [in] ULONG cb);   void Free([in, unique] void *pv);   ULONG GetSize([in, unique] void *pv);   int DidAlloc([in, unique] void *pv);   void HeapMinimize(void); } 

IMalloc API- CoGetMalloc:

 HRESULT CoGetMalloc(           [in] DWORD dwMemCtx,  // reserved, must be one                                 //  ,                [out] IMalloc **ppMalloc); // put it here!                                      //      ! 

, CoTaskMemAlloc:

 HUMAN *pHuman = (HUMAN*)CoTaskMemAlloc(sizeof(HUMAN)); 


 IMalloc *pMalloc = 0; pHuman = 0; HRESULT hr = CoGetMalloc(1, &pMalloc); if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) {     pHuman = (HUMAN*)pMalloc->Alloc(sizeof(HUMAN));     pMalloc->Release(); } 

, , Windows NT, . CoTaskMemAlloc , .

, , . , , . . - . , , . , [out]- [in, out]- ORPC- . . 7.1, ( ) CoTaskMemFree , . , . ORPC- CoTaskMemAlloc , .

 . 7.1.

CoTaskMemFree, , , .

, ( ). (spy object), . , , IMallocSpy:

 [ uuid(0000001d-0000-0000-C000-000000000046),local,object ] interface IMallocSpy : IUnknown {   ULONG PreAlloc([in] ULONG cbRequest);   void *PostAlloc([in] void *pActual);   void *PreFree([in] void *pRequest,[in] BOOL fSpyed);   void PostFree([in] BOOL fSpyed);   ULONG PreRealloc([in] void *pRequest,[in] ULONG cbRequest,                    [out] void **ppNewRequest,[in] BOOL fSpyed);   void *PostRealloc([in] void *pActual, [in] BOOL fSpyed);   void *PreGetSize([in] void *pRequest, [in] BOOL fSpyed);   ULONG PostGetSize([in] ULONG cbActual,[in] BOOL fSpyed);   void *PreDidAlloc([in] void *pRequest, [in] BOOL fSpyed);   int PostDidAlloc([in] void *pRequest, [in] BOOL fSpyed, [in] int fActual);   void PreHeapMinimize(void);   void PostHeapMinimize(void); } 

, IMalloc IMallocSpy : , , , , , . " " (premethod) , . " " (postmethod) , . , . API- (Malloc spy) :

 HRESULT CoRegisterMallocSpy([in] IMallocSpy *pms); 

(CoRegisterMallocSpy CO_E_OBJISREG , ). API- CoRevokeMallocSpy:

 HRESULT CoRevokeMallocSpy(void); 

, , .

Suschnost' tehnologii SOM
Essential COM
ISBN: 0201634465
EAN: 2147483647
Year: N/A
Pages: 103
Authors: Don Box © 2008-2017.
If you may any questions please contact us: